Dr.-Ing. Seung-Jin Baik
Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik Dr.-Ing. Seung Jin Baik
Contact details
Carl-Benz Straße 199
47057 Duisburg
Room: NETZ 1.04
Phone: +49-(0)203-379 8094
E-mail: seung.baik [at] uni-due.de
Research Interests
- Simulation of turbulent flows
- Spray combustion
- Large eddy simulation/filtered density function methods (LES/FDF)
- Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Liquid mixing
- Nanoparticle synthesis
Scientific Career
since 2018
Post doctoral researcher at the Institut für Verbrennung und Gasdynamik – Fluiddynamik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Research Project:
- Gas-phase kinetics of CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) precursors
- Numerical studies of micro-mixing on liquid
- Numerical studies of nanoparticle synthesis
2010 – 2017
Researcher at the Chair of Fluid Dynamics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
PhD. thesis: "PDF-Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Spray Combustion", supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Rogg
2007 – 2009
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computational Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Thesis: "Analysis of the flow and temperature distribution in a labyrinth seal of a considerable length”
1999 – 2000, 2003 – 2006
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
- WS2018: Exercise for the Fluid Dynamics
- WS2019: Exercise for the Fluid Dynamics
- SS2020: Exercise for the Fluid Mechanics
Please note that this list might not be complete
S.-J. Baik, E. Inanc, M. Rieth, A. Kempf: Lagrangian filtered density function modelling of a turbulent stratified flame combined with flamelet approach. Physics of Fluids 34, 075110 (2022)
S. Grimm, S.-J. Baik, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, T. Kasper, A. Kempf, B. Atakan: Insights into the decomposition of zirconium acetylacetonate using synchrotron radiation: Routes to the formation of volatile Zr-intermediates. Journal of Materials Research, vol. 37, p.1558–1575 (2022)
J. Sellmann, P. Wollny, S.-J. Baik, S. Suleiman, F. Schneider, C. Schulz, H. Wiggers, I. Wlokas, A. Kempf: LES of nanoparticle synthesis in the spraysyn burner: A comparison against experiments. Powder Technology, vol. 404, May 2022, 117466
S.-J. Baik, J. Sellmann, A. Kempf: Large eddy simulations of nanoparticle synthesis in spray flames. International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), 2021
S. Grimm, S.-J. Baik, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, A. Kempf, T. Kasper, B. Atakan: Gas-phase aluminium acetylacetonate decomposition: revision of the current mechanism by VUV synchrotron radiation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 15059
S. Baik, B. Rogg: Modeling and Simulation of Reactive Sprays with Full Joint-PDF Methods. 8th European Combustion Meeting, 18-24. April 2017, Hotel Valamar Lacroma, Dubrovnik, Kroatien.
S. Baik, B. Rogg: Full PDF-Modelling and Parallel Simulation of Liquid-Fuelled Turbulent Spray Flames. 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 06-07. September 2017, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
S. Baik, B. Rogg: PDF-Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Two-Phase Combustion. 27. Deutscher Flammentag, September 2015, Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
S. Baik, B. Rogg: Detailed Flame-Structure Predictions with a Fully Stochastic Particle Method. 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure (Flame Structure 2014), Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Other Contributions
S.-J. Baik, I. Wlokas, A.M. Kempf: Large eddy simulations of Iron(III) oxide nanoparticle synthesis in spray flames - 11th International Aerosol Conference (2022), Athens/Greece
S.-J. Baik, E. Inanc, A.M. Kempf: Large Eddy Simulation of Stratified Swirl Flames with a Hybrid Assumed / Transported Filtered Density Function Approach - 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hannover/Germany
S.-J. Baik, A.M. Kempf: Large-Eddy Simulation of the Cambridge stratified flames using a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian FDF approach - 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum/Germany
S.-J. Baik, E. Inanc, A.M. Kempf: Large-Eddy Simulation of the Cambridge swirled stratified flame series using FGM and Lagrangian FDF Modelling– Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen/Germany
S.-J. Baik, M. Rieth, A.M. Kempf: LES of the Cambridge Stratified Flames using a Hybrid Flamelet Finite-Rate Chemistry Approach with FDF transport (WiPP) – Combustion Symposium 37 (2018), Dublin/Ireland
Exercise for the Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics