Rainer Niekamp

Dr.-Ing. Rainer Niekamp
Tel.: +49(0)201/183-2674 Fax: +49(0)201/183-2680 Raum: R12 S02 H76 rainer.niekamp@uni-due.de |
Universität Duisburg-Essen Fakultät für IngenieurwissenschaftenAbteilung Bauwissenschaften Institut für Mechanik Universitätsstraße 15 Raum R12 S02 H76 45141 Essen |
Big Data Analysis
Algorithmen für simultanes Fill In und Low-Rank Approximationen zur Umwandlung großer Daten-Tabellen in kleinere Smart Data
Anpassen von multivariaten stochastischen Modelllen bspw. unter Verwendung der Polynomial Chaos Expansion an empirische Verteilungen multidimensionaler Daten
(www.uni-due.de/mechanika/forschung.shtml --> A Stochastic Model for Strong Wind ...)
gekoppelte/ partitionierte Systeme
- Formulierung (strong coupling, localised Lagrange)
- Lösungsstrategien (Iterations Schemata, Quasi-/Block-Newton)
- verteilte Berechnungen
- parallele Berechnung
parameterisierte Probleme
- stochastisches Galerkin Verfahren
- (adaptive) Logarithmen für Niedrigrang-Aproximationen
- verallgemeinerte lineare Modelle (mit Fehlerschätzung, Adaptivität)
Software Entwicklung
- Meta Programmierung mathematischer Konzepte
- Separation von Compile- und Laufzeit Programmierung
- Component-Based Software Engineering
die Kombination obiger Punkte zur Realisierung multiphysikalischer Systeme
- Numerical Methods for Large Non-Linear Systems,
- Effective Properties of Micro- Hetergeneous Materials
- Tensor Calculus
- Höhere Mechanik
Die Unterlagen zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen werden über die Moodle-Plattform (http://moodle2.uni- due.de/) bereitgestellt.
10.1986 – 06.1993 |
Studium der Mathematik mit Nebenfach Informatik an der Universität Hannover |
05.1993 |
Diplom der Mathematik in den Schwerpunkten „Reine Mathematik“, Stochastik und Informatik |
02.1994 - 05.2000 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an dem Institut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik der Universität Hannover |
06.2000 |
Promotion am Fachbereich für Bauingenieur- und Vermessungswesen der Universität Hannover |
06.2000 - 10.2001 |
Chefprogrammierer, Dimension3D-Systems GmbH, Hannover |
12.2001 - 06.2002 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
07.2002 - 06.2008 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
07.2008 - 06.2014 | Akademischer Rat an dem Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
07.2014 - 03.2016 |
Mitarbeiter bei Meyerthole Siems Kohlruss, Gesellschaft für aktuarielle Beratung mbH, Köln |
05.2016 - heute |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mechanik der Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Betreute Abschlussarbeiten
"MatLab-Implementation of the PeriDynamics Method with Investigation of the Suitability for the Simulation of Metal-Cutting-Processes." by Kishore Jadhav Mohanrao, May 2018 |
"Acceleration of the convergence of a multi-objective optimisation algorithm" by Jurgis Pods, (co-supervised with Oliver Pajonk), Nov. 2009 |
"Fast Time Integration through Model Reduction Using Krylov-Subspace Based and Laplace Transform Methods" by Muhammad Khalaquzzaman, (co-supervised with Elmar Zander), Sept. 2009 |
"Connecting Component Architectures" by Boris Bügling, Aug. 2007 |
"Numerical Evaluation of Functionals based on Variance Minimisation" by Oliver Pajonk, Feb. 2007 |
"Konzept und Implementierung einer Suchanfrage-Sprache für Komponenten Systeme" by Dominik Jürgens, (co-supervised with Markus Krosche), June 2006 |
"Integrated design space optimization in car subframe topology design" by Jiyun Jiang, (co-supervised with Abul K. M. Fahimuddin), Oct. 2005 |
"Statistische Auswertung numerischer Simulationen" by Martin Krosche, Mar. 2005 |
"Informationsverteilung in heterogenen Netzwerken" by Frank Böhmer, Nov. 2004 |
