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  • Oberarzt/-ärztin, Klinik für Dermatologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Esser, Stefan; Inciarte, Alexy; Levy, Itzchak; Monforte, Antonella D'Arminio; Lambert, John S.; Welzen, Berend van; Teruya, Katsuji; Boffito, Marta; Liu, Chun-Eng; Aydın, Ozlem A.; Thorpe, David; Heinzkill, Marion; Marongiu, Andrea; Cassidy, Tali; Haubrich, Richard; D'Amato, Lisa; Robineau, Olivier
    Combined bictegravir, emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide for treating people with HIV : A plain language summary of the BICSTaR study up to 1 year
    In: Future Microbiology (2024) in press
  • Huang, Kun D.; Amend, Lena; Gálvez, Eric J.C.; Lesker, Till-Robin; de Oliveira, Romulo; Bielecka, Agata; Blanco-Míguez, Aitor; Valles-Colomer, Mireia; Ruf, Isabel; Pasolli, Edoardo; Buer, Jan; Segata, Nicola; Esser, Stefan; Strowig, Till; Kehrmann, Jan
    Establishment of a non-Westernized gut microbiota in men who have sex with men is associated with sexual practices
    In: Cell Reports Medicine Jg. 5 (2024) Nr. 3, 101426
  • Chromy, David; Starossek, Lisa; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, Katharina; Adamek, Sarah; Maischack, Felix; Sammet, Stefanie; Sadoghi, Birgit; Stary, Georg; Willinger, Birgit; Weninger, Wolfgang; Esser, Stefan; Makristathis, Athanasios; Bauer, Wolfgang Michael
    High cure rates of Mycoplasma genitalium following empiric treatment with azithromycin alongside frequent detection of macrolide resistance in Austria
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease (2024) in press
  • Webendoerfer, Maximilian; Konik, Margarethe; Zettler, Markus; Wienker, Johannes; Rawitzer, Josefine; Esser, Stefan; Kehrmann, Jan; Herrmann, Ken; Reinhardt, Hans Christian; Witzke, Oliver; Dolff, Sebastian
    Hypercalcemia as a rare manifestation of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in a person living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) with disseminated nontuberculous mycobacteriosis
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 52 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 1627 - 1631
  • Valbert, Frederik; Behrens, Georg M.N.; Bickel, Markus; Boesecke, Christoph; Esser, Stefan; Dröge, Patrik; Ruhnke, Thomas; Krings, Amrei; Schmidt, Daniel; Koppe, Uwe; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Wienholt, Lea; Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Anja
    Prevalence of HIV in people with potential HIV-indicator conditions in Germany : an analysis of data from statutory health insurances
    In: eClinicalMedicine Jg. 73 (2024) 102694
  • Jäger, Jasmin; Callensee, Leonie; Albayrak-Rena, Sarah; Esser, Stefan; Witzke, Oliver; Schönfeld, Andreas
    Prevalence of sarcopenia among people living with HIV defined by the revised European working group on sarcopenia in older people
    In: International Journal of STD and AIDS (2024) in press
  • Mavarani, Laven; Reinsch, Nico; Albayrak-Rena, Sarah; Potthoff, Anja; Hower, Martin; Dolff, Sebastian; Schadendorf, Dirk; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan
    The Association of HIV-Specific Risk Factors with Cardiovascular Events in Addition to Traditional Risk Factors in People Living with HIV
    In: AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 235 - 245
  • Roesmann, Fabian; Sertznig, Helene; Klaassen, Katleen; Wilhelm, Alexander; Heininger, Delia; Heß, Stefanie; Elsner, Carina; Marschalek, Rolf; Santiago, Mario L.; Esser, Stefan; Sutter, Kathrin; Dittmer, Ulf; Widera, Marek
    The interferon-regulated host factor hnRNPA0 modulates HIV-1 production by interference with LTR activity, mRNA trafficking, and programmed ribosomal frameshifting
    In: Journal of Virology Jg. 98 (2024) Nr. 7, e0053424
  • Esser, Pia L; Quintanares, Gibran H Rubio; Langhans, Bettina; Heger, Eva; Böhm, Michael; Jensen, Björn-Erik O L E; Esser, Stefan; Lübke, Nadine; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Lengauer, Thomas; Klein, Florian; Oette, Mark; Rockstroh, Juergen K; Boesecke, Christoph; Di Cristanziano, Veronica; Kaiser, Rolf; Pirkl, Martin
    Torque Teno Virus Load Is Associated With Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Stage and CD4+ Cell Count in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus but Seems Unrelated to AIDS-Defining Events and Human Pegivirus Load
    In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) Jg. 230 (2024) Nr. 2, S. e437 - e446
  • Esser, Stefan; Brunetta, Jason; Inciarte, Alexy; Levy, Itzchak; D'Arminio Monforte, Antonella; Lambert, John S.; van Welzen, Berend; Teruya, Katsuji; Boffito, Marta; Liu, Chun-Eng; Altuntas Aydın, Ozlem; Thorpe, David; Heinzkill, Marion; Marongiu, Andrea; Cassidy, Tali; Haubrich, Richard; D'Amato, Lisa; Robineau, Olivier
    Twelve-month effectiveness and safety of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide in people with HIV : Real-world insights from BICSTaR cohorts
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 440 - 453
  • Mavarani, Laven; Albayrak-Rena, Sarah; Potthoff, Anja; Hower, Martin; Dolff, Sebastian; Sammet, Stefanie; Maischack, Felix; Schadendorf, Dirk; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan; HIV HEART AGING Study
    Changes in body mass index, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio over five years in HIV-positive individuals in the HIV Heart Aging Study compared to the general population
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 51 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 1081 - 1091
  • Hoffmann, Christian; Jessen, Heiko; Wyen, Christoph; Grunwald, Stephan; Noe, Sebastian; Teichmann, Jörn; Krauss, Anja‐Sophie; Kolarikal, Henning; Scholten, Stefan; Schuler, Christoph; Bickel, Markus; Roll, Clemens; Kreckel, Peter; Köppe, Siegfried; Straub, Matthias; Klausen, Gerd; Lenz, Johannes; Esser, Stefan; Jensen, Björn; Rausch, Michael; Unger, Stefan; Pauli, Ramona; Härter, Georg; Müller, Matthias; Masuhr, Anja; Schäfer, Guido; Seybold, Ulrich; Schellberg, Sven; Schneider, Jochen; Monin, Malte Benedikt; Wolf, Eva; Spinner, Christoph D.; Boesecke, Christoph
    Clinical characteristics of monkeypox virus infections among men with and without HIV : A large outbreak cohort in Germany
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 389 - 397
  • Schommers, Philipp; Kim, Dae Sung; Schlotz, Maike; Kreer, Christoph; Eggeling, Ralf; Hake, Anna; Stecher, Melanie; Park, Juyeon; Radford, Caelan E.; Dingens, Adam S.; Ercanoglu, Meryem S.; Gruell, Henning; Odidika, Stanley; Dahlhaus, Marten; Gieselmann, Lutz; Ahmadov, Elvin; Lawong, Rene Y.; Heger, Eva; Knops, Elena; Wyen, Christoph; Kümmerle, Tim; Römer, Katja; Scholten, Stefan; Wolf, Timo; Stephan, Christoph; Suárez, Isabelle; Raju, Nagarajan; Adhikari, Anurag; Esser, Stefan; Streeck, Hendrik; Duerr, Ralf; Nanfack, Aubin J.; Zolla-Pazner, Susan; Geldmacher, Christof; Geisenberger, Otto; Kroidl, Arne; William, Wiston; Maganga, Lucas; Ntinginya, Nyanda Elias; Georgiev, Ivelin S.; Vehreschild, Jörg J.; Hoelscher, Michael; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Lavinder, Jason J.; Bloom, Jesse D.; Seaman, Michael S.; Lehmann, Clara; Pfeifer, Nico; Georgiou, George; Klein, Florian
    Dynamics and durability of HIV-1 neutralization are determined by viral replication
    In: Nature Medicine Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 11, S. 2763 - 2774
  • Elsner, Carina; Appeltrath, Gwenllian A.; Konik, Margarethe; Parreuter, Janine; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie; Karsten, Christina B.
