22.01.2015 - 09:23:58
COTE scholarship for PhD students
The cluster of excellence COTE « Continental to Coastal Ecosystems: Evolution, Adaptability and Governance” is a Cluster of Excellence (LabEx) recently created at the University of Bordeaux, France within the national program of “Initiatives d’Excellence” as a joint project with CNRS, INRA, IRSTEA (former CEMAGREF) and IFREMER.
COTE brings together researchers in biology, physics, chemistry, and socio-economic sciences to understand and predict ecosystem responses to human-induced changes and develop tools and methods to control or assist this evolution.
COTE offers specific funding for foreign PhD student in order to come in one of his partner labs* for a short stay (12 in going mobility grants per year for PhD students and postdocs (3 000 €))
- From 2 to 4 months
- 3000 € grant
- Go further in your research and discover a new team and country
If you have difficulties to find contacts in COTE labs as requested, you can send an email to Julien Dumercq, in charge of the mobility grants.
You will find attached the application document that you must fill and send back to