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Publikationsliste Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Söffker (1989-2011)


Journalpublikationen, Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Identification and Classification of Failure Modes in Laminated Composites by using a Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Wavelet Coefficients. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol. 96, 2017, pp. 77-87.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Remaining lifetime modeling using State-of-Health estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 92, 2017, pp. 107-123.[PDF][LINK]

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Water (stress) models and deficit irrigation: System-theoretical description and causality mapping. Ecologic Modeling, 2017, pp.135-156.[LINK]

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Fuzzy SOM-based Case-Based Reasoning for individualized situation recognition applied to supervision of human operators. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, pp. 1-12.

Söffker, D.; Rothe, S.: New Approaches for Supervision of Systems with Sliding Wear: Fundamental Problems and Experimental Results Using Different Approaches. Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, 2017, pp. 843.[PDF]

Referenzierbare und mehrfach referierte Konferenzbeiträge

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Realtime Application of Progressive Optimal Search and Adaptive Dynamic Programming in Multi-Source HEVs. ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Tysons, Virginia, USA, August 26-29, 2017, Vol. 2, pp. V002T17A003.[LINK]

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Realtime power management of a multi-source hev using adaptive dynamic programing and probabilistic drive state model. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6-9, 2017, Vol. 3, pp. V003T01A025.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control approach for a hydraulic differential cylinder system using a Proportional-Integral-Observer-based backstepping control.  IEEE/American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, pp. 3102-3107.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Proportional-Integral-Observer With Adaptive High-Gain Design Using Funnel Adjustment Concept. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017, pp. V006T10A011.[LINK]

Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali,M.: An Approach to Recursive Subspace Identification. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, December 12-15, 2017, accepted.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Wind turbine control strategy deployment concerning remaining useful lifetime prognostic model. Conference for Wind Power Drives 2017, Aachen, March 7-8, 2017, pp. 1-8.

Cunha, A. P. A.; Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.; Beganovic, N.: Implementation of frequency-based classification of damages in composites using real-time FPGA-based hardware framework. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6-9, 2017, pp. 1-8.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: Safety unit-based safe behavior assurance for autonomous and semi-autonomous aerial systems: requirements, concept, and simulation results. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, June 11-14, 2017, pp. 1546-1551.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: A Simplified Situational Environment Risk and System Reliability Assessment for Behavior Assurance of Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Aerial Systems: A Simulation Study. The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'17), Miami, FL, USA, June 13-16, 2017, pp. 951-960.[LINK]

Jihin, R.; Söffker, D.; Beganovic, N.: Integrated Prognostic Model For RUL Estimation Using Threshold Optimization. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 640-647.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Frequency analysis of leaf temperature oscillations: Analysis of dynamic plant behavior for deficit irrigation applications. in: Kage, H.; Sieling, K.; Francke-Weltmann, L.: (Eds.): Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V., Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Volume 29, Verlag Liddy Halm, Göttingen, Witzenhausen, Vol. 29, 2017, pp. 88-89.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Frequency analysis (FA) of leaf temperature oscillations of corn (zea Mays) under water stress: Experimental results of infrared thermography measurements processed by explorative FA-methods (e.g. Hilbert-Huang-Transform, Phase Portrait). Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Kiel, 2017, p. 116.

Madadi, E.; Dong, Y.; Söffker, D.: Model-free control approach of a three-tank system using an adaptive-based control . ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017), Cleveland, Ohio, No. DETC2017-67487, Vol. 6, 2017, pp. V006T10A013.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of different model-free iterative learning control methods concerning a nonlinear mechanical structure. The 2017 Asian Control Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, December 17-20, 2017, pp. 1560-1565.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Battery aging and fuel efficiency as optimization objectives as part of a real-time operating system of a multi source HEV. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, California, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 631-639.

Rothe, S.; Wirtz, S.F.; Kampmann, G.;Nelles, O.; Söffker, D.: Ensure the reliability of damage detection in composites by fusion of differently classified Acoustic Emission measurements. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1380-1387.

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Online learning for an individualized lane-change situation recognition applied to driving assistance system. IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA 2017), SAVANNAH, GA, March 27-31, 2017, pp. 1-6.

ter Beek, M.; Söffker, D.: Reduction of belt flutter by active control of torsional vibrations in drivelines with power transmission belts. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Vibration in rotating machines SIRM2017, Graz, Austria, February 15-17, 2017, pp. 288-298.

Wirtz, S.F.; Demmerling, A. L.; Söffker, D.: In-situ wear monitoring: An experimental investigation of Acoustic Emission during thread forming. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, USA, Stanford, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1198-1205.

Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.: Application of shape-based similarity measures to classification of Acoustic Emission waveforms. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, USA, Stanford, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1177-1184.

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Jipp, M.; Söffker, D.; Lemmer, K.: Modeling Driver Behavior at Roundabouts: Results from a Field Study. 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, USA, June 11-14, 2017, accepted.[PDF][LINK]

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Söffker, D.; Jipp, M.; Lemmer, K.: Impact of Surrounding Cyclists on Car Driver Behavior Recognition at Roundabouts. IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, October 16-19, 2017, accepted.

Weitere Konferenzbeiträge

Deng, Q.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Defining Feature Properties for Optimal HMM-based Situation Recognition for Human Drivers. Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Neubiberg bei München, Germany, 2017.

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Individualized situation recognition and its importance for supervision of human driver operators. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, München, March 27-29, 2017.

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Towards improving driving efficiency of HEV with a suitable designed feedback. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, München, März 27-29, 2017.

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Söffker, D.; Jipp, M.; Lemmer, K.: Modeling Driving Behavior at Roundabouts: Impact of Roundabout Layout and Surrounding Traffic on Driving Behavior. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Munich, Germany, March 27-29, 2017.


Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control of a hydraulic cylinder using observer-based nonlinear controllers: Theoretical development and experimental validation. 51. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, February 15-17, 2017.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Deficit Irrigation model-based control of plant growth - Experimental modelingof the adaptability of corn to water stress. 2nd Workshop on Plant Development and Growth, Pacific Grove, CA, 2017, p. 46.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-free control of nonlinear systems using a modified adaptive concept. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Karlsruhe, June 8-9, 2017.

Söffker, D.: Remaining lifetime modeling and prognosis or Wear evolution: First ideas for diagnosis and prognosis, modeling, and control. Sino-German Symposium “Diagnosis, Fault-Tolerant Control and Lifetime Management of Complex Automatic Control Systems”, Qingdao, China, August 13-18, 2017.

Söffker, D.: Detection, Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Supervisionof Technical Systems (DDMS) – Part II: Discussion of actual research results and methods.. Department of Logistics Engineering (Prof. Xiuzhong Xu), Shanghai Maritime University, Dec 07, 2017.