    False-Positive Screening and Confirmatory HIV Diagnostic Test in a Patient with Cured SARS-CoV-2 Infection Is Not Mediated by Env/Spike Cross-Reactive Antibodies
    In: Viruses Jg. 15 (2023) Nr. 5, 1161
  • Malyshkina, Anna; Bayer, Wibke; Podschwadt, Philip; Otto, Lucas; Karakoese, Zehra; Sutter, Kathrin; Bruderek, Kirsten; Wang, Baoxiao; Lavender, Kerry J.; Santiago, Mario L.; Leipe, Pia Madeleine; Elsner, Carina; Esser, Stefan; Brandau, Sven; Gunzer, Matthias; Dittmer, Ulf
    Immunotherapy-induced cytotoxic T follicular helper cells reduce numbers of retrovirus-infected reservoir cells in B cell follicles
    In: PLoS Pathogens Jg. 19 (2023) Nr. 10, e1011725
  • Sempere, Abiu; Assoumou, Lambert; González-Cordón, Ana; Waters, Laura; Rusconi, Stefano; Domingo, Pere; Gompels, Mark; de Wit, Stephane; Raffi, François; Stephan, Christoph; Masiá, Mar; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Katlama, Christine; Behrens, Georg M N; Moyle, Graeme; Johnson, Margaret; Fox, Julie; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Gatell, José; Pozniak, Anton; Martínez, Esteban; NEAT 022 Study Group
    Incidence of Hypertension and Blood Pressure Changes in Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Switching From Boosted Protease Inhibitors to Dolutegravir : A Post-hoc Analysis of the 96-week Randomised NEAT-022 Trial
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 77 (2023) Nr. 7, S. 991 - 1009
  • Waters, Laura; Assoumou, Lambert; González-Cordón, Ana; Rusconi, Stefano; Domingo, Pere; Gompels, Mark; de Wit, Stephane; Raffi, François; Stephan, Christoph; Masiá, Mar; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Katlama, Christine; Behrens, Georg M N; Moyle, Graeme; Johnson, Margaret; Fox, Julie; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Gatell, José M; Pozniak, Anton; Martínez, Esteban; Vandekerckhove, Linos; Caluwé, Els; Necsoi, Coca; Frankenhuijsen, Maartje Van; Allavena, Clotilde; Reliquet, Véronique; Boutoille, David; Cavellec, Morane; André-Garnier, Elisabeth; Rodallec, Audrey; Tourneau, Thierry Le; Connault, Jérôme; Molina, Jean-Michel; Ferret, Samuel; Previlon, Miresta; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Landman, Roland; Joly, Véronique; Pinto, Adriana; Caby, Fabienne; Ktorza, Nadine; Schneider, Luminita; Wolf, Timo; Schüttfort, Gundolf; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne; Boesecke, Christoph; Hoffmann, Christian; Sabranski, Michael; Esser, Stephan; Jablonka, Robert; Wiehler, Heidi; Stoll, Matthias; Ahrenstorf, Gerrit; Nardini, Giulia; Beghetto, Barbara; Montforte, Antonella D’Arminio; Bini, Teresa; Cogliandro, Viola; Di Pietro, Massimo; Fusco, Francesco Maria; Galli, Massimo; Giacomelli, Andrea; Meraviglia, Paola; Torres, Berta; Mateo, Gracia; Gutierrez, Mar; Portilla, Joaquin; Merino, Esperanza; Reus, Sergio; Boix, Vicente; Gutiérrez, Félix; Padilla, Sergio; Clotet, Bonaventura; Negredo, Eugenia; Bonjoch, Anna; Casado, José L; Bañón-Escandell, Sara; Saban, Jose; Duque, Africa; Podzamczer, Daniel; Saumoy, Maria; Acerete, Laura; Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan; Bernardino, José Ignacio; Arribas, José Ramón; Hontañón, Victor; Pagani, Nicole; Bracchi, Margherita; Vera, Jaime; Clarke, Amanda; Adams, Tanya; Richardson, Celia; Winston, Alan; Mora-Peris, Borja; Mullaney, Scott; Esteban, Nahum de; Milinkovic, Ana; Pett, Sarah; Tiraboschi, Juan Manuel; Youle, Mike; Orkin, Chloe; Rackstraw, Simon; Hand, James; Jennings, Louise; Nicholls, Jane; Johnston, Sarah
    Limited Weight Impact After Switching From Boosted Protease Inhibitors to Dolutegravir in Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus With High Cardiovascular Risk : A Post Hoc Analysis of the 96-Week NEAT-022 Randomized Trial
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 76 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 861 - 870
  • González-Cordón, Ana; Assoumou, Lambert; Moyle, Graeme; Waters, Laura; Johnson, Margaret; Domingo, Pere; Fox, Julie; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Masiá, Mar; Gompels, Mark; De Wit, Stephane; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Raffi, François; Behrens, Georg; Pozniak, Anton; Gatell, Jose M.; Martínez, Esteban; Vandekerckhove, Linos; Caluwé, Els; Necsoi, Coca; Van Frankenhuijsen, Maartje; Allavena, Clotilde; Reliquet, Véronique; Boutoille, David; Cavellec, Morane; André-Garnier, Elisabeth; Rodallec, Audrey; Le Tourneau, Thierry; Connault, Jérôme; Molina, Jean-Michel; Ferret, Samuel; Previlon, Miresta; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Landman, Roland; Joly, Véronique; Pinto, Adriana; Katlama, Christine; Caby, Fabienne; Ktorza, Nadine; Schneider, Luminita; Stephan, Christoph; Wolf, Timo; Schüttfort, Gundolf; Rockstroh, Juergen; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne; Boesecke, Christoph; Hoffmann, Christian; Sabranski, Michael; Esser, Stephan; Jablonka, Robert; Wiehler, Heidi; Stoll, Matthias; Ahrenstorf, Gerrit; Nardini, Giulia; Beghetto, Barbara; D’Arminio Montforte, Antonella; Bini, Teresa; Cogliandro, Viola; Di Pietro, Massimo; Fusco, Francesco Maria; Galli, Massimo; Rusconi, Stefano; Giacomelli, Andrea; Meraviglia, Paola; Torres, Berta; Mateo, Gracia; Gutierrez, Mar; Portilla, Joaquin; Merino, Esperanza; Reus, Sergio; Boix, Vicente; Gutiérrez, Félix; Padilla, Sergio; Clotet, Bonaventura; Negredo, Eugenia; Bonjoch, Anna; Casado, José L; Bañón-Escandell, Sara; Saban, Jose; Duque, Africa; Podzamczer, Daniel; Saumoy, Maria; Acerete, Laura; Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan; Bernardino, José Ignacio; Arribas, José Ramón; Hontañón, Victor; Pagani, Nicole; Bracchi, Margherita; Vera, Jaime; Clarke, Amanda; Adams, Tanya; Richardson, Celia; Winston, Alan; Mora-Peris, Borja; Mullaney, Scott; de Esteban, Nahum; Milinkovic, Ana; Pett, Sarah; Tiraboschi, Juan Manuel; Youle, Mike; Orkin, Chloe; Rackstraw, Simon; Hand, James; Jennings, Louise; Nicholls, Jane; Johnston, Sarah
    Long-term effects on subclinical cardiovascular disease of switching from boosted protease inhibitors to dolutegravir
