Umweltmikrobiologie und Biotechnologie (UMB)

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Wir möchten Sie hier über die Forschung in den Arbeitsgruppen Aquatische Mikrobiologie und Molekulare Enzymtechnologie und Biochemie informieren.

Die Aquatische Mikrobiolgie besteht zusätzlich aus den Subgruppen Microbial Community Ecology und Microbiology of Ecotones.

Sie erhalten außerdem Informationen über aktuelle Projekte und Publikationen sowie die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der einzelnen Arbeitsgruppen.

Studierende finden hier mögliche Themen für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten.


10.03.2025 Daimler and Benz Scholarship for UMB Junior Research Group Leader

Our Junior Research Group leader Lisa Voskuhl (Microbiology of Ecotones) was awarded into the 2025 Postdoctoral and Junior Professorship* Fellowship Program of the Daimler and Benz Foundation.

The Daimler and Benz Foundation's scholarship program supports talented young scientists who are driving forward innovative projects in the fields of technology, natural sciences and business. By being accepted into the program, Lisa Voskuhl now has the opportunity to investigate “Warriors of nature - oil-degrading algal-prokaryotic communities from terrestrial and limnic petroleum habitats” while benefiting from the foundation's support and network.

Everyone is familiar with man-made oil disasters such as the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform or damaged oil tankers that spill millions of liters of oil into the environment. But did you know that oil also leaks naturally into nature every day for thousands of years without human intervention and that nature has had time to adapt to these hostile conditions? The world's largest natural oil seep is the Pitch Lake in Trinidad and Tobago, and there are also smaller natural oil wells of this kind in Germany. The research project aims to improve the understanding of oil biodegradation by algal-prokaryotic communities by studying algal isolates and the associated bacteria and archaea (= prokaryotes) from natural oil habitats in Germany. The focus is on researching their complex interactions, their composition and measuring their oil degradation rates in order to assess the potential of these communities for environmental applications, particularly in environmental protection.

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23.01.2025 Water Science graduation ceremony 2024

On 16.12.2024, four students were honored at the Water Science graduation ceremony for their theses, completed in the AG Meckenstock.

Michelle Kulbatzki won the 2nd Axel Semrau Award for her bachelor thesis, entitled "Investigation of oil degradation capabilities of algae-bacteria communities from natural, petroleum-associated habitats".

Yuxin Wang achieved the same ranking with her Bachelor's thesis entitled "Cloning and Purification of NADH-Flavin Oxidoreductases".

Alina Surmeneva received the 1st Axel Semrau Award for her Bachelor's thesis on "Reduction of aromatic rings of phenanthrene using NADH-flavin oxidoreductases under anoxic conditions".

Isabell Erdmann received the Kurita Award for her Master's thesis on "Development of a microbial index for groundwater quality with respect to nitrogen".

Congratulations to the graduates!

22.01.2025 Winners of the 2025 ISME Communications front cover

The Junior research Group Microbiology of Ecotones lead by Lisa Voskuhl won together with Sabina Marks and Frank Fox the 2025 ISME Communications front cover, which will grace the journal for a year.

The microscopy picture shows the extensive microbial diversity of an sample taken from a natural oil seep.

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11.11.2024 ARCTECH - Harnessing the potential of Archaea

We are happy to announce the launch of ARCTECH, the first European training initiative dedicated to Archaea. Funded by the EU’s MSCA Doctoral Network, this program will train 13 Doctoral Candidates under the mentorship of leading experts in the field. Through interdisciplinary research, ARCTECH aims to develop innovative methodologies and technologies to explore and harness the biotechnological potential of Archaea.

The team of principal investigators includes Tessa Quax (coordinator), Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Sonja-Verena Albers, Linda Dengler, Pierre Türschmann, Hanna Oksanen, Marco Moracci, Bertram Daum, and Bettina Siebers (MEB).

We look forward to this exciting cooperation and its outcomes!

