M.Sc. Erika Lizette de León Gallegos

Erika Lizette de Leon-Gallegos

M.Sc. Erika Lizette de León Gallegos



Since 2013

Research assistant at the Department of Urban Water and Waste Management




  • Steuernagel, L., de León Gallegos, E. L., Azizan, A., Dampmann, A., Azari, M., Denecke, M.  ​​(2018) Availability of carbon sources on the ratio of nitrifying microbial biomass in an industrial activated sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. Article in Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2018.02.001


  • Steuernagel, L.; Azizan, A.; de Leon Gallegos, E.; Dampmann, A.; Brandes, H.; Denecke, M.: Influence of different carbon sources on the ratio of nitrifying biomass in an industrial activated sludge. Poster presentation at LET 2017 – The 14th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, 29.05-02.06.2017 Florianapolis, Brazil


  • Dias, P. A., Dunkel, T., Fajado, A. S., de León Gallegos, E. L., Denecke, M., Wiedemann, P., Schneider, F. K., Suhr, H. (2016): Image processing for identification and quantification of filamentous bacteria in in situ acquired images. BioMedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1186/s12938-016-0197-7
  • Dunkel,T.; de León Gallegos, E.L.; Schönsee, S.D.; Hesse, T.; Jochmann, M.; Wingender, J.; Denecke, M. (2016) Evaluating the Influence of Wastewater Composition on the Growth of Microthrix parvicella by GCxGC/qMS and real-time PCR, Water Res. , 88, 2016, pp. 510-523. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2015.10.027


  • Dunkel, T.;  Ambrozio Dias, P.;  Lizette de Leon Gallegos, E.; Tacke, V.;  Schielke, A.; Hesse, T.; Andrés Sierra Fajado, D.; Suhr, H.; Wiedemann, P.; Denecke, M.:In situ microscopy as a tool for the monitoring of filamentous bacteria: a case study in an industrial activated sludge system dominated by  M. parvicella, Water Science and Technology 2015 Dec,  DOI:  10.2166/wst.2015.612
  • Dunkel, T., de Le ón Gallegos, E. L., Schönsee, S. D., Hesse, T., Jochmann, M., Wingender, J., Denecke, M.: Evaluating the Influence of Wastewater Composition on the Growth of Microthrix parvicella by GCxGC/qMS and real-time PCR, Water Res. , 88, 2016,  pp. 510-523, DOI information: 10.1016/j.watres.2015.10.027
  • Dunkel, T., de Leon Gallegos, E. L., Bock, C., Lange, A., Hoffmann, D., Boenigk, J., Denecke, M.:  Next generation sequencing for the identification of filamentous bacteria in industrial activated sludge plants,  poster presentation, 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, 7-11 June 2015, Maastricht, Netherlands
  • Dunkel, T., de Leon Gallegos, E. L., Schönsee, C. D., Hesse, T., Jochmann, M., Wingender, J., Denecke, M.:  Evaluating the influence of wastewater composition on the growth of M. parvicella by GCxGC/qMS and real-time PCR,  poster presentation, 12th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, 30 May-2 June 2015, Hong Kong, China


  • Dunkel, T.; de Leon E.; Dias P.; Suhr H,; Denecke, M.:  In Situ Microscopy – Early Warning System for the growth of filamentous bacteria, Poster session presented at Activated sludge - 100 years and counting, Essen, Germany


Siedlungswasser- und Abfallwirtschaft
Universitätsstr. 15
45141 Essen

Phone: +49 201 183-4262


Room: V15 R01 N23
Consulting hours: by appointment

Research Foci

Microbial diversity in activated sludge plants: correlation between species diversity and process performance:

Demonstrate that in a complex system with multiple species, competition among species under specific conditions is expected to increase species diversity, and within this increase, the functional stability and the performance of the process will also increase.

Mater thesis

Evaluation of wastewater treatment technologies applied at a decentralized hospital: cost-efficiency analysis and environmental risk assessment