About me

Dr. Arpit Singhal

Dr. Arpit Singhal promovierte in Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik an der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften der norwegischen Universität für Wissenschaft und Technologie (NTNU) in Norwegen für die Entwicklung von CFD-Modellen (Computational Fluid Dynamics) für Festbettreaktoren im Rahmen des NanoSim-Projekts ( RP7, Grant Nr. 604656).

Nach seiner Promotion arbeitete er am Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik im Bereich Digitalisierung für Materialmodellierungsaktivitäten in Europa. Seine Arbeit konzentrierte sich in der Materialinformatik auf die Entwicklung einer offenen Simulationsplattform im Rahmen des EU MarketPlace-Projekts H2020 (Grant Nr. 760173). Er war Autor mehrerer Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet.

Kürzlich wechselte er an die Universität Duisburg-Essen an das neu gegründete Institut für Digitalisierung im Bauwesen (DigiBau)


Digibau 2 - Introduction to data science for Engineers


 • Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Radl, Stefan & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of monodisperse spherical particles”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017. 314: p. 27-37

Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Radl, Stefan & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of cylindrical particles”. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017. 172: p. 1-12.

Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Multiscale modelling of packed bed chemical looping reforming”. Energy Procedia, 2017. 136: p. 349-355

Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Multiscale modelling of packed bed chemical looping reforming (PBCLR) reactor”. Energies, 2017. 10 (12): 2056

Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Verification of heat and mass transfer closures in industrial scale packed bed reactor simulations”. Energies. 2018. 11(4): 805

Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Radl, Stefan & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “CFD-DEM predictions of heat transfer in packed beds using commercial and open source codes”. MAYFEB Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 2016. 1: p. 1-17

• Singhal, Arpit & Cloete, Schalk & Radl, Stefan & Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa & Amini, Shahriar. “Comparison of Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation and 1D modelling of catalytic reactions in a packed bed”. Progress in Applied CFD – CFD2017. ISBN: 978-82-536-1544-8: p. 667-674


• “OpenFOAM-Interactive (OFI): An Interface to Control Solvers in OpenFOAM” in 6th International Congress on Particle-based Methods (Particle 2019). Barcelona, Spain.

Invited speaker in the industrial minisymposium on Molecular and Mesoscopic Modelling in Chemical Engineering Data Science - Part 1. “Building a marketplace for materials modelling services: Interoperable, integrated multiscale platforms” in 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019). Valencia, Spain.

Invited speaker as plenary lecture. “Materials modelling MarketPlace to enable industrial innovation through interoperable multiscale simulations” in EuroNanoForum (2019) NANOTECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCED MATERIALS PROGRESS UNDER HORIZON2020 AND BEYOND. Bucharest, Romania.

• “Comparison of Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation and 1D modelling of catalytic reactions in a cylindrical particle bed”, in V International Conference on PARTICLE-BASED Methods. Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLE (2017). Hannover, Germany

• “Multiscale modelling of packed bed chemical looping reforming”. in 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, ICEER (2017). Porto, Portugal

• “Comparison of Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation and 1D modelling of catalytic reactions in a packed bed”. in 12th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, CFD (2017). Trondheim, Norway

• “Multiscale modelling of heat transfer from arrays of spherical particles”. in 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF (2016). Florence, Italy