    In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Jg. 78 (2023) Nr. 9, S. 2361 - 2365
  • Valbert, Frederik; Koppe, Uwe; Schmidt, Daniel; Krings, Amrei; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Dröge, Patrik; Ruhnke, Thomas; Behrens, Georg; Bickel, Markus; Boesecke, Christoph; Esser, Stefan; Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Anja
    Optimization of HIV testing services in Germany using HIV indicator diseases : study protocol of the HeLP study
    In: Archives of Public Health Jg. 81 (2023) Nr. 1, 159
  • Chromy, David; Osmers, Anthea-Margaux; Bauer, Wolfgang Michael; Touzeau-Roemer, Veronique; Borst, Carina; Esser, Stefan; Weninger, Wolfgang; Willinger, Birgit; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, Katharina
    Sexually Transmitted Dermatophytes Can Cause Severe Infection Among Men who Have Sex With Men as Tinea Genitalis
    In: Open Forum Infectious Diseases Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 11, ofad519
  • Sondermann, Wiebke; Wies, Christoph; Esser, Stefan; Utikal, Jochen S.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Brinker, Titus J.
    The "Intimarzt" (intimate doctor) Model Project : Anonymous Remote Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Jg. 120 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 94 - 95
  • Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie
    Antiretrovirale Therapie-Strategien: eine aktuelle Leitlinien-fokussierte Übersicht
    In: Haut: Dermatologie, Allergologie, Kosmetologie (2022) Nr. 4, S. 194 - 197
  • Karakoese, Zehra; Schwerdtfeger, Mara; Karsten, Christina; Esser, Stefan; Dittmer, Ulf; Sutter, Kathrin
    Distinct Type I Interferon Subtypes Differentially Stimulate T Cell Responses in HIV-1-Infected Individuals
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 13 (2022) 936918
  • Streeck, Hendrik; Jansen, Klaus; Crowell, Trevor A.; Esber, Allahna; Jessen, Heiko K.; Cordes, Christiane; Scholten, Stefan; Schneeweiss, Stephan; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Spinner, Christoph D.; Bickel, Markus; Esser, Stefan; Hartikainen, Jukka; Stoehr, Albrecht; Lehmann, Clara; Marcus, Ulrich; Vehreschild, Jorg Janne; Knorr, Alexandra; Brillen, Anna-Lena; Tiemann, Carsten; Robb, Merlin L.; Michael, Nelson L.
    HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis was associated with no impact on sexually transmitted infection prevalence in a high-prevalence population of predominantly men who have sex with men, Germany, 2018 to 2019
    In: Eurosurveillance Jg. 27 (2022) Nr. 14, 2100591
  • Richter, Enrico; Bornemann, Lea; Korencak, Marek; Alter, Galit; Schuster, Marc; Esser, Stefan; Boesecke, Christoph; Rockstroh, Juergen; Gunzer, Matthias; Streeck, Hendrik
    Reduction of CD8 T Cell Functionality but Not Inhibitory Capacity by Integrase Inhibitors
    In: Journal of Virology Jg. 96 (2022) Nr. 5, e01730-21
  • Esser, Stefan; Schöfer, Helmut; Hoffmann, Christian; Claßen, Johannes; Kreuter, Alexander; Leiter, Ulrike; Oette, Mark; Becker, Jürgen C.; Ziemer, Mirjana; Mosthaf, Franz; Sirokay, Judith; Ugurel, Selma; Potthoff, Anja; Helbig, Doris; Bierhoff, Erhard; Schulz, Thomas F.; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Grabbe, Stephan
    S1-Leitlinie: Kaposi-Sarkom
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 20 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 892 - 905
  • Sertznig, Helene; Roesmann, Fabian; Wilhelm, Alexander; Heininger, Delia; Bleekmann, Barbara; Elsner, Carina; Santiago, Mario; Schuhenn, Jonas; Karakoese, Zehra; Benatzy, Yvonne; Snodgrass, Ryan; Esser, Stefan; Sutter, Kathrin; Dittmer, Ulf; Widera, Marek
    SRSF1 acts as an IFN-I-regulated cellular dependency factor decisively affecting HIV-1 post-integration steps
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 13 (2022) 935800
  • Oette, Mark; Mosthaf, Franz A.; Esser, Stefan
    Analkarzinom : die neue Leitlinie
    In: Best Practice Onkologie Jg. 16 (2021) S. 228 - 237
  • Stecher, Melanie; Schommers, Philipp; Kollan, Christian; Stoll, Matthias; Kuhlendahl, Frieder; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Stephan, Christoph; Hamacher, Laura; Lehmann, Clara; Boesecke, Christoph; Bogner, Johannes; Esser, Stefan; Fritzsche, Carlos; Haberl, Annette; Schürmann, Dirk; Degen, Olaf; Horst, Heinz-August; Hoffmann, Christian; Jensen, Björn; Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne; Platten, Martin; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Schmidt, Daniel; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne
    Correction to: Treatment modifcation after starting cART in people living with HIV : Retrospective analysis of the German ClinSurv HIV Cohort 2005–2017
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 1365 - 1366
  • Kanaki, Theodora; Hadaschik, Eva; Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie
    Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF) in a patient with HIV infection
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 799 - 801
  • Esser, Stefan
    Evolution of drug resistance mutation archive in patients infected with multi-class resistant HIV-1 and with viral suppression
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 17 - S18
  • Crowell, Trevor A.; Qian, Haoyu; Tiemann, Carsten; Lehmann, Clara; Boesecke, Christoph; Stoehr, Albrecht; Hartikainen, Jukka; Esser, Stefan; Bickel, Markus; Spinner, Christoph D.; Schneeweiß, Stephan; Cordes, Christiane; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Jessen, Heiko; Robb, Merlin L.; Michael, Nelson L.; Jansen, Klaus; Streeck, Hendrik
    Factors associated with testing for HIV and hepatitis C among behaviorally vulnerable men in Germany : A cross-sectional analysis upon enrollment into an observational cohort
    In: AIDS Research and Therapy Jg. 18 (2021) Nr. 1, 52
  • Jansen, Philipp; Müller, Hansgeorg; Lodde, Georg C.; Zaremba, Anne; Möller, Inga; Sucker, Antje; Paschen, Annette; Esser, Stefan; Schaller, Jörg; Gunzer, Matthias; Standl, Fabian; Bauer, Sebastian; Schadendorf, Dirk; Mentzel, Thomas; Hadaschik, Eva; Griewank, Klaus G.
