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Professoren i.R., Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Intrinsic Explainable Self-Enforcing Networks Using the ICON-D2-Ensemble Prediction System for Runway ConfigurationsIn: Engineering Proceedings Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 1, 41Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The regulatory algorithm (RGA) : a two-dimensional extension of evolutionary algorithmsIn: Soft Computing Jg. 20 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 2067 - 2075Online Volltext:
Word morph and topological structures : A graph generating algorithmIn: Complexity Jg. 21 (2016) Nr. S1, S. 426 - 436Online Volltext:
Communication and understanding mathematical foundations and practical applicationsIn: Computational and mathematical organization theory Jg. 18 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 211 - 231Online Volltext:
Introduction: Social-cognitive complexity, computational models and theoretical framesIn: Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Jg. 18 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 145 - 152Online Volltext:
A mathematical theory of communication : Meaning, information, and topologyIn: Complexity Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 10 - 26Online Volltext:
Interacting Neural Networks and the Emergence of Social StructureIn: Complexity Jg. 12 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 41 - 52Online Volltext:
Topology, computational models, and social-cognitive complexityIn: Complexity Jg. 11 (2006) Nr. 4, S. 43 - 55Online Volltext:
Detektive aus Bits und BytesIn: Gehirn und Geist Jg. 5 (2005) Nr. 1-2,
On the Nature of Culture and Communication : a Complex Systems Perspective.In: Cybernetics and Systems (CBS) Jg. 36 (2005) Nr. 8, S. 877 - 902Online Volltext:
The Emergence of Social Order by Processes of Typifying : A Computational ModelIn: The Journal of Mathematical Sociology Jg. 29 (2005) Nr. 2, S. 155 - 176Online Volltext:
Die Programme des Hercule(s) : Drei KI-Systeme und ein MörderIn: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Jg. 18 (2004) Nr. 3, S. 52 - 55
The Evolution of Social Geometry : Some considerations about general principles of the evolution of complex systemsIn: Complexity Jg. 9 (2004) Nr. 1,Online Volltext:
Formal models, social theory and computer simulations : some methodological reflectionsIn: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Jg. 6 (2003) Nr. 2,
Historical Evolution and Mathematical Models : A Sociocultural AlgorithmIn: The Journal of Mathematical Sociology Jg. 27 (2003) Nr. 1, S. 53 - 83Online Volltext:
Simulation of Group Dynamics with Ddifferent ModelsIn: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Jg. 6 (2003) Nr. 4,
Sociocultural Evolution and Cognitive Ontogenesis : A Sociocultural-Cognitive AlgorithmIn: Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Jg. 9 (2003) S. 255 - 273Online Volltext:
Soziologische Theorien, akademische Lehre und der Computer : ein ErfahrungsberichtIn: Soziologie: Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie Jg. 30 (2001) Nr. 2, S. 5 - 15
Control parameters in Boolean networks and cellular automata revisited from a logical and a sociological point of viewIn: Complexity Jg. 5 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 45 - 52Online Volltext:
Social Differentiation as the Unfolding of Dimensions of Social SystemsIn: The Journal of Mathematical Sociology Jg. 23 (1999) Nr. 4, S. 309 - 325Online Volltext:
Topology, Metric and Dynamics of Social SystemsIn: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Jg. 2 (1999) Nr. 3,
Sociological Discourses in Virtual Reality : A Hybrid System for the Reconstruction and Comparision of Sociological TheoriesIn: Social Science Computer Review Jg. 14 (1996) Nr. 3, S. 280 - 292Online Volltext:
Luhmann aus dem Computer : Bericht über ein hochschuldidaktisches ExperimentIn: Das Hochschulwesen: HSW Jg. 42 (1994) Nr. 5,
Marx und Luhmann im Cyberspace - ein Computerprogramm zur Rekonstruktion und zum formalen Vergleich soziologischer TheorienIn: Sociologia Internationalis: Europäische Zeitschrift für Kulturforschung Jg. 31 (1993)
Rekonstruktion und Verstehen : ein Computerprogramm zur Interpretation sozialwissenschaftlicher TexteIn: Sprache und Datenverarbeitung: international journal for language data processing / IKP, Universität Bonn (Hrsg.) (1993)
