Contemporary East Asian Studies (M.A.)

Place of study

Campus Duisburg

Start of study

Wintersemester / October

(exceptions see below at "Description" and "Admission to study program")

Period of study

2 years fulltime (4 semesters)

Accreditation period

The study programme Contemporary East Asian Studies (M.A.) was (re-)certified/(re-)accredited within the university until 30.09.2028.


The MA Contemporary East Asian Studies (CEAS) is an English-taught social science-based program with a contemporary and interdisciplinary profile. The focus of the program is the theoretical and problem-centered analysis of societies, politics and economies in East Asia and includes intensive training in an East Asian language.

Specialisation / Focus / Profile




Course of study (+)

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Course of study and modules

You can find the module handbook (updated version 2021, belonging to the 2019 examination regulations.) here.

The current examination regulations (2019) can be found here.



The two-year MA Program MA CEAS offers Chinese, Japanese or Korean language and the choice of a discipline corresponding to the student’s previous degree (sociology, political science or economics). It combines intensive language training with interdisciplinary and discipline-specific modules focusing on Chinese, Japanese and Korean studies. The program’s aim is to deepen and enrich the students’ skills in assessing contemporary change, the challenges facing the East Asian region and the implications of such developments for Europe.

Semester 1: Three compulsory introductory modules help students to familiarise themselves with East Asian studies from different disciplinary perspectives. In addition, students start their training in the language of their choice (Chinese, Japanese or Korean; native speakers are not allowed to choose their mother tongue).

Semester 2: Students select two Advanced East Asian Studies (AEAS) modules and one elective module out of approx. 10 modules after an individual mentoring session with the coordinator or their academic advisor. These modules present problem-oriented and discipline-based perspectives on politics and the society or economy of China, Japan and Korea or the entire East Asian region. Students also continue their language training.

Semester 3: Students complete their language training and select two additional AEAS and one elective module.

Semester 4: Students concentrate on writing their Master’s thesis. The thesis is an independent piece of research about a cutting-edge topic on contemporary East Asia. It is intended to provide evidence of the student’s newly acquired knowledge, theoretical and methodological skills in East Asian regional studies, and language proficiency.


120 ETCS-Credits including Master Thesis with attached seminar (30 ECTS-Credits)

More information on curriculum

Further details on the program, on all modules and classes as well as on application procedures, required documents, FAQ etc. can be found here.




Admission to study programme (+)

Admission requirements

  • BA/bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Social or Political Sciences or Economy with a minimum grade average of 2.5 according to the German grading system
  • English language proficiency “C1 level” (according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment)
  • German language skills are recommended but not required.


Information on required documents and application procedures can be found here.

We are looking for highly qualified international students with excellent skills and motivation to take on the challenges of this demanding study program. After submitting their application, successful applicants who fulfil the prerequisites are invited for an interview in the second stage to test their aptitude and motivation for the study program (candidates from abroad can be interviewed via video-conference). After the evaluation process, the most promising candidates are offered a place in our MA CEAS.

Depending on an applicant’s prior education and training, conditional admission may be granted requiring up to 30 ECTS credits to be taken in additional courses. In this case, the student can also be admitted for the summer term.

Special admission requirements

See FAQ.


July 15 for non-EU citizens
Sept 15 for EU citizens

Early submission is strongly recommended!

You are advised to apply as soon as possible and long before the deadlines expire to ensure that you have enough time to obtain a visa (if you are from a non-EU country), take care of all necessary preparations and arrive in time for the start of the program in early October. Please see below for details according to your nationality.

EU applicants: Please follow the instructions here. We are permanently processing incoming applications all-year round, so early applicants will be informed – and successful ones admitted – irrespective of the deadlines.

Non-EU applicants: Please apply for our study program via the online application platform by our International Office. The platform will be opened for applications for the following winter term on May 1st.

Examination board

Language requirements

English language proficiency C1, see FAQ.

Study abroad period

Not obligatory. However, we encourage in particular those students who do not have extended experience of living in East Asia to study in the country of interest. Students can apply to study for one term at one of our partner universities in East Asia in their 4th semester of MA CEAS. Places are highly limited and allocated according to internal priority guidelines.


see FAQ.

Professional work experiences (+)


For students who have no experience in Asia, a semester abroad is strongly recommended. The semester abroad can be arranged in the 4th semester. The semester abroad should be planned with the coordinator and a mentor, so that no loss of time arises. The university supports the search for a place of study abroad. However, a claim for allocation of a study place abroad does not exist. The 4th semester is also the most appropriate time to do an internship in Germany or abroad.



Network and Careers (+) (+)

Our MA CEAS graduates are qualified

  • for further studies at the doctoral level,
  • for high-level positions in multinational corporations, in politics/political consulting, in governmental and non-governmental think tanks and institutions, and in international organizations where intensive knowledge of East Asia and language competency is in high demand.

Several of our alumni have gone on to pursue a PhD degree. Local destinations for research-oriented graduates of our MA programs include the BMBF-funded IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies or the MERCUR-supported Alliance for Research on East Asia AREA Ruhr.

General course guidance for prospective and current students (+)

We offer a variety of consulting formats. Please see our contact page for how and when you can get in touch with us.

Contact to the faculty and advisory service (+)


Joint program of Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Business Administration, coordinated by Institute of East Asian Studies at Campus Duisburg


Joint program of Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Business Administration, coordinated by Institute of East Asian Studies at Campus Duisburg


Departmental advisory services

Send any questions to: (CEAS)

Programme-specific advisors (teaching staff)

Send any questions to:

Melanie Kogler,
Office: LE 602
Contact by e-mail to make an appointment.

Departmental student representatives

Fachschaft Ostasienwissenschaft (Student Council IN-EAST)
Office: LE 630
Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail/Contact by e-mail to make an appointment.

Similar Study Programmes (+)

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