Polina Manolova


► Short CV


09/2005–07/2009   BA Political Science, University of Plovdiv

09/2010–07/2011   MA Social Policy, University of York

03/2013–09/2017   PhD in Anthropology of Eastern Europe, Centre for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies (CREES), University of Birmingham 
Thesis: On the Way to the “Imaginary West”: Bulgarian Migrations, Imaginations, and Disillusionments (supervisors: Deema Kaneff / Jeremy Morris)


06/2023–07/2024   Research Fellow, University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Work and Qualification; Project: Discrimination beyond the Categories: Experiences of East European Migrants in Urban Social Spaces

01/2023–06/2023   Research Fellow, SFB 923 Threatened Order-Societies under Stress, Subproject E06: Threat and Diversity in an Urban Context, University of Tübingen

09/2021–09/2022   Research Fellow, Teach@Tübingen, Migration and Diversity Chair, Institute of Sociology, University of Tübingen

04/2020–04/2021   Research Fellow, Project The Intra-EU Migration Regime and Localised Pathways of Incorporation: The Example of Bulgarian-origin Migrants in two German Cities, Institute for Sociology, Migration and Diversity Chair, University of Tübingen

► Academic Fields
  • Critical migration studies
  • Labour studies
  • Activist research
  • Urban studies 
  • Postsocialist and postcolonial studie
► Research Interests
  • Intra-EU mobility and labour regimes
  • Borders and bordering
  • Racial capitalism and migration
  • Labour and migration struggles
  • Urban ethnography
► Recent Publications

Manolova, P. (2024): Leiharbeitsketten, Ausbeutungsketten, Solidaritätskette. Notizen aus den urbanen Ausnahmezonen des Ruhrgebiets. In: A. Hilfrich & T. Schlee (eds.): Prekarisierung in Duisburg.

Manolova, P. (2023): Seeing the Future through the Socialist Past: The Works of the Radical Imaginary through Migration. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 37(1): 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10767-023-09452-3

Manolova, P. and Lottholz, P. (2023): No Escape from Coloniality? A Comparison of Political and Moral Orientations in the Former Soviet Periphery. In: S. Petkovska (ed.): The Transition Shouldn’t be Colonizing: Decolonial Leftist Politics in European Peripheries, London: Routledge.

Manolova, P. and Lottholz, L. (2022): The Politics of Urban Underdevelopment in Kyrgyzstan and Bulgaria: Community-level Self-organization in the Absence of Infrastructures and Services. Connections. Online: https://connections.clio-online.net/article/id/fda-133276

Manolova, P. (2022): In Germany, Declining Workers’ Rights are a Life-and-Death Issue. Jacobin. Online: https://jacobin.com/2022/12/germany-workers-rights-refat-suleyman-thyssenkrupp-safety-migrant-outsourcing

► Recent Lectures and Presentations

Managing the undesirables: conditions of life, labour and death in German urban zones of exception. – International conference of SFB “Dynamics of Security”, Peace, Conflict and Security in Times of Existential Crises, University of Marburg

Making labour precarious: the socio-spatial governance of ‘poverty migration’ in Germany. – Introduction to Labour Studies Seminar, University of Kassel

Mobility, labour and biopolitics: Notes from Duisburg’ Urban Zones of Exception. –  Global Urbanities Research Network, University of Tübingen

(Re)bordering Through Papers: Differential Inclusion in the Intra-EU Migration Regime. – Research Factory, Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Urban Politics of Resistance: East European Migrants’ Self-Organising in Marxloh, Duisburg. – UnKUT (Undisciplined Knowledge at the University of Tübingen), University of Tübingen

Freedom of Movement in the EU: Between Privileged Mobility and Labour Migration. – Guest lecture in seminar The EU and the Politics of Central and Eastern Europe, University of Amsterdam

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