28.10.2024 Co-appointment of Prof Rainer U. Meckenstock in the Faculty of Biology

Prof. Rainer Meckenstock now also became member of the faculty for biology. The co-appointment (Ko-Optierung) is initially scheduled for five years. The step shall foster the already very good existing connection between the two faculties and facilitate future collaborations. Besides his regular professorship as Chair for Aquatic Microbiology in the Environmental Microbiology (UMB), Faculty of Chemistry, Prof. Meckenstock can now offer additional teaching, supervision of bachelor, master, and doctoral theses as well as examinations for students in the Faculty of Biology.

16.05.2024 New PhD student in the Aquatic Microbiology group

Rudi Walter started as a new PhD student in the Aquatic Microbiology group. The project is part of CRC 1439 on Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems. Rudi will develop a microbial index to assess anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem quality.

02.05.2024 GLYCO-N - Protein N-Glycosylation in Archaea

We are excited to announce the kick-off of GLYCO-N, a doctoral network dedicated to training the next generation of glycoscientists. Funded by the European Union, GLYCO-N equips Doctoral Candidates with comprehensive skills and knowledge in protein N-glycosylation, from non-life to Eukaryotes.

Bringing together a diverse consortium of glycobiology researchers, this program fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to drive innovation in the field. The team of principal investigators includes Antonio Molinaro (coordinator), Hermen Overkleeft, Jesùs Jiménez Barbero, Carme Rovira, Bernard Henrissat, Muriel Bardor, Markus Kaiser, and Bettina Siebers (MEB).

We appreciate this exciting collaboration and eagerly anticipate its outcomes!

25.04.2024 Award Forum Junge Spitzenforscher - 4th prize for UMB junior research group

The young research group leader from EMB, Lisa Voskuhl, received togehter with Sabina Marks from the Faculty of Biology recognition at the "Forum Junge Spitzenforscher 2024" (Forum Young Top Researchers) competition for their research project titled "Nature's Oil Warriors".

The researchers were invited to the finals of the competition themed "Resource-Efficient Circular Economy." Their presentation on their project secured them the fourth position, accompanied by a prize of €2000. The competition was hosted by TU concept GmbH and TU Dortmund, with support from the Industrial Research Foundation, where a panel of five experts decided the awards.

In their research, Lisa and Sabina and explore the microbial and ecological processes in natural oil leaks and films in water bodies and soil. Using samples collected from natural oil leaks in Germany, they investigate the composition of algae and bacterial communities adapted to oil, examining their roles and rates in oil degradation. Their preliminary findings indicate that algae-bacteria consortia isolated from natural oil leaks can support and accelerate the degradation of human-made oil contaminations.

09.04.2024 New Paper: Imprints of ecological processes in the taxonomic core community: an analysis of naturally replicated microbial communities enclosed in oil

It is widely assumed that a taxonomic core community emerges among microbial communities from similar habitats because similar environments select for the same taxa bearing the same traits. Yet, a core community itself is no indicator of selection because it may also arise from dispersal and neutral drift, i.e. by chance. Here, we hypothesize that a core community produced by either selection or chance processes should be distinguishable. While dispersal and drift should produce core communities with similar relative taxon abundances, especially when the proportional core community, i.e. the sum of the relative abundances of the core taxa, is large, selection may produce variable relative abundances. We analyzed the core community of 16S rRNA gene sequences of 193 microbial communities occurring in tiny water droplets enclosed in heavy oil from the Pitch Lake, Trinidad and Tobago. These communities revealed highly variable relative abundances along with a large proportional core community (68.0 ± 19.9 %). A dispersal-drift null model predicted a negative relationship of proportional core community and compositional variability along a range of dispersal probabilities and was largely inconsistent with the observed data, suggesting a major role of selection for shaping the water droplet communities in the Pitch Lake.

01.03.2024 Neue Doktorandinnen in der aquatischen Mikrobiologie

Zwei neue Doktorandinnen in der aquatischen Mikrobiologie: Frau Janina Oldemeyer untersucht neue Schlüsselenzyme im anaeroben Abbau von Naphthalin und Frau Isabell Erdmann entwickelt einen mikrobiellen Index um den Ökosystemstatus von Grundwasserkörpern bestimmen zu können.