    GNA14, GNA11, and GNAQ Mutations Are Frequent in Benign but Not Malignant Cutaneous Vascular Tumors
    In: Frontiers in Genetics Jg. 12 (2021) 663272
  • Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie
    HIV medicine for dermatologists and venereologists
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 82 - 96
  • Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie
    HIV-Medizin in der Dermatologie und Venerologie
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 82 - 97
  • Funke, Benedikt; Spinner, Christoph D.; Esser, Stefan; Stellbrink, Hans Jürgen; Stöhr, Albrecht; Wolf, Eva; Koegl, Christine; Bruening, Janina; Witte, Vanessa
    High prevalence of recreational and illicit drug use in German people living with HIV with a potential for drug : Drug interactions with antiretroviral therapy
    In: International Journal of STD and AIDS Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 75 - 82
  • Sammet, Stefanie; Esser, Stefan
    Infektionen mit Herpes-simplex-Viren : Diagnosestellung und Therapie
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 163 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 46 - 55
  • Sammet, Stefanie; Esser, Stefan
    Leserbrief zum Artikel „Persistierendes makulopapulöses Exanthem bei einer 78-jährigen Patientin“
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 1516 - 1517
  • Schulz, C.-A.; Mavarani, L.; Reinsch, N.; Albayrak-Rena, S.; Potthoff, A.; Brockmeyer, N.; Hower, M.; Erbel, Raimund; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schmidt, B.; Esser, Stefan
    Prediction of future cardiovascular events by Framingham, SCORE and asCVD risk scores is less accurate in HIV-positive individuals from the HIV-HEART Study compared with the general population
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 732 - 741
  • Pušnik, Jernej; Fischinger, Stephanie; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan; van Gils, Marit J.; Sanders, Rogier W.; Alter, Galit; Streeck, Hendrik
    Production of HIV-1 env-specific antibodies mediating innate immune functions depends on cognate interleukin-21-secreting CD4⁺T cells
    In: Journal of Virology Jg. 95 (2021) Nr. 8, S. e02097
  • Jansen, Philipp; Lodde, Georg; Zaremba, Anne; Thielmann, Carl Maximilian; Matull, Johanna; Müller, Hansgeorg; Möller, Inga; Sucker, Antje; Esser, Stefan; Schaller, Jörg; Schadendorf, Dirk; Mentzel, Thomas; Hadaschik, Eva; Griewank, Klaus
    Rare TERT Promoter Mutations Present in Benign and Malignant Cutaneous Vascular Tumors
    In: Dermato Jg. 1 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 18 - 25
  • Vogt, Thomas; Melchior, Patrick; Rübe, Christian; Ugurel, Selma; Schimming, Tobias-Torsten; Utikal, Jochen; Esser, Stefan; Helbig, Doris; Hadaschik, Eva; Kasper, Bernd; Grabbe, Stephan; Müller, Cornelia S. L.
    S1-Leitlinie kutane Angiosarkome : Update 2021
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 1801 - 1813
  • Vogt, Thomas; Müller, Cornelia S. L.; Melchior, Patrick; Rübe, Christian; Ugurel, Selma; Schimming, Tobias‐Torsten; Utikal, Jochen; Esser, Stefan; Helbig, Doris; Hadaschik, Eva; Kasper, Bernd; Grabbe, Stephan
    S1‐Guideline Cutaneous Angiosarcomas : Update 2021
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 1801 - 1812
  • Aigner, Felix; Siegel, Robert; Werner, Ricardo N.; Esser, Stefan; Oette, Mark; Weyandt, Gerhard; Kahlke, Volker; Saeed, Adal; Turina, Matthias; Mosthaf, Franz A.; Dresel, Stefan; Simon, Steffen; Niedobitek, Gerald; Koswig, Stephan; Budach, Volker; Schmielau, Jan; Raab, Hans-Rudolf; Faber, Gerhard; Senf, Bianca; Rödel, Claus; Fokas, Emmanouil; Mahlberg, Rolf; Steingräber, Maria; Weßling, Johannes; Wieland, Ulrike; Fürst, Alois; Lugger, Petra; Prott, Franz-Josef; Kronberger, Irmgard; Baumeler, Stephan; Maurus, Christine; Grohmann, Erich; Gaskins, Matthew; Avila Valle, Gabriela L.; Dittmann, Martin
    S3-Leitlinie Analkarzinom : Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge von Analkanal- und Analrandkarzinomen
    In: Coloproctology Jg. 43 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 150 - 216
