Workshop CFVN
Lehre Workshop CFVN
Workshop CFVN - Poitiers 2013 -
Program: Preliminary Program.doc
John Wright: Thermal_Effects_CFVs_09-25-2013.pptx
M. Ishibashi: Ishibashi_CFVN_AGA8.ppt
M. Ishibashi: Ishibashi_CFVN_1Dnozzle.ppt
Ernst von Lavante: WS_CFVN_13_EvL.pptx
Bodo Mickan: PTB_Discussion_on_shape_requirements.ppt
Chunhui Li: Chunhui-Li-NIM_CFVN_unchoking.ppt
Michael S. Carter, Bradford W. Sims, Charles L. Britton, Robert J. McKee: Flow_Sys_ChokingP_Ratio.ppt
Rainer Engel: A3.4 - 346 - Quantifying impacts on measurement uncertainty - DE - final.doc
Khaled Chahine: A6.5 - 444 Evaluation of the effect of Relative Humidity of Air on the Coefficients of CFVN - AU.docx
A. Johnson: Cstar and Beyond (CFV Conference 2013)_FINAL.ppt