"Concept, Specification and Prototype Implementation of a Framework for a Web-Based Generic Steering Environment for Scientic Applications" by Jingyu Du, Jan. 2004 |
"Entwicklung eines Programms zur automatischen Netzadaption im FLOWer-Code" by Michael Rudolph, June 2003 |
"Simulation einer konvektiven Strömung mittels der Particle-in-Cell Methode" by Hennadiy Netuzhylov, Sept. 2002 |
B.-A. Behrens, J. Schröder, D. Brands, L. Scheunemann, R. Niekamp, A. Chugreev, M. Sarhil, S. Uebing, and C. Kock. Experimental and numerical investigations of the development of residual stresses in thermo-mechanically processed Cr-alloyed steel. 1.3505. Metals, 9(4):480 (28 pages), 2019. |
R. Niekamp, D. Brands, C. Götzen, M. Kiseleva, J. Niekamp, J. Schröder, and O. Siems. A Stochastic Model for Strong Wind Events in Central Europe based on Historical Wind Data. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 18:e201800365 (2 pages), 2018. |
D. Brands, A. Chugreev, C. Kock, R. Niekamp, L. Scheunemann, S. Uebing, B.-A. Behrens, and J. Schröder. On the analysis of microstructural residual stresses in hot bulk forming parts under specific cooling. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 18(1):e201800256 (4 pages), 2018. |
Rainer Niekamp, Martin Krosche, and Adnan Ibrahimbegović. Heterogeneous Materials Models, Coupled Mechanics-Probability Problems and Energetically Optimal Model Reduction. In: A. Ibrahimbegović (ed.), Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, 287-313, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27996-1_11 |
Joachim Rang and Rainer Niekamp. A component framework for the parallel solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with Radau-IIA methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/fld.4018 |
Vladimir Dunić, Nenad Busarac, Vukašin Slavković, Bojana Rosić, Rainer Niekamp, Hermann Matthies, Radovan Slavković, and Miroslav Živković. A thermo-mechanically coupled finite strain model considering inelastic heat generation. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s00161-015-0442-5 |
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Rainer Niekamp, Christophe Kassiotis, Damijan Markovic , and Hermann G. Matthies. Code-Coupling Strategy for Efficient Development of Computer Software in Multiscale and Multiphysics Nonlinear Evolution Problems in Computational Mechanics. Advances in Engineering Software, 72:8-17, 2014. |
Rainer Niekamp, Adnan Ibrahimbegović, and Hermann G. Matthies. Formulation, solution and CTL software for coupled thermomechanics systems. Coupled System Mechanics, 3: 1-25, 2014. |
Mohammad Hadigol, Alireza Doostan, Hermann G. Matthies, and Rainer Niekamp. Partitioned treatment of uncertainty in coupled domain problems: A separated representation approach. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrng., 274: 103-124, 2014. |
Mohammad Hadigol, Alireza Doostan, Hermann G. Matthies, and Rainer Niekamp. Partitioned Solution of Coupled Stochastic Problems. In: Sergio R. Idelsohn (ed.): Numerical Si-mulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 33: 405-422, 2014. |
Tarin Srisupattarawanit, Rainer Niekamp, and Hermann G. Matthies. A Coupled Multi-Physics Model for Dynamics of Offshore Wind Energy Converter. Development and Applications of Oceanic Engineering, 3:1-10, 2014. |
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Rainer Niekamp, Christophe Kassiotis, Damijan Markovic, and Hermann G. Matthies. Code-Coupling Strategy for Efficient Development of Computer Software in Multiscale and Multiphysics Nonlinear Evolution Problems in Computational Mechanics. Advances in Engineering Software, 72:8-17, 2014. |
Mohammad Hadigol, Alireza Doostan, Hermann G. Matthies, and Rainer Niekamp. Partitioned treatment of uncertainty in coupled domain problems: A separated representation approach. arXiv: 1305.6818 [math.PR], 2013. |
