Dr. Jannis Saalfeld

ResearcherDr. Jannis Saalfeld

Room: LS 034
Phone: +49 (0)203-379-3847
E-Mail: jannis.saalfeld[at]uni-due.de

Research Focus
Research Projects
► Transfer Activities 
Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

  • Religion and Conflict
  • Social Movements and Political Change
  • Power-Sharing
  • Regional Focus: East Africa (esp. Tanzania, Kenya)


► Debiel, Tobias (Koordination) / Dombrowski, Stephan / Haidara, Boubacar / Meininghaus, Esther / Noesselt, Nele / Radtke, Katrin / Saalfeld, Jannis / Schetter, Conrad / Schlüsing, Carina / Schmitz, Jasmin / Vüllers, Johannes (Koordination) / Weller, Daniel 2023: Verwundbarkeit und Resilienz im Zeichen multipler Krisen / Nachhaltiger Frieden, in: Friedensgutachten 2023. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 65-83.

► Saalfeld, Jannis 2022: Rejectionist Islamism in sub-Saharan Africa, in: International Affairs, 98: 2, 493-508. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiac016

► Saalfeld, Jannis 2021: Inter-Secular Party Competition and the (Non-)Formation of Salafi-Jihadist Milieus: Evidence from Tanzania, in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (online first). DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.1945187

► Saalfeld, Jannis / Hartmann, Christof 2020: Does Electoral Inclusion Constrain Jihadist Radicalisation in Africa? Development and Peace Blog, 08.12.2020.

► Saalfeld, Jannis 2020: Between Grassroots Contention and Elite Manoeuvring: Sub-Nationalism in Zanzibar and Coastal Kenya, in: Journal of Eastern African Studies, 14: 3, 413-432. DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2020.1790863

► Debiel, Tobias / Saalfeld, Jannis / Vüllers, Johannes / Weipert-Fenner, Irene / Wolff, Jonas 2020: Protestbewegungen, politische Umbrüche und Gewaltrisiken / Nachhaltiger Frieden, in: Friedensgutachten 2020. Berlin: Transcript, 71-91.

► Saalfeld, Jannis 2019: On the Divergent Trajectories of African Islamism: Explaining Salafi Non-Radicalisation in Zanzibar, in: Africa Spectrum, 54: 3, 201-221. DOI: 10.1177/0002039719887825

► Saalfeld, Jannis 2019: Before and Beyond Al-Shabaab: National Islamic Councils, Contentious Politics and the Rise of Jihadism in East Africa. Duisburg: Institute for Development and Peace.

► Debiel, Tobias / Saalfeld, Jannis / Hinz, Sarah / Johannsen, Margret / Schmitz-Pranghe, Clara / Vollmer, Ruth 2019: Flucht und Gewalt / Nachhaltiger Frieden, in: Friedensgutachten 2019. Berlin: LIT, 71-91.

Research Projects

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Peace Report

Transfer Activities

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Global Salafism and the Micro-Dynamics of Jihadist Preaching in Africa: Evidence from Kenya. Präsentation auf der European Conference on African Studies, am 31. Mai 2023 in Köln.  

Publications for Practice/Short Expert Reports

Contributions to the Peace Report 

Debiel, Tobias / Saalfeld, Jannis / Vüllers, Johannes / Weipert-Fenner, Irene / Wolff, Jonas 2020: Protestbewegungen, politische Umbrüche und Gewaltrisiken / Nachhaltiger Frieden, in: Friedensgutachten 2020. Berlin: Transcript, 71-91.

Debiel, Tobias / Saalfeld, Jannis / Hinz, Sarah / Johannsen, Margret / Schmitz-Pranghe, Clara / Vollmer, Ruth 2019: Flucht und Gewalt / Nachhaltiger Frieden, in: Friedensgutachten 2019. Berlin: LIT, 71-91.

Blog Posts 

Saalfeld, Jannis 2020: Jihadismus(bekämpfung) in Zeiten von Corona: Zur aktuellen Krise im Norden Mosambiks. FriEnt-Blog "Corona, Peace and Conflict", 20.5.2020.

Curriculum Vitae

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Since November 2018
Researcher at the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF)

10/2016 – 10/2018
M.A. in International Relations and Development Policy, University of Duisburg-Essen
(Thesis: On the causes of militant Islamism in sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative case study of Zanzibar and coastal Kenya)

01/2017 – 11/2018
Student Assistant to Prof Dr Theresa Reinold in the research project “The Rule of Law in African Regionalism”

08/2014 – 11/2014
Internship at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s Tanzania office

10/2011 – 11/2015
B.A. in Political Science and African Studies, University of Leipzig