Veröffentlichungen SRS
Entsprechend der klassischen und in den Ingenieurwissenschaften üblichen Vorgehensweise gilt für die Autorenreihenfolge aller Publikationen (1989 bis heute) das FLAE-System (First-last-author-emphasis-System).
2015 |
Journalpublikationen, Bücher und Buchbeiträge |
Al-Shrouf, L.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Online feature-based multisensor stone detection system for bucket-wheel excavators. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, No. 170, 2015, pp. 1-14.
Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Wear Detection by Means of Wavelet-based Acoustic Emission Analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 60-61, August, 2015, pp. 198-207.[LINK]
Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Petri-Net-based modeling of human operator's planning for the evaluation of task performance using the example of air traffic control. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2015, pp. 1-10.[LINK]
Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Optimal rule-based powermanagement for online, real-time applications with multiple sources and objectives: A review. Energies - Open Access Energy Research, Engineering and Policy Journal, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 9049-9063.[PDF]
Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: A brief review and a first application of time-frequency-based analysis methods with application to strip rolling mills. Journal of Process Control, Vol. 35, 2015, pp. 65-79.[LINK]
Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization Strategy for PID-Controller Design of AMB Rotor Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 24(3), 2015, pp. 788-803.[LINK]
Zareba, S.; Wolff, A.; Jelali, M.: Mathematical modelling and parameter identification of a stainless steel annealing furnace. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2015, pp. 15-39.
Referenzierbare und mehrfach referierte Konferenzbeiträge |
Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Proportional-Integral-Observer: A brief survey with special attention to the actual methods using ACC Benchmark. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 532-537.[PDF]
Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Reconstruction of nonlinear characteristics by means of advanced observer design approaches. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 2, 2015, pp. V002T23A007.[LINK]
Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali, M.: An Algorithm Combining the Subspace Identification Methods ORT and CCA. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015, pp. 3361-3366.[LINK]
Beganovic, N.; Baccar, D., Söffker, D.: Wear aging and related impact on system reliability. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 353-401.
Beganovic, N.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: LI-O battery aging process: A smart review with respect to the integration of aging into system's powermanagement. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 28-30, 2015, pp. V001T13A004.[LINK]
Beganovic, N.; Njiri, J. G.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Application of Diagnosis and Prognosis to Wind Turbine System Based on Fatigue Load. Proc. IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management PHM 2015, Austin, TX, USA, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]
Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Wear Process Lifetime Prediction Based on Parametric Model Applied to Experimental Data. Proc. IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management PHM 2015, Austin, TX, USA, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]
Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-free approaches applied to the control of nonlinear systems: a brief survey with special attention to intelligent PID iterative learning control. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 1, 2015, pp. V001T03A004.[LINK]
Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Modeling, Control, and Powermanagement Optimization for an Emulated Multi-Source Hybrid Drivetrain. MathMod 2015 Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 18-20, 2015, pp. 657-658.[PDF]
Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Online Powermanagement with Embedded Optimization for a Multi-source Hybrid with Dynamic Power Sharing between Components. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 3, 2015, pp. V003T41A001.[LINK]
Moulik, B.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Optimized Powermanagement for Human Driver-HEV using Online Identification of Velocity Patterns. Proc. IEEE-Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 19-22, 2015, pp. 1-5.[LINK]
Muthig, O.; Wang, J.; Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Integrating situated human interaction modeling and stochastic state automata for improved technical situation awareness. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 87-92.[PDF]
Njiri, J. G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Multivariable Control of Large Variable-Speed Wind Turbines for Generator Power Regulation and Load Reduction. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 544-549.[PDF]
Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Multi-objective Optimal Conrol of Wind Turbines for Speed Regulation and Load Reduction. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 1, 2015, pp. V001T05A002.[LINK]
Rothe, S.; Leite, A.; Padrao, P.; Söffker, D.: Improvement and comparison of wear-oriented state-of- health classification methods using optimization techniques. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 625-632.
Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Development of a state-related evaluation for diagnostic-oriented data filtering approach. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 593-600.
Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Signal-based fault prognosis approach bases on time-frequency analysis applied to industrial data. IWSHM 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, accepted.
Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Case indexing in Case-Based Reasoning by applying Situation-Operator Model as knowledge representation model. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 81-86.[PDF]
Tamimi, H.; Söffker, D: Modeling of flexible structures by means of least square support vector machine. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 2, 2015, pp. V002T34A005.[LINK]
Tamimi, H.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of Elastic Robotic Arm Using a Soft-Computing Algorithm. MathMod 2015 Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 18-20, 2015, pp. 655-656.[PDF]
Wang, J.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Towards interactive driver assistance system to realize a safe and an efficient driving. IEEE-Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 19-22, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]
Weitere Konferenzbeiträge |
Muthig, O.; Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Situierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für komplexe Einsatzszenarien: Anforderungen und Realisierungsvorschläge. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 57. Fachausschusssitzung, Rostock, 2015, pp. 45-60.
Padrao, P.; Rothe, S.; Leite, A.; Söffker, D.: Optimal Threshold Synthesis for State-of-Health Classification and Evaluation of a Tribological System. Proc. 17th International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Natal, Brazil, February 22-27, 2015.
Wang, J.; Muthig, O.; Söffker, D.: Personalisierte Assistenz am Beispiel der Fahrzeugführung: ein Überblick. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 57. Fachausschusssitzung, Rostock, 2015, pp. 61-77.
Vorträge/Sonstiges |
Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust estimation of unknown inputs by using adaptive observer. 18. Workshop GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Hamburg, März 14-15, 2015.
Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control of a hydraulic cylinder using observer-based sliding mode control method. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Duisburg, October 1-2, 2015.
Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali, M.: A Combined Algorithm of the Subspace Identification Methods ORT and CCA. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Duisburg, October 1-2, 2015.
Muthig, O.; Söffker, D.: Anwendung und Erweiterung eines stochastischen Modells zur Beschreibung des menschlichen Verhaltens bei der Fahrzeugführung. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.
Nowak, X.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive stabilizer for unknown nonlinear dynamic MIMO systems using a cognitive-based framework. 49. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, März 4-6, 2015.
Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Knowledge Structure of Case-Based Reasoning in Trargeting of Case-Base Refinement. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.
Söffker, D.: Wear evolution: Ideas for diagnosis and prognosis, modeling and control. NASA AMES, Intelligent Systems Division (Dr. Kai Goebel), Palo Alto, USA, 46600, 2015.
Söffker, D.: Automation is more than control: from control and diagnostics to cognition and assistance. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seminar Series (Prof. A. Gadsden), University of Maryland BC, Oct 23, 2015.
Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Towards Driver-Vehicle interaction with integrated interface. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.