Christophe Kassiotis, Adnan Ibrahimbegović, Rainer Niekamp, and Hermann G. Matthies. Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem. Part II: Space Discretization, Implementation Aspects, Nested Parallelization and Application Examples. Computational Mechanics, 47:335-357, 2011. |
Christophe Kassiotis, Adnan Ibrahimbegović, Rainer Niekamp, and Hermann G. Matthies. Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem. Part I: Implicit Partitioned Algorithm, Nonlinear Stability Proof and Validation Examples. Computational Mechanics, 47:305-323, 2011. |
Rainer Niekamp, Damijan Marković, Adnan Ibrahimbegović, Hermann G. Matthies, and Robert L. Taylor. Multi-Scale Modelling of Heterogeneous Structures with Inelastic Constitutive Behavior. Part II - Software Coupling Implementation Aspects. Engineering Computations, 26:6-28, 2009. |
Hermann G. Matthies, Rainer Niekamp, and Jan Steindorf. Algorithms for Strong Coupling Procedures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195:2028-2049, 2006. |
Tarin Srisupattarawanit, Rainer Niekamp, and Hermann G. Matthies. Simulation of Nonlinear Random Finite Depth Waves Coupled with an Elastic Structure. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195:3072-3086, 2006. |
Hermann G. Matthies, Rainer Niekamp, and Tarin Srisupattarawanit, Scientifc Computing with Software Components, IACM Expressions 19: 27-31, 2006. |
Damijan Marković, Rainer Niekamp, Adnan Ibrahimbegović, Hermann G. Matthies, and Robert L. Taylor. Multi-Scale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures with Inelastic Constitutive Behaviour. Part I - Physical and Mathematical Aspects. Engineering Computations, 22:664-683, 2005. |
Rainer Niekamp and Erwin Stein. An Object-Oriented Approach for Parallel Two- and Three-Dimensional Adaptive Finite Element Computations. Computers & Structures, 80:317-328, 2002. |
Alexander Idesman, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Finite Elements in Space and Time for Generalized Viscoelastic Maxwell Model. Computational Mechanics, 27:49-60, 2001. |
Dmitrij Tikhomirov, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. On Three-Dimensional Microcrack Density Distribution. ZAMM, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 81:3-16, 2001. |
Rainer Niekamp and Erwin Stein. The Hierarchically Graded Multilevel Finite Element Method. Computational Mechanics, 27:302-304, 2001. |
Alexander Idesman, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Finite Elements in Space and Time for Parallel Computing of Viscoelastic Deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190:1049-1063, 2000. |
Martin Buch, Alexander Idesman, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Finite Elements in Space and Time for Parallel Computing of Viscoelastic Deformation. Computational Mechanics, 24:386-395, 1999. |
Ottmar Klaas, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Algorithms for the Calculation of Limit and Bifurcation Points Using Lanczos Methods. Computational Mechanics, 20:221-228, 1997. |
Ulrich Brink, Ottmar Klaas, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Coupling of Adaptively Refined Dual Mixed Finite Elements and Boundary Elements in Linear Elasticity. Advances in Engineering Software, 24:13-26, 1995. |
Ottmar Klaas, Rainer Niekamp, and Erwin Stein. Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Computations with Hierarchical Preconditioning. Computational Mechanics, 16:45-52, 1995. |
Rainer Niekamp, Jörg Schröder, and Erwin Stein. Anwendung der Integralsätze zur Herleitung der Schnittgrößen-Differentialgleichung des Biegebalkens für unstetige Belastungen. Der Bauingenieur, 70:KTB 329, 1995. |
Dietrich Braess, Ottmar Klaas, Rainer Niekamp, Erwin Stein, and Frank Wobschal. Error Indicators for Mixed Finite Elements in 2-Dimensional Linear Elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 127:345-356, 1995. |