December 2023 New Funding by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)

The junior research group on Microbial Ecotones lead by Lisa Voskuhl is pleased to announce that the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie has awarded us a grant for material costs for the project "Extraction and analysis of alkanes and (poly)aromatic hydrocarbon compounds from algae".

01.02.2023 New Junior Research Group on Microbiology of Ecotones

Lisa Voskuhl established a new junior research group at the Depatment of Envrionmenal Microbiology and Biotechnology (EMB)

The group is interested in studying microbial processes in environmentally relevant ecotones, particularly oil/water and algae phycosphere/water.

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Jäger der verborgenen Schätze


Zwischen Bären und heißen Quellen: Im Rahmen des deutsch-russischen DFG-RSF Kooperationsprojektes ExploCarb (Life Science Programm) hat ein fünfköpfiges Team aus Mikrobiologen zwei Wochen in der Uson-Caldera in Kamschatka verbracht – unter ihnen ein Nachwuchsforscher der UDE. In dieser Zeit suchten sie mithilfe sowohl bewährter, als auch neuer an der UDE etablierter Methoden nach bisher unentdeckten Mikroorganismen und Enzymen.

Mit einer Vielzahl an heißen Quellen, Fumerolen und Geysiren bietet der Krater des ehemaligen Vulkans Uson ideale Bedingungen für Mikroorganismen, die sich auf extreme Bedingungen spezialisiert haben. Auffallend häufig anzutreffen sind in solchen Habitaten Vertreter aus der Domäne der Archaea. Diese einzelligen Lebewesen weisen einzigartige stoffwechselphysiologischen Eigenschaften auf, weshalb sie für die anwendungsorientierte als auch für die Grundlagenforschung höchst interessant sind.

Ziel des Forschungsprojektes ExploCarb, an dem sich neben UDE-Forschern aus den Gruppen von Bettina Siebers (Molekulare Enzymtechnologie und Biochemie) und Markus Kaiser (Chemische Biologie) auch Wissenschaftler der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Kamschatka-1 (Ilya Kublanov, Extremophiles Metabolism Laboratory) beteiligen, ist es, den Kohlenstoffwechsel in besonders hitzeliebenden („hyperthermophilen“) Archaeen zu erforschen, die bei Temperaturen über 80°C wachsen, und neue interessante Hydrolasen für die Biotechnologie zu gewinnen.


von links nach rechts: Kseniya Zayulina, Alexander Elcheninov, Thomas Klaus, Dr Tatjana Kochetkova, Dr Alexandra Popova

Hierbei soll auch erstmals die von den Kollegen der UDE etablierte Methode des aktivitäts-basierten Protein-Profiling (ABPP, doi: 10.1038/ncomms15352) zur Identifizierung neuer Enzyme-eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus soll das Projekt auch dazu beitragen den interkulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Austausch zwischen beiden Ländern zu fördern – darüber, dass dies insbesondere durch die gemeinsame Expedition sowie Projekttreffen bereits sehr erfolgreich gelungen ist, sind sich alle Beteiligten einig.


Activity-based protein profiling as a robust method for enzyme identification and screening in extremophilic Archaea. Zweerink S, Kallnik V, Ninck S, Nickel S, Verheyen J, Blum M, Wagner A, Feldmann I, Sickmann A, Albers SV, Bräsen C, Kaschani F, Siebers B, Kaiser M. Nat Commun. 2017 May 8;8:15352. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15352. PMID: 28480883

Laura Kuschmierz gewinnt Poster Preis der GRC

Laura Kuschmierz hat auf der Gordon Research Conference on Archaea 2019 in Les Diablerets (Schweiz) einen von zwei Posterpreisen gewonnen. Das Poster trug den Titel : "Archaeal Biofilms: Composition of extracellular polymeric substances, exopolysaccharide synthesis and secretion in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius."

