29.11.2021 - 15:00
Presentation by Hannes Mosler at Korean Unification Seminar
Can Unification be achieved on the Korean Peninsula? | Mon, Nov. 29, 2021, 15–17.45 h | Hybrid workshop
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Office will convene a hydride seminar on 29 November 2021 (Monday) from 15:00 to 17:45 h dealing with denuclearization and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula at Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn. Researchers from the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU), outstanding scholars from leading universities in Germany and Belgium, and representatives from the media will discuss the matter.
It will focus on the following issues: how do the Korean people feel about unification? How do academics in Germany view the South Korean government’s policy towards North Korea? With the intensifying competition between the US and China, what role can powerful players – such as the EU, the US, and China – play for the sake of North-South reconciliation and bringing lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula? Could the end-of-war declaration recently proposed by South Korean President Moon Jae-in be the key to establishing a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula?
We would like to cordially invite all interested people to attend the seminar online and hope that you may gain an even deeper understanding of the issue of Korean unification and its meaning for Northeast Asia and, indeed, the international landscape. Please kindly register here for online participation:
Detailed program: