Project: Decentralised Wage Finding Systems in the EU: The Operationalisation of the Performance Principle on the National and Workplace Level and its Impact on Collective Bargaining (LoFi-EU)
Project Management:
Prof. Dr. Ingo Matuschek
Project partner for the HdBA
E-Mail: Ingo.Matuschek2@arbeitsagentur.de
Prof. Dr. Frank Kleemann
Project partner for the Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Sociology
E-Mail: frank.kleemann@uni-due.de
Project Associate:
Jule Westerheide, M.A.
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Sociology
E-Mail: jule.westerheide@uni-due.de
Béla Walz, Student Assistant
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Sociology