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13.05.2024 - 10:41:25

Your Chance: Excursion to Liverpool from 01. to 06. of August - Kick off meeting on 23rd of May

Interested in Liverpool? The Beatles? Liverpool Football Club? British Maritime history? Victorian architecture? Pulsating modern culture? Would you like to get to know one of England’s most fascinating cities under the expert guidance of retired colleague, Neil Deane, who lead a dozen excursions with Anglophone Studies students to his beloved home town from 2008 until his retirement in 2023?
If so, come to the ‘kick-off’ meeting on Thursday 23rd of May at 15.00 in R12 R06 A69. Here, you learn how to apply for a place in the excursion. You can only obtain a place – 16 places are available – by turning up at the meeting and providing Neil Deane with your personal details on the day. At the meeting you will receive detailed information on the schedule of the six culture-packed days in Liverpool and can ask as many questions as you want.
Only students of English can take part in the excursion and the Department of Anglophone Studies and the Humanities Faculty financially subsidize your participation. So, get yourselves to the meeting and start dreaming of an unforgettable time in Liverpool in August 2024! As the famous Swiss author and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung (1875-1961), once wrote: “Liverpool is the pool of life.”