Research The Luxembourg labour force survey by RDD-CATI

Every member state of the European Union conducts a Labour Force Surveys" (LFS). The LFS of Luxembourg is a CATI survey. The sampling procedure currently uses a record linkage of different data bases for the cinstruction of the sampling frame. The luxembourg central bureau of statistics ("Service central de la statistique et des études économiques", STATEC) requested an evaluation of their current LFS procedures. Of special interest to STATEC was the replacement of the current sampling frame by a RDD sampling procedure. Im order to evaluate the different sampling procedures, actual fieldwork data of the LFS and the structure of the telephone numbering system were examined in detail.


Rainer Schnell (2006): Die Umstellung des LFS auf RDD-CATI, Economie et statistiques, Working papers du STATEC n° 14 (download .pdf, in German)