GUIDE - Start-up School Trainers

IdeationStephanie Schumacher

Stephanie Schumacher has been working as a speaker and lecturer at various universities in NRW since 2019, where she focuses in particular on ideation and entrepreneurship. She also works at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in innovation management at the interface between science, business and society. Before completing her Master's degree in Innopreneurship, she worked in structural engineering and brand design and ran her own set design and architecture company for six years. She also holds a degree in design.

IdeationAlicia Reimer – Anthropia / Alon Academy

Alicia Reimer has been working in innovation management and entrepreneurship for over eight years. During this time, she has, among other things, worked in Marketing & Communications at digihub - an accelerator for digital business models. She has a Master of Arts in Innopreneurship and works as People & Project Manager at Anthropia gGmbH where she for instance moderates pitch events and gives workshops in the areas of personas, prototyping and business modeling. Due to Anthropia's focus on impact-oriented business, her particular focus is on start-up consulting for social and sustainable start-ups. She is currently also in the process of founding her own social start-up - the Alon Academy. In addition, she is committed to networking and cooperation within the Rhine-Ruhr area.

Marketing & SalesAndré Wartmann – RSCW Manufaktur GmbH

André Wartmann is co-founder and managing director of Rheinschafe GmbH Agentur für Marketing & Kommunikation and RSCW GmbH. The Rheinschafe develop customized solutions in the digital space and to a high standard. The use of contemporary technologies, user-friendliness and attention to detail are at the heart of their work.

In 2020, RSCW GmbH also opened KS36, a new creative space with an adjoining coworking space in Duisburg.

Lean Canvas / Business ModellingCaro(lin) Gattermann

Caro Gattermann learned the PR and marketing trade in various companies and agencies before joining the start-up scene in 2015. She was head of corporate communications at the STARTPLATZ accelerator in Cologne and Düsseldorf for around five years and has supported well over 100 start-ups here and as a start-up coach under the name "Bekannt ohne Budget". As Co-Founder & Managing Director of moversXshakers UG, she also helps to build start-up ecosystems and organizes the Start,up SAFARI Düsseldorf, among other things.

Pitch trainingJules Banning – julesrulescgn - Agile & Startup Coaching

Jules Banning is an Agile & Startup Coach with a focus on pitch, lean startup and teamwork. She originally comes from the classic corporate world, but found her way into the startup world about 6 years ago and has become an integral part of it. In workshops, coaching sessions and the like, she helps founders to take their pitches to the next level, organize work and teams more efficiently and provides support in terms of networking and other startup know-how. As a native of Cologne, she not only has her heart on her sleeve, but also in the right place, because her profession is her passion. 

Calculation and pricing strategyKevin Kessler - BRYCK

Kevin Kessler is a Network & Ecosystem Manager at BRYCK, an innovation hub and future factory at the heart of the Ruhr area, Germany. BRYCK creates a space & and network for aspiring founders, growing startups, progressive scientists, accelerating investors, corporate innovators, hubs, accelerators, and startup programs.