Ankündigung: Hans-Curt Flemming Lecture

Zu Ehren des ehemaligen und emeritierten Lehrstuhlinhabers, Prof. Dr. Hans-Curt Flemming, hat das Biofilm Center absofort die Hans-Curt Flemming Lecture ins Leben gerufen. In der Vortragsreihe werden unter anderem nationale und internationale Spitzenwissenschaftler Vorträge halten. Das Vortragsreihe ersetzt das bisherige Biofilm Center Seminar und findet momentan Montags 14 Uhr in T03 R03 D89 statt.

Forscher des Biofilm-Centers klären auf: Wie viele Mikroben gibt es auf unserem Planeten und was ist ihre bevorzugte Lebensweise?

Biofilme stellen eine Form kollektiven Lebens mit Eigenschaften dar, die viele Vorteile für ihre Bewohner bietet und eine deutlich höhere Ebene der Organisation darstellt als das Leben von Einzelzellen. Bis heute weiß man aber nicht, wie groß der Anteil an Biofilmen, global gesehen, tatsächlich ist. Hans-Curt Flemming und Stefan Wuertz haben die neuesten Zahlen zusammengetragen (wohl eingedenk der Unsicherheiten). Die meisten Bakterien und Archäen auf der Erde (1,2 x 1030) existieren in den “Big Five Habitats”: tiefe (4 x 1029) und obere (5 x 1028) Meeressedimente, kontinentaler Tiefenbereich (3 x 1029), Böden (3 x 1029) sowie Ozeane (1 x 1029) Zellen. Die übrigen Habitate wie Grundwasser, Schwimmschicht der Ozeane, Menschen, Tiere, Atmosphäre und Phyllosphäre enthalten jeweils um mehrere Größenordnungen weniger Zellen. Biofilme dominieren in allen Habitaten auf der Erdoberfläche, außer den Ozeanen, und umfassen hier 80 % der prokaryotischen Zellen. Im tiefen Untergrund lassen sich jedoch einzelne sessile Zellen und Biofilme schlecht unterscheiden; die Autoren schätzen, das hier 20-80 % in Biofilmen leben, diese Biofilme jedoch die globalen biogeochemischen Prozesse betreiben. Also leben insgesamt zwischen 40 und 80 % aller Prokaryoten in Biofilmen und bilden die Hauptform aktiven mikrobiellen Lebens auf der Erde.

Originalartikel: Flemming, H.-C., Wuertz, S. (2019): Bacteria and Archaea on Earth and their abundance in biofilms. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 17, DOI: 10.1038/s41579-019-0158-9  LESEN.

REGROUND project is featured in media

REGROUND project is featured in different platforms. A documentray film produced by the consortium lead by the members of AG Prof. R. Meckenstock was presented in Campus Essen at 29.01.2019. The film showed how the heavy metals are distributed in the environment, how REGROUND project offers a novel innovation (ColFerroX technology) to immobilize these toxic elements. The team were then interviewed by Deutschlandfunk radio. An article and a podcast can be found via this link.

Biolfim Centre participates in Wissensnacht Ruhr 2018

WissensNachtRuhr” (Science Night Ruhr) is one of the largest Science Festivals in Germany, which takes place every two years. During this evening, scientists from institutions of the Ruhr area offer diverse activities directed to families, students and everybody interested in research and science. This year, “WissesnachtRuhr” took place on the 28th of September and the Aquatic Microbiology department was present. 

Our very own team of science communicators, Ivana Kraiselburd, Meike Arnold, Ianina Kaplieva-Dudeck and Lisa Kroll hosted an interactive stand at “Haus der Technik” in Essen, where visitors were able to extract DNA, observe microorganism under the microscope and discover which microbes are growing in their skin and in every-day objects like phones.


Larissa Schocke gewinnt Posterpreis der ISE

Larissa Schocke hat auf der Extremophiles Conference 2018 in Ischia, Italien, den Posterpreis der International Society for Extremophiles gewonnen. Das Poster trug den Titel "Impact of protein phosphorylation in the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeota Sulfolobus acidocaldarius DSM 639". 