  • Assoumou, Lambert; Moyle, Graeme; Waters, Laura; Johnson, Margaret; Domingo, Pere; Fox, Julie; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Masiá, Mar; Gompels, Mark; De Wit, Stephane; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Raffi, François; Behrens, Georg; Pozniak, Anton; Gatell, José M.; Martínez, Esteban; Vandekerckhove, Linos; Caluwé, Els; De Wit, Stephane; Necsoi, Coca; Florence, Eric; Van Frankenhuijsen, Maartje; Raffi, François; Allavena, Clotilde; Reliquet, Véronique; Boutoille, David; Cavellec, Morane; André-Garnier, Elisabeth; Rodallec, Audrey; Le Tourneau, Thierry; Connault, Jérôme; Molina, Jean-Michel; Ferret, Samuel; Previlon, Miresta; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan; Landman, Roland; Joly, Véronique; Pinto, Adriana; Katlama, Christine; Caby, Fabienne; Ktorza, Nadine; Schneider, Luminita; Stephan, Christoph; Wolf, Timo; Schüttfort, Gundolf; Rockstroh, Juergen; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne; Boesecke, Christoph; Stellbrink, Hans-Jurgen; Hoffmann, Christian; Sabranski, Michael; Jablonka, Robert; Wiehler, Heidi; Behrens, Georg; Stoll, Matthias; Ahrenstorf, Gerrit; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Nardini, Giulia; Beghetto, Barbara; Montforte, Antonella D'Arminio; Bini, Teresa; Cogliandro, Viola; Di Pietro, Massimo; Fusco, Francesco Maria; Galli, Massimo; Rusconi, Stefano; Giacomelli, Andrea; Meraviglia, Paola; Martinez, Esteban; González-Cordón, Ana; González-Cordón, Ana; Gatell, José Maria; Torres, Berta; Domingo, Pere; Mateo, Gracia; Gutierrez, Mar; Portilla, Joaquin; Merino, Esperanza; Reus, Sergio; Boix, Vicente; Masia, Mar; Gutiérrez, Félix; Padilla, Sergio; Clotet, Bonaventura; Negredo, Eugenia; Bonjoch, Anna; Casado, José L; Bañón-Escandell, Sara; Saban, Jose; Duque, Africa; Podzamczer, Daniel; Saumoy, Maria; Acerete, Laura; Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan; Bernardino, José Ignacio; Arribas, José Ramón; Hontañón, Victor; Moyle, Graeme; Pagani, Nicole; Bracchi, Margherita; Vera, Jaime; Clarke, Amanda; Adams, Tanya; Richardson, Celia; Winston, Alan; Mora-Peris, Borja; Mullaney, Scott; Waters, Laura; De Esteban, Nahum; Milinkovic, Ana; Pett, Sarah; Fox, Julie; Tiraboschi, Juan Manuel; Johnson, Margaret; Youle, Mike; Orkin, Chloe; Rackstraw, Simon; Hand, James; Gompels, Mark; Jennings, Louise; Nicholls, Jane; Johnston, Sarah
    Switching from boosted PIs to dolutegravir decreases soluble CD14 and adiponectin in high cardiovascular risk people living with HIV
    In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Jg. 76 (2021) Nr. 9, S. 2380 - 2393
  • Perez-Valero, Ignacio; Llibre, Josep M.; Castagna, Antonella; Pulido, Federico; Molina, Jean-Michel; Esser, Stefan; Margot, Nicolas; Shao, Yongwu; Temme, Lauren; Piontkowsky, David; McNicholl, Ian R.; Haubrich, Richard
    Switching to Elvitegravir/Cobicistat/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in Adults With HIV and M184V/I Mutation
    In: JAIDS - Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Jg. 86 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 490 - 495
  • Erlandson, Kristine M.; Carter, Christoph C.; Melbourne, Kathleen; Brown, Todd T.; Cohen, Cal; Das, Moupali; Esser, Stefan; Huang, Hailin; Koethe, John R.; Martin, Hal; McComsey, Grace A.; Orkin, Chloe; Post, Frank A.; Rockstroh, Jürgen K; Sax, Paul E.; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Waters, Laura; Wei, Xuelian; Lake, Jordan E.
    Weight Change Following Antiretroviral Therapy Switch in People With Viral Suppression : Pooled Data from Randomized Clinical Trials
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 73 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 1440 - 1451
  • Esser, Stefan
    Denken Sie bei HIV-Infizierten auch ans Herz! : Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 162 (2020) S. 20 - 23
  • Schöfer, H.; Endres, M.; Esser, Stefan; Feiterna-Sperling, C.; Hagedorn, H.-J.; Magistro, G.; Mayer, C.; Münstermann, D.; Hahn, K.; Jansen, K.; Klein, M.; Krause, W.; Maschke, M.; Ochsendorf, F.R.; Osowski, S.; Petry, K.U.; Potthoff, A.; Rieg, S.; Sing, A.; Stücker, M.; Weberschock, T.; Werner, R.N.; Brockmeyer, N.H.
    Diagnostik und Therapie der Syphilis : Aktualisierung der S2k-Leitlinie 2020 der Deutsche STI-Gesellschaft (DSTIG) in Kooperation mit folgenden Fachgesellschaften: DAIG, dagnä, DDG, DGA, DGGG, DGHM, DGI, DGN, DGPI, DGU, RKI
    In: Der Hautarzt (2020)
  • Schöfer, H.; Enders, M.; Esser, Stefan; Feiterna-Sperling, C.; Hagedorn, H.-J.; Magistro, G.; Mayr, C.; Münstermann, D.; Hahn, K.; Jansen, K.; Klein, M.; Krause, W.; Maschke, M.; Ochsendorf, F.R.; Osowski, S.; Petry, K.U.; Potthoff, A.; Rieg, S.; Sing, A.; Stücker, M.; Weberschock, T.; Werner, R.N.; Brockmeyer, N.H.
    Erratum zu : Diagnostik und Therapie der Syphilis. Aktualisierung der S2k-Leitlinie 2020 der Deutsche STI-Gesellschaft (DSTIG) in Kooperation mit folgenden Fachgesellschaften: DAIG, dagnä, DDG, DGA, DGGG, DGHM, DGI, DGN, DGPI, DGU, RKI
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 71 (2020) S. 898
  • Sondermann, Wiebke; von Kalle, Christof; Utikal, Jochen S.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan; Durani, Benjamin; Durani, Hendrike; Jansen, Martin; Brinker, Titus J.
