Research Methodological problems of surveys of special populations with migration background

Project Description

This PhD-project concerns special problems of surveying populations with migration background.
First, we aim for a comprehensive description of the current state of research in the field of surveys of populations with migration background. Second, we subsequently discuss sampling issues such as finding and/or developing of appropriate sampling frames and sampling designs which are especially suited for the target population. In this regard it must be pointed out that such populations can be clustered and - depending on the definition - in some cases rare.
Thereafter, we examine particular problems of data collection on populations with migration background - among others nonresponse issues, interviewer and mode effects as well as effects of interview language. We then consider some subpopulations posing a special challenge for researchers and discuss possible solutions for observed methodological problems.

Project Staff

PhD-Student: Inna Becher
First Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Schnell
Second Advisor: PD Dr. Stefanie Eifler


European Social Fund, Ministry of Science, Research and Art (Baden-Württemberg)

Project duration:
