Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie
Dr. rer. oec. Dr. theol. Justinus Christoph Pech
Professional Qualifications
since 03/17
Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), Leipzig
Visiting Professor for Leadership
07/16 - 08/16
AU Summer University, Aarhus
Visiting Professor for Leadership, Management Strategy and Business Ethics
since 04/16
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen
Teaching in Systematic Theology
since 05/15
Institut für Führungsethik, Bochum
Director and founder
since 03/15
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
Habilitand in Dogmatics, Chair of Dogmatics and Ecumenical Movement, Prof. Dr. Leonhard Hell
since 10/11
Phil.-Theologische Hochschule Benedikt XVI., Heiligenkreuz
ao. Professor for Fundamental Theology
10/09 - 06/14
Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rom
Ph. D. in Dogmatic theology: "Paradox and Truth" directed by Prof. P. Dr. Joseph Carola
10/07 - 06/09
Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rom
Licentiate in theology (dogmatics)
10/03 - 07/07
Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), Leipzig
Ph. D. at the Chair of Marketing, esp. E-Commerce and Cross-Media Management, directed by Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg
topic: "The Relevance of Business Ethics for Corporate Management"