    Externe wissenschaftliche Evaluation der ersten Teledermatologie-App ohne direkten Patientenkontakt in Deutschland („Online Hautarzt – AppDoc“)
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 71 (2020) Nr. 11, S. 887 - 897
  • Hoffmann, Christian; Wolf, Eva; Baumgarten, Axel; Wyen, Christoph; Spinner, Christoph D.; Jäger, Hans; Postel, Nils; Esser, Stefan; Mueller, Markus; Stoehr, Albrecht; Preis, Stefan; Klauke, Stephan; Schewe, Knud; Kreuzberg, Practice; Schulbin, Hubert; Mayr, Christoph; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Voigt, Esther; Kümmerle, Tim; Scholten, Stefan; Schneeweiss, Stephan; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Mauss, Stefan; Bickel, Markus; Lutz, Thomas; Ackermann, Frank; Plettenberg, Andreas; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Sabranski, Michael; Stoll, Matthias; Heiken, Hans; Pauli, Ramona; Becker, Werner; Bogner, Johannes; Christensen, Stefan; Ulmer, Albrecht; Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Anja
    High effectiveness of recommended first-line antiretroviral therapies in Germany : a nationwide, prospective cohort study
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 48 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 453 - 461
  • Spornraft-Ragaller, P.; Esser, Stefan
    Klassische sexuell übertragbare Infektionen im Analbereich
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 71 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 275 - 283
  • Mysior, Patryk; Tenberken, Erik; Stecher, Melanie; Vehreschild, Jörg-Janne; Schafberger, Armin; Perea, Ines; Brillen, Anna-Lena; Bartmeyer, Barbara; Esser, Stefan; Bremer, Viviane; Marcus, Ulrich; Hoffmann, Daniel; Streeck, Hendrik
    Rapid uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) after significant price reduction in Germany highlights importance of PrEP accessibility
    In: AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (2020)
  • Korth, Johannes; Wilde, Benjamin; Dolff, Sebastian; Anastasiou, Olympia E.; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Jahn, Michael; Cordes, Sebastian; Ross, Birgit; Esser, Stefan; Lindemann, Monika; Kribben, Andreas; Dittmer, Ulf; Witzke, Oliver; Herrmann, Anke
    SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detection in healthcare workers in Germany with direct contact to COVID-19 patients
    In: Journal of Clinical Virology Jg. 128 (2020) 104437
  • Stecher, Melanie; Schommers, Philipp; Kollan, Christian; Stoll, Matthias; Kuhlendahl, Frieder; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Stephan, Christoph; Hamacher, Laura; Lehmann, Clara; Boesecke, Christoph; Bogner, Johannes; Esser, Stefan; Fritzsche, Carlos; Haberl, Annette; Hoffmann, Christian; Jensen, Björn; Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne; Platten, Martin; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Schmidt, Daniel; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne
    Treatment modification after starting cART in people living with HIV : retrospective analysis of the German ClinSurv HIV Cohort 2005–2017
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 48 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 723 - 733
  • Orkin, Chloe; Eron, Joseph J.; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Podzamczer, Daniel; Esser, Stefan; Vandekerckhove, Linos; Van Landuyt, Erika; Lathouwers, Erkki; Hufkens, Veerle; Jezorwski, John; Opsomer, Magda
    Week 96 results of a phase 3 trial of darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide in treatment-naive HIV-1 patients
    In: AIDS Jg. 34 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 707 - 718
  • Sax, Paul E.; Erlandson, Kristine M.; Lake, Jordan E.; McComsey, Grace A.; Orkin, Chloe; Esser, Stefan; Brown, Todd T.; Rockstroh, Jürgen K.; Wei, Xuelian; Carter, Christoph C.; Zhong, Lijie; Brainard, Diana M.; Melbourne, Kathleen; Das, Moupali; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Post, Frank A.; Waters, Laura; Koethe, John R.
    Weight gain following initiation of antiretroviral therapy : Risk factors in randomized comparative clinical trials
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 71 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 1379 - 1389
  • Storim, Julian; Verheyen, Jens; Wolff, Eva; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan
    Antiretroviral therapy suppresses rectal HIV-RNA shedding despite inflammation in MSM with rectal C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae infections - A cross-sectional, single-center study
    In: Sexually Transmitted Infections Jg. 95 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 95 - 98
  • Reinsch, Nico; Streeck, Hendrik; Holzendorf, Volker; Schulze, Christina; Neumann, Till; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Kehrmann, Jan; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan
    B-type natriuretic peptides for the prediction of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients living with HIV : Results from the HIV-HEART study
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 281 (2019) S. 127 - 132
  • Alejos, B.; Stella-Ascariz, N.; Montejano, R.; Rodriguez-Centeno, J.; Schwimmer, C.; Bernardino, J. I.; Rodes, B.; Esser, Stefan; Goujard, C.; Sarmento-Castro, R.; De Miguel, R.; Esteban-Cantos, A.; Wallet, C.; Raffi, F.; Arribas, J. R.
    Determinants of blood telomere length in antiretroviral treatment-naïve HIV-positive participants enrolled in the NEAT 001/ANRS 143 clinical trial
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 691 - 698
  • Rooms, Isabelle; Mugisha, Peter; Gambichler, Thilo; Hadaschik, Eva; Esser, Stefan; Rath, Peter-Michael; Haase, Gerhard; Wilmes, Dunja; McCormick-Smith, Ilka; Rickerts, Volker
    Disseminated emergomycosis in a person with HIV infection, Uganda
    In: Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Jg. 25 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 1750 - 1751
  • Korencak, Marek; Byrne, Morgan; Richter, Enrico; Schultz, Bruce T.; Juszczak, Patrick; Ake, Julie A.; Ganesan, Anuradha; Okulicz, Jason F.; Robb, Merlin L.; De Los Reyes, Buena; Winning, Sandra; Fandrey, Joachim; Burgess, Timothy H.; Esser, Stefan; Michael, Nelson L.; Agan, Brian K.; Streeck, Hendrik
    Effect of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy on immune cellular functions
    In: JCI Insight Jg. 4 (2019) Nr. 12, :e126675
  • Kehrmann, Jan; Menzel, Jannis; Saeedghalati, Mohammadkarim; Obeid, Rima; Schulze, Christina; Holzendorf, Volker; Farahpour, Farnoush; Reinsch, Nico; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Streeck, Hendrik; Hoffmann, Daniel; Buer, Jan; Esser, Stefan
    Gut Microbiota in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals Linked to Coronary Heart Disease
    In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) Jg. 219 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 497 - 508