Classification of Subjectively Evaluated Images with Self-Enforcing Networks Using Reference Types, and a Cue Validity FactorIn: Advances in Computational Intelligence: Proceedings, Part I / 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2023, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, June 19–21, 2023 / Rojas, Ignacio; Gonzalo, Joya; Catala, Andreu (Hrsg.) 2023, S. 340 - 352Online Volltext:
Decision Support Systems for Air Traffic Control with Self-enforcing Networks Based on Weather Forecast and Reference Types for the Direction of OperationIn: Advances in Computational Intelligence: 16th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2021, Virtual Event, June 16–18, 2021, Proceedings, Part II / 16th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: IWANN 2021, June 16–18, 2021, Virtual / Rojas, Ignacio; Joya, Gonzalo; Catala, Andreu (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 404 - 415Online Volltext:
Decision Support in Everyday Business Using Self-enforcing NetworksIn: Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A Collection of Innovative Research Case-studies that are Reworking the Way We Look at Industry 4.0 Thanks to Artificial Intelligence / Dingli, Alexiei; Haddod, Foaad; Klüver, Christina (Hrsg.) Jg. 928 2021, S. 31 - 44Online Volltext:
Using Boolean- and Self-Enforcing-Networks for Mathematical E-Tutorial SystemsIn: Advances in Computational Intelligence: 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, 2019, Proceedings, Part II / Rojas, Ignacio; Joya, Gonzalo; Catala, Andreu; 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, 2019 2019, S. 845 - 856Online Volltext:
A regulatory algorithm (RGA) for optimizing examination timetablingIn: IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2016) / SSCI 2016; Athens; Greece; 6 December - 9 December 2016 / Jin, Yaochu; Kollias, Stefanos; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 7850284Online Volltext:
A self-enforcing neural network as decision support system for air traffic control based on probabilistic weather forecastsIn: IJCNN 2017 / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2017; Anchorage; United States; 14 May 2017 through 19 May 2017 2017, S. 729 - 736Online Volltext:
The controlled development of (medical) self-diagnosis systems with self-enforcing networksIn: 31st Annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2017, ESM 2017 / ESM 2017; Lisbon; Portugal; 25 October 2017 through 27 October 2017 2017, S. 381 - 383
Optimization of room allocation plans at the university Duisburg-Essen with a regulatory algorithmIn: 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) / IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada 2016, S. 4815 - 4822Online Volltext:
Self-enforcing networks als tools zurauswahl eines geeigneten (ggf. Hybriden) vorgehensmodells in IT-ProjektenIn: Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2015: hybride Projektstrukturen erfolgreich umsetzen / Tagung der Fachgruppen Projektmanagement (WI-PM) und Vorgehensmodelle (WI-VM) im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 22. und 23. Oktober 2015 in Elmshorn / Engstler, Martin (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 139 - 150
Nature analogous methods for everybody : Applications to human resource managementIn: Modelling and Simulation 2014: the European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2014, ESM 2014 / European Simulation and Modelling Conference ; ESM ; October 22 - 24, 2014, Porto / Brito, António Carvalho; Tavares, Joao Manuel; Braganca de Oliveira, Carlos (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 171 - 177
Ordering data sets by generating graph structuresIn: Modelling and simulation 2014: the European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2014, ESM 2014 / European Simulation and Modelling Conference ; ESM ; October 22 - 24, 2014, Porto, Portugal / Brito, António Carvalho; Tavares, Joao Manuel; Braganca de Oliveira, Carlos (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 97 - 102
Soft Computing tools for the analysis of complex problemsIn: 1st International Simulation Tools Conference and Expo 2013, SIMEX 2013 / 1st International Simulation Tools Conference and Expo, SIMEX 2013; Brussels; Belgium; 18 September 2013 through 19 September 2013 2013, S. 31 - 38
