05.03.2025 - 12:12:52
Application deadline UDE Postdoc Seed Funding: 21 March 2025
Call for Applications: UDE Postdoc Seed Funding & SSC Brown Bag Session on 7 March
UDE Postdoc Seed Funding: Postdocs (up to five years after their doctorate) can apply for seed funding of up to 30,000 euros until 21 March to prepare their own third-party funding application (Call for applications and further information).
Also on this occasion the Science Support Center (SSC) invites you to a virtual brown bag session on 7 March from 11:00 h to 12:00 h on the topic of ‘Seed Funding’. Would you like to prepare your first third-party funding proposal? Do you have questions about the programme or would you like to know whether seed funding or the DFG Erstantragsvorschuss is the more suitable support format for you? You will have the opportunity to ask your questions at a virtual brown bag session after a short introduction to both programmes and receive an assessment of which may be the better option for you.
Further information and the possibility to register (until 6 March) can be found here.