Scientist in Residence 2014 - Prof. Michael Batty
Scientist in Residence bezeichnet eine Gastprofessur, welche mit Unterstützung der Sparkasse Essen 1998 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen eingerichtet wurde.
Sie ermöglicht es der Universität, weltweit renommierte Gastwissenschaftler/-innen an die Universität einzuladen, um mit Forscher/-innen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/-innen der Universität in einen intensiven Austausch zu treten. Die interessierte Öffentlichkeit erfährt in einer „Public lecture“ Spannendes allgemein verständlich aus dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet.
Wintersemester 2014/15 Scientist in Residence
Die Besetzung der Gastprofessur erfolgt im Wintersemester 2014/15 über den UDE Profilschwerpunkt Urbane Systeme und wird von dem renommierten Professor Michael Batty vom Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) des University College London übernommen.
Der Festvortrag Simulating City Systems: Developing a New Science for the Future of Cities von Professor Batty fand am 13. Januar 2015 um 18:00 Uhr s.t. im Hörsaal S07 S00 D07 am Campus Essen statt.
Impressionen der Veranstaltung
Public Lecture, 13.01.2015 Simulating City Systems: Developing a New Science for the Future of Cities
Professor Michael Batty
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)
University College London
Michael Batty is Bartlett Professor of Planning (Emeritus) at University College London, where he is Chairman of CASA, the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. He is a leading expert on the development of computer models of cities and regions and the author of numerous books and articles, most recently The New Science of Cities (MIT Press 2013). Having held positions and visiting appointments at universities in the UK, the US, Australia and in Hong Kong, he has been Professor at University College London since 1995. As the founder and current Chairman of CASA, he has directed interdisciplinary research on the development of mathematical and computer methods in geographical information science, urban and regional modelling, and the scientific theory of cities. He has received numerous honours and awards, among them the Vautrin Lud Prize, the most prestigious award in the field of geography (the “Nobel Prize for Geography”), which he was awarded in 2013.
Symposium, 14.01.2015 (by invitation only) Current Approaches to Urban Complexity
Tentative programme for the workshop - participants and topics (working titles) include:
1. Jens Martin Gurr: Welcome and Introduction
2. Hans-Werner Wehling: Organized and Disorganized Complexities in the Ruhr Area
3. Bernd Sures: Insights from the KuLa Ruhr Project - Sustainable Urban Cultural Landscapes in the Ruhr Metropolis
4. Rüdiger Schultz: Network Optimization and Management of Urban Complexity: Power, Water, and Gas
5. Michael Wegener: Modelling the Energy Transition in the Ruhr
6. Bernd Noche: Current Work in Logistics Simulation
7. Sebastian Jäger, Rainer Leisten: Inner-city Transport within the Port of Duisburg:
Some Aspects
8. Michael Batty: Smart Cities and Big Data: Visualising Flows in the Real-Time City
9. Ute Schneider, Jens Martin Gurr: Quantitative, Verbal and Visual Models of Urban Complexity: Transfers, Intersections, Complementarities
The Joint Centre “Urban Systems”
The University of Duisburg-Essen’s Joint Centre “Urban Systems”, one of the UDE’s five Main Research Areas assembles experts in urban and metropolitan research from all faculties of the University. With this scope of competencies, it is uniquely positioned to carry out inter- and transdisciplinary research on key urban issues – in the Ruhr region and worldwide.
Die Universität bedankt sich bei der Sparkasse Essen für die langjährige Förderung der Gastprofessur.