A Holonic Medical Diagnosis System Based on MAS Technology and Neural NetworksIn: Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics: Proceedings / International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16 - 19, 2006 2006
Sinnverstehende Soziologie, Neurobiologie und die Mathematik des Gehirns.In: Akteur Gehirn - oder das vermeintliche Ende des handelnden Subjekts / Reichertz, Jo; Zaboura, N. (Hrsg.) 2006Online Volltext:
Social Constraints and Cybernetic ExplanationsIn: Unifying Themes in Complex Systems: Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Complex Systems ; Volume IIIB: New Research / Third International Conference on Complex Systems, May 21-26, 2000, Nashua, NH, USA / Minai, Ali A.; Bar-Yam, Yaneer (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 367 - 376Online Volltext:
In the Looking Glass : The Selfmodeling of Social SystemsIn: Unifying Themes in Complex Systems: Proceedings Of The Second International Conference On Complex Systems ; Volume 2 / 2nd International Conference on Complex Systems, 25.10.-30.10.1998, Nashua, NH, USA / Bar-Yam, Yaneer; Minai, Ali A. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 597 - 606
Literarische Morde, Künstliche Intelligenz und formale Logik : Textrekonstruktionen einer etwas anderen ArtIn: Medienmorde: Krimis intermedial / Vogt, J. (Hrsg.) 2004
The Emergence of Social Cooperation in a Robotic SocietyIn: Multiagent System Technologies: Proceedings / Second German Conference, MATES 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 29-30, 2004. / Lindemann, Gabriela; Denzinger, Jörg; Timm, Ingo; Unland, Rainer (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 29 - 46Online Volltext:
Multi-agent systems and soft computing technologies : a promising symbiosis for reliable medical diagnosisIn: Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Soft Computing for Internet and Bioinformatics Frontiers 2003: BISC FLINT-CIBI / International Joint Workshop on Soft Computing for Internet and Bioinformatics Frontiers, Berkeley, USA, 15.-19.12.2003 2003
The Geometry and Evolution of Social SystemsIn: Sociocybernetics: Complexity, Autopoiesis, and Observations of Social Systems / Geyer, Felix (Hrsg.) 2001
Ordering Parameters in the Rule Space of Social SystemsIn: Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation / Suleiman, Ramzi; Troitzsch, Klaus G.; Gilbert, Nigel (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 48 - 61Online Volltext:
Modeling Science as an Adaptive and Selforganizing Social System : Concepts, Theories and Modeling ToolsIn: Computermodeling of Science and Technology / Ahrweiler, Petra; Gilbert, Nigel (Hrsg.) 1997Online Volltext:
Simulations of the Self Modeling of Social Systems by a Hybrid SystemIn: Advances in statistical software 6 / SoftStat '97, The 9th Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software, March 3 - 6, 1997, Heidelberg / Faulbaum, Frank; Bandilla, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) 1997, S. 411 - 417
Simulations of Self Organizing Social SystemsIn: SoftStat '95 / the 8th Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software, March 26 - 30, 1995, Heidelberg / Faulbaum, Frank; Bandilla, W. (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 425 - 432
On Communication : An Interdisciplinary and Mathematical ApproachIn: Theory and Decision Library Dordrecht Jg. 40 (2007)Online Volltext:
Computersimulationen und soziale Einzelfallstudien : eine Einführung in die Modellierung des SozialenHerdecke (2006) X, 377 S.
Mathematisch-logische Grundlagen der InformatikIn: Mathematik lernen Herdecke (2006) VIII, 336 S.
Themenheft: Special Issue on Sociocultural EvolutionIn: Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Jg. 9, Heft 3 (2004)
An Essay Concerning Socio-cultural Evolution : Theoretical Principles and Mathematical ModelsDordrecht (2002) VI, 240 S.
The Dynamics and Evolution of Social Systems : New Foundations of a Mathematical SociologyIn: Theory and Decision Library Dordrecht Jg. 29 (2000) VIII, 289 S.Online Volltext:
Kommunikation, Bedeutung und System - Aspekte einer mathematischen Kommunikationswissenschaft.In: Essener Schriften zu Sozial- und Kommunikationsforschung Jg. 3 (1999)
Soziologie als Computerexperiment : Modellierungen soziologischer Theorien durch KI- und KL-ProgrammierungIn: Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschaft und Philosophie Braunschweig/Wiesbaden Jg. 41 (1995) VIII, 163 S. : graph. Darst.