  • Schulz, C. A.; Mavarani, L.; Dolff, Sebastian; Reinsch, N.; Holzendorf, V.; Albayrak-Rena, S.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; Hower, M.; Potthoff, A.; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan; HHS Grp
    Higher Prevalence of CKD in HIV plus individuals compared to the general population
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. Suppl. 9, S. 140
  • Gatell, José M.; Assoumou, Lambert; Moyle, Graeme; Waters, Laura; Johnson, Margaret; Domingo, Pere; Fox, Julie; Martínez, Esteban; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Del Mar Masia, Maria; Gompels, Mark; De Wit, S.; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Raffi, François; Stephan, Christoph; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Giacomelli, Andrea; Vera, Jaime H.; Bernardino, Jose Ignacio; Winston, Alan; Saumoy, Maria; Gras, Julien; Katlama, Christine; Pozniak, Anton L.; NEAT022 Study Group
    Immediate versus deferred switching from a boosted protease inhibitor-based regimen to a dolutegravir-based regimen in virologically suppressed patients with high cardiovascular risk or age ≥50 years : Final 96-week results of the NEAT022 study
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 68 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 597 - 606
  • Shafran, Stephen D.; Di Perri, Giovanni; Esser, Stefan; Lelièvre, Jean Daniel; Parczewski, Milosz
    Planning HIV therapy to prevent future comorbidities : patient years for tenofovir alafenamide
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. S7, S. 1 - 16
  • Verheyen, Jens; Thielen, Alexander; Lübke, Nadine; Dirks, Miriam; Widera, Marek; Dittmer, Ulf; Kordelas, Lambros; Däumer, Martin; De Jong, Dorien C. M.; Wensing, Annemarie M. J.; Kaiser, Rolf; Nijhuis, Monique; Esser, Stefan
    Rapid rebound of a preexisting CXCR4-tropic human immunodeficiency virus variant after allogeneic transplantation with CCR5 Δ32 homozygous stem cells
    In: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) Jg. 68 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 684 - 687
  • Gupta, Samir K.; Post, Frank A.; Arribas, José R.; Eron, Joseph J.; Wohl, David A.; Clarke, Amanda E.; Sax, Paul E.; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Esser, Stefan; Pozniak, Anton L.; Podzamczer, Daniel; Waters, Laura; Orkin, Chloe; Rockstroh, Jürgen K.; Mudrikova, Tatiana; Negredo, Eugenia; Elion, Richard A.; Guo, Susan; Zhong, Lijie; Carter, Christoph; Martin, Hal; Brainard, Diana; Sengupta, Devi; Das, Moupali; Jr, Joseph J. Eron
    Renal safety of tenofovir alafenamide vs. tenofovir disoproxil fumarate : A pooled analysis of 26 clinical trials
    In: AIDS Jg. 33 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 1455 - 1465
  • Brinker, Titus Josef; Brieske, Christian Martin; Esser, Stefan; Klode, Joachim; Mons, Ute; Batra, Anil; Rüther, Tobias; Seeger, Werner; Enk, Alexander H.; von Kalle, Christof; Berking, Carola; Heppt, Markus V.; Gatzka, Martina V.; Bernardes-Souza, Breno; Schlenk, Richard F.; Schadendorf, Dirk
    A Face-Aging App for Smoking Cessation in a Waiting Room Setting : Pilot Study in an HIV Outpatient Clinic
    In: Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Jg. 20 (2018) Nr. 8, S. e10976
  • Brinker, Titus Josef; Heckl, Marlene; Gatzka, Martina; Heppt, Markus V.; Rodrigues, Henrique Resende; Schneider, Sven; Sondermann, Wiebke; E Silva, Carolina de Almeida; Kirchberger, Michael C.; Klode, Joachim; Enk, Alexander H.; Knispel, Sarah; von Kalle, Christof; Stoffels, Ingo; Schadendorf, Dirk; Nakamura, Yasuhiro; Esser, Stefan; Assis, Aisllan; Bernardes-Souza, Breno
    A skin cancer prevention facial-aging mobile app for secondary schools in Brazil : Appearance-focused interventional study
    In: JMIR mhealth and uhealth Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 3, e60
  • Brinker, Titus J.; Klode, Joachim; Esser, Stefan; Schadendorf, Dirk
    Facial-aging app availability in waiting rooms as a potential opportunity for skin cancer prevention
    In: JAMA Dermatology Jg. 154 (2018) Nr. 9, S. 1085 - 1086
  • Schommers, Philipp; Gillor, Daniel; Hentrich, Marcus; Wyen, Christoph; Wolf, Timo; Oette, Mark; Zoufaly, Alexander; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Bogner, Johannes R.; Müller, Markus; Esser, Stefan; Schleicher, Alisa; Jensen, Björn; Stoehr, Albrecht; Behrens, Georg; Schultze, Alexander; Siehl, Jan; Thoden, Jan; Taylor, Ninon; Hoffmann, Christian
    Incidence and risk factors for relapses in hiv-associated non-hodgkin lymphoma as observed in the german HIV-related lymphoma cohort study
    In: Haematologica / The Hematology Journal Jg. 103 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 857 - 864
  • Pissani, Franco; Schulte, Bianca; Eller, Michael A.; Schultz, Bruce T.; Ratto-Kim, Silvia; Marovich, Mary; Thongcharoen, Prasert; Sriplienchan, Somchai; Rerks-Ngarm, Supachai; Pitisuttithum, Punnee; Esser, Stefan; Alter, Galit; Robb, Merlin L.; Kim, Jerome H.; Michael, Nelson L.; Streeck, Hendrik
    Modulation of Vaccine-Induced CD4 T Cell Functional Profiles by Changes in Components of HIV Vaccine Regimens in Humans
    In: Journal of Virology Jg. 92 (2018) Nr. 23, S. e01143 - 18
  • Herz, Saskia; Sondermann, Wiebke; Esser, Stefan; Körber, Andreas
    Nekrotisierendes Exanthem, Schleimhautveränderungen und atypische Pneumonie bei einem indonesischen Pfarrer
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 69 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 516 - 518
  • Ross, Birgit; Esser, Stefan; Engelberg, Heike; Körber, Andreas
    Nosokomiale Scabies : Ausbruch bei Personal einer Universitätsklinik
    In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift - DMW Jg. 143 (2018) Nr. 12, S. e95 - e98
  • Klingenberg, R.-E.; Esser, Stefan; Brockmeyer, Norbert Hermann; Michalik, Claudia; Skaletz-Rorowski, Adriane; Potthoff, Anja Verena
    Profil der Kaposi-Sarkom-Patienten im Kompetenznetz HIV/AIDS
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 69 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 143 - 148
  • Gross, Gerd E.; Werner, Ricardo N.; Becker, Jürgen; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Esser, Stefan; Hampl, Monika; Hommel, Sara; Jongen, Johannes; Mestel, Dominik S; Meyer, Thomas; Petry, Karl U.; Plettenberg, Andreas; Püschel, Klaus; Schneede, Peter; Schöfer, Helmut; Sotlar, Karl; Weyandt, Gerhard; Wieland, Ulrike; Wiese-Posselt, Miriam; Nast, Alexander
    S2k guideline : HPV‐associated lesions of the external genital region and the anus – anogenital warts and precancerous lesions of the vulva, the penis, and the peri‐ and intra‐anal skin (short version)
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 242 - 255
  • Brinker, Titus Josef; Hekler, Achim; von Kalle, Christof; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan; Berking, Carola; Zacher, Martina T.; Sondermann, Wiebke; Grabe, Niels; Steeb, Theresa; Utikal, Jochen Sven; French, Lars E.; Enk, Alexander H.