14.08.2018 Two prizes for nanoremediation laboratory

The nanoremediation laboratory of Prof. Dr. R. Meckenstock recently has won two prestigious prizes. On July 13th, at the graduation ceremony of the ninth round of the founding competition of GRIID (GründungsInitiative Innovation Duisburg), Dr. Beate Krok, together with Dr. Sadjad Mohammadian and Prof. Dr. Rainer Meckenstock, won the first prize for the best business plan. The business plan was developed during the Small Businiess Management (SBM) course. 

In addition, REGROUND project has been awarded to attend first phase of the EIT Raw Materials' accelerator program. The team will receive €15K as a funding to cover their costs for participating in this Accelerator Program from September to December 2018.

15.07.2018 New paper on Arsenic removal from Groundwater

In the framework of REGROUND project and in collaboration with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) and Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (FSU-Jena) a new paper is published. The paper present a quantitiave analysis on the effectiveness of Humic-acid coated goethite nanoparticle in removal of Arsenic from contaminated groundwater. The paper can be accessed from this link

02.02.2018 Hundreds of novel organisms from the deep subsurface

Several hundred novel microorganisms were discovered in groundwater fluids sourced from the deep terrestrial subsurface of the Colorado Plateau. Lead by Alexander Probst (now the head of Group of Aquatic Microbial Ecology), scientists of the University of California, Berkeley, collaborated with researchers from the University of Calgary and the Joint Genome Institute to apply microbial source tracking based on hydrogeological measurements. They discovered a stratification of microbial metabolism and diversity throughout the subsurface and postulated a symbiotic interaction between two uncultivated archaea that comprise most of the biomass in this subsurface system.

Read more here.

15.09.2017 Alexander Probst kommt ans Biofilm Centre

Der Biologe Dr. Alexander Probst wechselte von der University of California, Berkely, ans Biofilm Centre, wo er nun die die Professur für „Aquatische Mikrobielle Ökologie“ vertritt. Die Pressestelle der Universität Duisburg-Essen berichtet.

06.04.2017 Philip Weyrauch gewinnt Posterpreis

Philip Weyrauch hat auf der Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2017 in Edinburgh, GB, den Microbiology Posterpreis für das beste wissenschaftliche Poster in der Kategorie "Environmental and Applied Microbiology Forum" gewonnen. Das Poster trug den Titel "Elucidation of a dearomatising reductase reaction involved in anaerobic degradation of naphthalene".

"In the presented work we elucidated the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoyl-CoA reductase reaction in cell free extracts of sulphate-reducing naphthalene degraders by testing different electron donors. Our data indicate that the reduced ferredoxins required for this reaction are delivered via a 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and that the downstream pathway proceeds via β-oxidation-like reactions with water addition to hexahydro-2-naphthoyl-CoA."

23.03.2017 Doktorarbeit erfolgreich verteidigt

Am 23.03.2017 hat Hubert Müller erfolgreich seine Doktorarbeit mit dem Titel "Long-distance electron transfer by cable bacteria in aquifer sediments" verteidigt.

01.12.2016 Doktorarbeit erfolgreich verteidigt

Am 01.12.2016 hat Philip Weyrauch erfolgreich seine Doktorarbeit mit dem Titel "Mikrobieller Abbau von Naphthalin unter anaeroben Bedingungen" verteidigt.

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Aquatische Mikrobiologie
Prof. Dr. Rainer Meckenstock

Raum: S05 V07 E11
Tel.: (0201) 183 - 6601 (Uni)
Tel.: (0208) 40303 - 400 (IWW)

Molekulare Enzymtechnologie und Biochemie
Prof. Dr. Bettina Siebers

Raum: S05 V03 F41
Tel.: (0201) 183 - 7061

Team Assistent

Agathe Materla

Raum: S05 V03 F36
Tel: (0201) 183 - 6602
Fax: (0201) 183 - 6603

9:00-11:00 Uhr
12:00-14:00 Uhr

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Campus Essen - Umweltmikrobiologie und Biotechnologie (UMB) -
Universitätsstr. 5
45141 Essen

Retired since 2015
Prof. Dr. Hans-Curt Flemming

Water Academy
Schloss-Straße 40
88045 Friedrichshafen

Tel.: 0172 9066119


Retired Since 2021
Dr. Jost Wingender