Veröffentlichungen SRS
Entsprechend der klassischen und in den Ingenieurwissenschaften üblichen Vorgehensweise gilt für die Autorenreihenfolge aller Publikationen (1989 bis heute) das FLAE-System (First-last-author-emphasis-System).
2011 |
Journalpublikationen, Bücher und Buchbeiträge |
Aljoumaa, H.; Söffker, D.: Multi-Class Approach based on Fuzzy-Filtering for Condition Monitoring. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 38, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 66-73.
Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive modeling of reliability properties for control and supervision purposes. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Issues in Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Vol.21, Issue 3, No. 3, September, 2011, pp. 479-486.
Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: Analysis and quantification of systems a formalized definition of reliability topologies and characteristic values for system quantification. Proc. of the Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, Part 0, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 226, No.2, April, 2011, pp. 203-220.
Oberheid, H.; Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Know your options - analyzing human decision making in dynamic task environments with state-space methods. in: D. de Waard, N. Gérard, L. Onnasch, R. Wiczorek, and D. Manzey (Eds.): Human Centred Automation, Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing, 2011, pp. 285-300.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]
Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Quadratic Stabilization of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using a Novel Neural-Network-Based Controller. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 2011, pp. 1126-1133.
Referenzierbare und mehrfach referierte Konferenzbeiträge |
Al-Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive classification based on multisensoric decision fusion. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1309-1316.
Al-Shrouf, L.; Söffker, D.: Multi-classifier fusion method based on the reliability of the individual classifiers statements. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 127-134.
Aljoumaa, H.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive Fuzzy-based Approach for Classification of Systems states. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 290-297.
Baccar, D.; Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: FPGA-based realization of online damage state and wear detection using acoustic emission. Proc. 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART'11, Saarbrücken, July 6-8, 2011, pp. 474-481.
Dettmann, K.-U.; Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Examination of wear phenomena by using filtering techniques for FDI purposes. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1037-1044.
Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Concept for SOM-based computer supported cooperative work. IEEE Conf. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011, pp. 261-267.[LINK]
Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Human guidance and supervision of a manufacturing system for semi-automated production. Proc. 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), Jordan, Ammam, Dec. 6-8, 2011.[LINK]
Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Integrated optimization of the powermanagement system of a hybrid electric powertrain system. Proc. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, September 6-9, 2011, pp. 1462-1466.[LINK]
Marx, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems with Respect to their Behavior in Time and Frequency Domain. Proc. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C., USA, August 28-31, 2011.
Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Wavelet-based SVM system for evaluation of wear states and remaining life time. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1349-1356.
Söffker, D.; Flesch, G.; Fu, X.; Hasselberg, A.; Langer, M.: Assistance and supervisory control of operators in complex human-process-interaction. Proc. 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), Jordan, Ammam, Dec. 6-8, 2011.[LINK]
Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimal Control of a Flexible Rotor by Using Magnetic Bearing. Proc. SIRM 2011: Ninth International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Darmstadt, Germany, February 21-23th, 2011.
Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: A data-driven online stability monitoring method for unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems. Proc. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), Dec. 12-15, 2011, pp. 7356-7361.[LINK]
Weitere Konferenzbeiträge |
Liu, Y.; Susilo, M.; Söffker, D.: Advanced control design for wind turbines. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 823-824.[PDF][LINK]
Marx, M.; Sacher, O.; Söffker, D.: Integrated design and optimization of a complex nonlinear hybrid electric powertrain including simulations in time domain. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 825-826.[PDF][LINK]
Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Online powermanagement optimization of a fuel cell-based hybrid electric powertrain. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 827-828.[PDF][LINK]
Shen, X.; Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of unknown nonlinear systems using a cognition-based framework. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 845-846.
Vorträge/Sonstiges |
Marx, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of complex dynamic systems with respect to their behavior in time and frequency domain. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Bayreuth, Vol. 3, Parts A and B, October 14-15, 2011, pp. 441-449.
Söffker, D.: Hybrid-electric powertrains: Modeling, control, and realization of hybrid powertrains with special respect to powermanagement and aging. Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik, Prof. Kücükay, TU Braunschweig, April 27th, 2011.
Söffker, D.: Cognitive Technical Systems: Realizing flexible, robust, and situation-based interaction and control. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Seminar Series, Prof. G.F. Mauer, 39692, 2011.
Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Kognitive und robuste Stabilisierung einer Klasse nichtlinearer Systeme ohne vorausgesetzte Modellkenntnis. 45. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 23.-25. Februar, 2011.