Dr. Karin Gaesing

Senior Researcher Dr. Karin Gaesing

Room: LS 031
Phone: +49 (0)203-379-3973
E-Mail: karin.gaesing[at]uni-due.de

Research Focus
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Transfer Activities
Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

  • Regional Rural Development and Land Use Planning
  • Participatory Analysis and Planning Methods
  • Integration of Gender Aspects
  • Reconciling Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Needs
  • Moderation, Project Management, Intercultural Communication

Selected Publications

► Gaesing, Karin / Bliss, Frank / Agbobatinkpo-Dahoun, Candide / Dahoun, Maxime 2023: ‘Un bilan du financement agricole au Bénin. Besoins, défis et acteurs (Étude AVE 33b). Duisburg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden.

► Gaesing, Karin / Koumaré, Mamadou / Koné, Yacouba / Rieber, Arne 2022: L'entreprise sociale dans la promotion de l'agriculture paysanne. Le modèdle myAgro au Mali (Étude AVE 28b). Duisburg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden.

► Gaesing, Karin / Gutema, Tamene Hailegiorgis 2022: ETHIOPIA: Use of Land Titles as Collateral to Obtain Credit in Rural Areas (Good-Practice-Series 27b). Duisburg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden.

► Gaesing, Karin 2020: Access to Land and Securing of Land Rights in Development Cooperation. Analyses and Recommendations (AVE-Study 22b). Duisburg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden.

► Gaesing, Karin 2001: Partizipation von Frauen bei der lokalen Entwicklung in Ghana (Dissertation). Bad Honnef : Politischer Arbeitskreis Schulen.


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Transfer Activities

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Consulting activities:

Expert report for GIZ 2020: Decrease of Poverty and Disparity: Analysis of Poverty Alleviation Strategies in the Context of Country Typologies (together with Frank Bliss).

Expert opinion for BMZ 2020: Expert opinion on the review of the instrumental impact of the Development Policy Action Plan for Gender Equality 2016 - 2020 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Gender Action Plan II (GAP II) (together with Frank Bliss).

Public events:

Needs and offers for agricultural finance for smallholder farmers. Organization of a post-conference workshop at the Tropentag Berlin, 20-22.9.2023. Presentation of a poster The Situation of Agricultural Finance in Benin. Requirements, Challenges, Actors.

From the Field: Home grown school feeding. Effects on school attendance, social cohesion and local economy in Ethiopia, Benin and Cambodia. 5.9.2023 at the 5th Hidden Hunger Congress in Hohenheim.

Agricultural strategies against food insecurity, poverty and dependency. 27/28.4.2023 Participation in the panel discussion at the Potsdam Spring Talks.

SPRING Alumni from Ghana and Nepal as change agents in their home countries. 13.2.2023 Presentation at the Dortmund Planning Conference.

How to actively engage smallholder farmers in sustainable resources management. Lecture at the Tropentag 17. - 19.9.2019 in Kassel with implementation of a pre-conference workshop on the same topic. Presentation of a poster Complementing sustainable resource management with land use intensification to overcome poverty. LANN+ in Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

Empowering African smallholder farmers - a sustainable way out of hunger and poverty. 10.1.2019 in Welthaus Bielefeld in the lecture series "Food sovereignty concerns us all".

Why are the extremely poor often not reached by development policy and how can they be reached? Lecture on 2.12.2019 in the lecture series of the Society for International Development (SID) in Hamburg under the motto "Understanding and overcoming poverty. Why the global fight against hunger is so often lost".

Causes of poverty and hunger in the Global South - Effective strategies against it. Lecture in the event series "Ernährungssouveränität geht und alle an" on 13.09.2018 at Welthaus Bielefeld.

Publications for practice:

Good practice series and AVE studies of the AVE project

Curriculum Vitae

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Since October 2015
INEF, research project „Out of extreme poverty, vulnerability and food insecurity“ – Improved opportunities for German governmental development aid to reach extremely poor, vulnerable and food insecure people“

2004 – 2016
Senior lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Spatial Planning of TU Dortmund University: lecturing in the SPRING Masters Programme (Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies), research projects (BIOTA; Global Learning), Summer Schools, SPRING admission coordinator

1996 – 2003
Managment oft he project „Land Use Planning and Resource Management in Oromiya Region“ in Ethiopia as an expatriate expert for German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, now GIZ)

1991 – 1994
Lecturer at the SPRING Masters Programme of the Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University

Since 1990
Freelance consultant; regional focus on Africa and India; fields of special competence in regional planning, land use planning and land management, integration of gender issues; work for GTZ, KfW, BMZ, DSE and others

1988 – 1990
Expert for community development and promotion of women in the project „Rural development in the Department of Boundiali“ in Côte d’Ivoire for the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, now GIZ); gender expert in GTZ headquarters

PhD (Dr. rer.pol.) in Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund University; Topic of the PhD thesis “Participation of women in local development in Ghana”

Post-graduate studies at the Centre for Agricultural Development (SLE) in Berlin including research project in Liberia

Diplom in Geography at the University of Bonn