Picture Prof. Yi Cui: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service


Um dem Anspruch der Gastprofessur gerecht zu werden, insbesondere um den Austausch von Herrn Professor Cui mit den Forschern und NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen zu ermöglichen, wird die Tagungssprache des diesjährigen "Scientist in Residence" auschließlich Englisch sein.

Scientist in Residence bezeichnet eine Gastprofessur, welche mit Unterstützung der Sparkasse Essen 1998 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen eingerichtet wurde.

Sie ermöglicht es der Universität, weltweit renommierte Gastwissenschaftler an die Universität einzuladen, um mit Forschern und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern der Universität in einen intensiven Austausch zu treten. Die interessierte Öffentlichkeit erfährt in einer „Public lecture“ Spannendes allgemein verständlich aus dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet des Gastwissenschaftlers.

Weiterführende Informationen zu der Veranstaltung erhalten Sie auf der Homepage für das Symposium hier

Professor Yi Cui

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Professor Yi Cui is an international renowned expert in advanced materials based on functional nanostructures. In 1998 he graduated in chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in chemistry at Harvard University in 2002 before joining the University of California in Berkeley as Postdoctoral Fellow studying electronics and colloidal nanocrystals. He joined Stanford University in 2005 and now leads a highly successful research group as tenured Associate Professor. His team focuses on materials for high-energy batteries for portable electronics and electric vehicles as well as novel low-cost materials for stationary, largescale storage of electric energy. “I am really passionate about batteries because of their potential for society”, he says about his research field.

Yi Cui is an Associate Editor of Nano Letters and a codirector of the Bay Area Photovoltaics Consortium. He has founded Amprius Inc., a company to commercialize the high-energy battery technology. He has received a considerable number of honors for his research including science and industry awards.

The development of nanotechnology in the past two decades has generated great capability of controlling materials at the nanometer scale and has enabled exciting opportunities to design materials with desirable photonic, electronic, ionic and mechanical properties, which are important for a variety of energy applications such as solar cells, vehicle electrifi cation and grid-scale storage. In this lecture, Prof. Cui will present how to design nanomaterials rationally to generate large impacts on solar to electricity conversion and batteries.

The Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, CENIDE, is the community of nano-researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) – the know-how of more than 55 research groups meets here in an interdisciplinary and creative environment. One of the main research areas of CENIDE is represented by the Nano Energy Technology Center (NETZ): It is a unique center where scientists investigate and develop scalable routes towards nanomaterials for energy applications.

Die Universität bedankt sich bei der Sparkasse Essen für die langjährige Förderung der Gastprofessur.

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