Steve Entrich


► Short CV

10/2004–05/2010  Magister Artium in History & Education Science, University of Potsdam

10/2011–09/2012  Bachelor program in Japanese Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin (guest student, no degree)

09/2010–01/2018  Ph.D. in Educational Sociology, University of Potsdam (summa cum laude & Award for best Dissertation of the year). Title: Shadow Education in Japan: An Instrument to Neutralize Disadvantaged Family Background? Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lauterbach (University of Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Julian Dierkes (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) & Prof. Dr. Fumiaki Ojima (Doshisha University, Kyoto).

since 03/2023  Habilitation in Sociology, University of Innsbruck / University of Duisburg-Essen. Working title Habilitation Project: Transnational Education in Schooled Societies: Increasing (In)Equalities?


08/2010–09/2012  Scheduler of courses & Lecturer, Universität Potsdam, Empirical Educational Research, Department of Education (Prof. Dr. Agi Schründer / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Flitner)

04/2013–01/2018  Research Fellow, Universität Potsdam, Department of Education & Institute of Sociology; Focus on social inequality in the life course & in international comparison.
Social science education research (Lauterbach, 04/2013–01/2018)
Quantitative Methods (Brunner, 10/2015–09/2017)
Empirical teaching and intervention research (Vock, 10/2017–01/2018)

02/2018–09/2019  Research Fellow (Postdoc), Freie Universität Berlin. Social Science Japan Research, Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS); Focus on social and educational inequality in Japan in international comparison (Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott)

10/2019–02/2023  Vertretungsprofessor, Universität Potsdam

03/2022–01/2023  Adjunct Lecturer, Universität Zürich, Institute for Japanese Studies, Social Science Japan Research, Focus on social processes of change in Japan in international and intercultural comparison (Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci)

03/2023–09/2023  Research Fellow (Postdoc, zur Habilitation), Universität Innsbruck, Research Center Education – Generation – Life Course, focus on life course and youth research in intercultural and international comparison, educational sociology and research methods (quantitative) (Prof. Dr. Alfred Berger)

since 11/2023  Research Fellow (Postdoc, zur Habilitation), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Comparative Sociology & Japanese Society, Institute of Sociology (IfS) & Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) (Prof. Karen Shire, Ph.D.)

Curriculum Vitae and Publications


► Academic Fields
  • Educational sociology
  • Comparative sociology
  • Social Structure Analysis
  • Social science Japan research
  • Life course research
  • Empirical social research
  • Education Policy Analysis
  • Teacher Education
  • Disability Studies
  • Micro- & Macro Sociology
► Research Interests and Research Methods
  • International comparison of social inequality in the acquisition of education and status
  • Dynamics of educational and social structure in the context of educational expansion
  • Life courses from youth to advanced adulthood
  • Transnational migration/studies abroad
  • Inclusive education, dealing with heterogeneity & social participation
  • Determinants and effects of extended education (e.g. all-day schooling, tutoring, studying abroad, further education)
  • Gender inequalities
  • Effectiveness of education in different learning environments
  • Educational reform policy analysis & (global) educational governance
  • School development
  • School choice and other decision-making processes in school societies
  • Methods of empirical social research (quantitative, mixed)
  • Large-scale cross-national analyses
  • Longitudinal analyses
► Recent Publications

Yung, Kevin Wai Ho, Steve R. Entrich & Alfredo Bautista (2023): Shadow Education: New Areas of Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Development (Educación en la sombra: nuevas áreas de estudio sobre enseñanza, aprendizaje y desarrollo), In: Journal for the Study of Education and Development 46(4), 707–727.

Rogge, Franziska, Verena Nowak, Simon Wagner, Saskia Liebner, Steve R. Entrich, Karsten Krauskopf & Michel Knigge (2023): Die Entwicklung von technikbezogenen Überzeugungen im Rahmen inklusionspädagogischer Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium Sekundarstufe während der Corona-Semester. In: Qualifizierung für Inklusion 5(2), Special Issue: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung im Kontext von Inklusion und Qualifizierung für Inklusion.

Entrich, Steve R. & Mona Nishizaki (2023): The Role of English Private Tutoring for English Grades and Study Abroad Intent: The Case of Germany. In: Kevin Yung & Anas Hajar (eds.): International Perspectives on English Private Tutoring: Theories, Practices and Policies. (Series: International Perspectives on ELT, edited by Sue Garton & Fiona Copland). Palgrave MacMillan: 159–175.

Entrich, Steve R. & Wolfgang Lauterbach (2023): German-Style Shadow Education: The Role of Private Tutoring for School Allocation in a Highly Stratified Education System. In: SocArXiv.

Entrich, Steve R., Nicolai Netz & Ryoji Matsuoka (2023): The Role of Institutional Features for Inequalities in Study Abroad Intent and Participation. CSRDA Discussion Papers No. 49.

► Recent Lectures and Presentations

Entrich, Steve R.: The Role of Institutional Features for Inequalities in Study Abroad Participation. Evidence from Japan. – u:japan Lecture Series, University of Vienna, January 26, 2023.

Entrich, Steve R. & Sho Fujihara (2023): Auswirkungen transnationaler Erfahrungen auf Arbeitsmarktergebnisse in Japan: Ergebnisse der SSJDA-Panelstudie (2021–23). – Society for Social Scientific Research on Japan (VSJF) Annual Conference, JDZB Berlin.

Entrich, Steve R., Nicolai Netz & Ryoji Matsuoka (2023): Do Institutional Contexts Matter for Social Inequalities in Study Abroad Intent and Uptake? Evidence from Japan. – 96th Japanese Sociological Society Annual Conference, Rissho University, Tokyo.

Entrich, Steve R. (2023): German-Style Shadow Education: Unexpected Consequences for Educational Attainment? – WERA-IRN Extended Education Conference 2023, Bern University of Teacher Education.

Entrich, Steve R. & Soo-yong Byun (2023): Social Selectivity in Study Abroad from a Comparative Perspective: Impact of National Internationalization Strategies in Germany, Japan and the United States. – XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne.

Entrich, Steve R. (2023): German-Style Shadow Education: Unexpected Consequences for Educational Attainment? – Japan Comparative Education Society 59th Annual Conference 2023, Sophia University, Tokyo.

Entrich, Steve R. (2023): Wie beeinflussen schulische Erfahrungen spätere Bildungsstrategien? Der Einfluss von Lernerfahrungen im Jugendalter auf Nachhilfeinvestition im Erwachsenenalter. – Österreichische Jugendforschungstagung 2023, Universität Innsbruck.

IN-EAST Calendar


Dezember 2024



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