Projects: Turbomachines for Alternative Fluids and Circuits

Untersuchung eines digitalen Zwillingmodells von Gasdichtungen

  • Grant Agreement No.: 03EE5159G
  • Funding programme: Siemens Energy/BMWK
  • Persons in charge: -


Supercritical CO2 power cycles demonstration in Operational environment Locally valorising industrial Waste Heat (CO2OLHEAT)

  • Grant Agreement No.: 101022831
  • Funding programme: Europ. Union Horizon 2020
  • Person in charge: Katharina Tegethoff


Abgeschlossene Projekte:

Innovative sCO2-based heat removal technology for an increased level of safety of nuclear power plants

  • Grant Agreement No.: 847606
  • Funding programme: Europ. Union Horizon 2020
  • Persons in charge: Alexander Hacks, Haikun Ren


Supercritical CO2 cycle for flexible and sustainable support to the electricity system (sCO2-Flex)

  • Grant Agreement No.: 764690
  • Funding programme: Europ. Union Horizon 2020
  • Persons in charge: Ihab Abd El Hussein, Alexander Hacks (partly)


The supercritical CO2 heat removal system (sCO2-HeRo)

  • Grant Agreement No.: 662116
  • Funding programme: Europ. Union Horizon 2020
  • Persons in charge: Alexander Hacks, Sebastian Schuster (partly)

Stellenausschreibungen / Open positions

  • Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:innen (m/w/d) oder Masterstudierende (m/w/d) mit Interesse an einer Promotion

     zur Initiativbewerbung


  • wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (w/m/d) im Fachgebiet Strömungsmaschinen

     zur Ausschreibung

The 6th European Conference on Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Systems will be held on April 08-11, 2025, in Delft, Netherlands.

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​sCO2 europe

sCO2 Conference Proceedings