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Publikationsliste Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Söffker (1989-2011)


Journalpublikationen, Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Al-Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Improved process monitoring and supervision based on a reliable multi-stage feature-based pattern recognition technique. Information sciences, 2013, pp. 282-294.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: The production of molds from resin-bonded mold materials in a semi-automatic production cell. CASTING Plant and Technology, Vol. 2, 2013, pp. 2-12.

Özbek, M.; Wang, S.; Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and control of a PEM fuel cell system: A practical study based on experimental defined component behavior. Journal of Process Control, Vol. 23, No.3, March, 2013, pp. 282-293.[PDF][LINK][MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Söffker, D.; Langer, M.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.: Herstellung von Formen aus harzgebundenem Formstoff in einer teilautomatisierten Fertigungszelle. Giesserei Praxis, Vol. 1, 2013.

Referenzierbare und mehrfach referierte Konferenzbeiträge

Al-Shrouf, L.; Gedenk, J.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Modular signal-based condition monitoring of a hydraulic servo-system. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 1360-1367.

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Application of acoustic emission Technique for online evaluation and classification of wear state. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 1218-1225.

Fu, X.; Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Toward a modeling of human-centered, rule-based cooperative teamwork. 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2013), Whistler, BC, Canada, June 27-29, 2013, pp. 471-476.[LINK]

Gedenk, J.; Zareba, S.; Jelali, M.: Condition monitoring for hydraulic systems in rolling mills using unscented Kalman filter. Proc. 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), 2013, pp. 1081-1088.

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: A Human Cognitive Performance Measure Based on Available Options for Adaptive Aiding. 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-15, 2013, pp. 442-449.[PDF]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: User assistance by situational, task- and model-based process information filtering in interactive, semi-automated human automation systems. 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA, USA, Vol. 3, February 25-28, 2013, pp. 106-113.[LINK]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Model-based, event-discrete representation of a semi-automated manufacturing process as framework for human guidance and assistance concepts. 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA, USA, February 25-28, 2013, pp. 1-23.

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Dynamic stability of the bucket-wheel boom during operation of the bucket-wheel excavator. DINAME 2013 - XV International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Buzios, RJ, Brazil, February 17-22, 2013.

Moulik, B.; Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Size and parameter adjustment of a hybrid hydraulic powertrain using a global multi-objective optimization algorithm. 9th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Beijing, China, October 15th - 18th, 2013.

Saadawia, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Model- and feature-based diagnostics in rotating machinery. DINAME 2013 - XV International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Buzios, RJ, Brazil, February 17-22, 2013.

Söffker, D.; Rothe, S.; Schiffer, S.; Aljoumaa, H.; Baccar, D.: Smart, tough, and successful: Three new innovative approaches for diagnosis and prognosis of technical systems. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 81-88.

Söffker, D.; Wang, J.; Schiffer, S.; Marx, M.; Fu, X.: Know your options - Interfacing consequences and forecasted performance analysis: A concept for the novel type of information system KYO-ICPA. 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-15, 2013.[PDF]

Wei, C.; Gausmann, R.; Söffker, D.: Controller design and optimization strategy for active magnetic bearing systems. SIRM 2013: 10. International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Berlin, Germany, February 25-27, 2013, Paper ID: ABS-213.

Weitere Konferenzbeiträge

Karbaschian, M.A.; Marx, M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Multiobjective NSGA II-based control optimization of hydraulic and electric hybrid propulsion systems with respect to their dynamic behavior in time domain. Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium (ATK), Aachen, Germany, March 19-20, 2013.

Liu, Y.; Marx, M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Experiment-based simulation and optimization of wind powertrain systems based on electric power flow emulation. Proc. of the first Conference for Wind Power Drives (CWD 2013), Aachen, March 19-20, 2013.

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Nonlinear modeling of the elastic beam with different order couplings. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 127-128.[PDF][LINK]

Shen, X.; Söffker, D.: A model-free stability-based adaptive control method for unknown nonlinear systems. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 471-472.[PDF][LINK]

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Necessary and Suffcient Stability Condition for Arbitrarily Switched Linear Systems from a Data-Driven Perspective. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 479-480.[PDF][LINK]


Dylla, E.; Rehder, T.; Helker, S.; Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Konzept zur Überwachung und Assistenz von Mensch-Maschine Systemen am Beispiel der kooperativen Durchführung eines Praktikumsversuches zur Regelung eines Drei-Tank-Systems. In: Söffker, D.; Kluge, A. (Eds.): Online Journal Kognitive Systeme, Heft 1, 2013.[PDF]

Hägele, G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Virtuelle Sensoren im Einsatz - Positionsregelung eines Differenzialzylinders unter Verzicht auf Wegmessungen. O+P Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik, Heft 04, 2013, S. 52.[PDF]

Hägele, G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Vom mathematischen Modell direkt zur SPS-Programmierung. SPS-MAGAZIN ATLAS STE, 2013.[PDF]

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Bewertung von Bedienentscheidungen mit Hilfe von Zustandsraummethoden. In: Söffker, D.; Kluge, A. (Eds.): Online Journal Kognitive Systeme, Heft 1, 2013.[PDF]

Söffker, D.: Application of acoustic emission Technique for online evaluation and classification of wear state. Graduate Seminar, Dept. Mechanical Engineering (Prof. G. Mauer), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 43709, 2013.

Söffker, D.: Improving wind energy conversion system's efficiency with respect to component monitoring and the quality of output. , National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL (Prof. C. Johnson), Golden, Co., 45536, 2013.