    Teledermatology : Comparison of Store-and-Forward Versus Live Interactive Video Conferencing
    In: Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Jg. 20 (2018) Nr. 10, e11871
  • Dirks, Henrike; Esser, Stefan; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Bonnet, Udo; Schifano, Fabrizio; Scherbaum, Norbert
    Dramatic changes over time of methamphetamine intake in a German, HIV-positive, sample of men who have sex with men (MSM)
    In: Pharmacopsychiatry Jg. 50 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 123 - 124
  • Li, Yanpeng; Sun, Binlian; Esser, Stefan; Jessen, Heiko; Streeck, Hendrik; Widera, Marek; Yang, Rongge; Dittmer, Ulf; Sutter, Kathrin
    Expression pattern of individual IFNA subtypes in chronic HIV infection
    In: Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research Jg. 37 (2017) Nr. 12, S. 541 - 549
  • Widera, Marek; Dirks, Miriam; Bleekmann, Barbara; Jablonka, Robert; Däumer, Martin; Walter, Hauke; Ehret, Robert; Verheyen, Jens; Esser, Stefan
    HIV-1 persistent viremia is frequently followed by episodes of low-level viremia
    In: Medical Microbiology and Immunology Jg. 206 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 203 - 215
  • Oette, Mark; Mosthaf, Franz A.; Sautter-Bihl, Marie-Luise; Esser, Stefan
    HIV-Associated Anal Dysplasia and Anal Carcinoma
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 40 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 100 - 105
  • Hoffmann, Christian; Sabranski, Michael; Esser, Stefan
    HIV-Associated Kaposi's Sarcoma
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 40 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 94 - 98
  • Karo, Basel; Krause, Gérard; Castell, Stefanie; Kollan, Christian; Hamouda, Osamah; Haas, Walter; Kühne, Andrea; Arastéh, Keikawus; Bergmann, Frank J.; Warncke, M.; Rockstroh, Jürgen Kurt; Wasmuth, Jan Christian; Hass, S.; Jensen, Björn Erik Ole; Feind, Cecilie; Esser, Stefan; Schenk-Westkamp, Pia; Stephan, Christoph J.; Haberl, Annette E.; Schott, P.; Plettenberg, Andreas; Kuhlendahl, F.; Stellbrink, Hans Jürgen; Adam, Axel; Schewe, Knud; Fenske, Stefan; Buhk, Thomas H.; Hoffmann, Christian J.; Radzuweit, D.; Mainka, A.; Degen, Olaf; Franz, M.; Treffler, Natascha; Stoll, Matthias; Gerschmann, R. Beider S.; Hoeper, Kirsten; Horst, Heinz August; Trautmann, S.; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Gillor, Daniel; Bogner, Johannes Richard; Sonntag, B.; Salzberger, Bernd; Fritzsche, Carlos
    Immunological recovery in tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy : Implication for tuberculosis preventive therapy
    In: BMC Infectious Diseases Jg. 17 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 517
  • Esser, Stefan; Arendt, Marina; Schulze, C.; Holzendorf, V.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Erbel, Raimund; Reinsch, Nico; HIV HEART Study Grp; Heinz Nixdorf Recall Investigative
    More and earlier cardiovascular events (CVEs) and shorter overall survival (OS) in HIV-positive patients (HIV positive) compared to the general population differ by sex
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 20 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 5, S. 70 - 71
  • Streeck, Hendrik; Verheyen, Jens; Storim, Julian; Dittmer, Ulf; Jochum, Christoph; Timm, Jörg; Esser, Stefan
    Pre-exposure prophylaxis failure with tenofovir disoproxil
    In: AIDS Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 176 - 177
  • Esser, Stefan; Streeck, Hendrik
    Preexposure prophylaxis failure with tenofovir disoproxil
    In: AIDS Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1344
  • Reinsch, Nico; Arendt, Marina; Geisel, Henrike; Schulze, Christina; Holzendorf, Volker; Warnke, Anna; Neumann, Till; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Eisele, Lewin; Erbel, Raimund; Moebus, Susanne; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Esser, Stefan
    Prolongation of the QTc interval in HIV-infected individuals compared to the general population
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 45 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 659 - 667
  • Esser, Stefan; Krotzek, Judith; Dirks, Henrike; Scherbaum, Norbert; Schadendorf, Dirk
    Sexual risk behavior, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV transmission risks in HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) – approaches for medical prevention
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 15 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 421 - 428
  • Gatell, José M.; Assoumou, Lambert; Moyle, Graeme; Waters, Laura; Johnson, Margaret; Domingo, Pere; Fox, Julie; Martinez, Esteban; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Masia, Mar; Gompels, Mark; De Wit, Stephane; Florence, Eric; Esser, Stefan; Raffi, François; Pozniak, Anton L.
    Switching from a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor to a dolutegravir-based regimen for maintenance of HIV viral suppression in patients with high cardiovascular risk
    In: AIDS Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 18, S. 2503 - 2514
  • Dissemond, Joachim; Hillen, Uwe; Esser, Stefan
    Ulcerating Herpes Simplex Infection
    In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Jg. 114 (2017) Nr. 35-36, S. 604
  • O´Connor, J. L.; Gardner, E. M.; Esser, Stefan; Mannheimer, S. B.; Lifson, Alan R.; Telzak, E. E.; Phillips, A. N.
    A simple self-reported adherence tool as a predictor of viral rebound in people with viral suppression on antiretroviral therapy
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 124 - 132
  • Brey, Florian L.; Seybold, Ulrich; Kollan, Christian; Bogner, Johannes R.; Arasteh, K.; Bergmann, F.; Warncke, M.; Rockstroh, J.; Wasmuth, J.; Hass, S.; Jensen, B.-E.O.; Häussinger, D.; Esser, Stefan; Schenk-Westkamp, P.; Stephan, C.; Haberl, A.; Schott, P.; Plettenberg, A.; Kuhlendahl, F.; Adam, A.; Schewe, K.; Fenske, S.; Buhk, T.; Hoffmann, C.; Stellbrink, H.-J.; Radzuweit, D.; Mainka, A.; Van Lunzen, J.; Degen, O.; Heuer, M.; Stoll, M.; Hoeper, K.; Beider, R.; Gerschmann, S.; Horst, H.A.; Trautmann, S.; Fätkenheuer, G.; Gillor, D.; Schommers, P.; Sonntag, B.; Salzberger, B.; Fritzsche, C.
    Accelerated CD4 + cell count decline in untreated HIV-1 patients points toward increasing virulence over the course of the epidemic
    In: AIDS Jg. 30 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 1995 - 1997
  • Zeitlmann, Nadine; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Santos-Hövener, Claudia; Kollan, Christian; an der Heiden, Matthias; Arastéh, K.; Hampf, D.; Bergmann, F.; Warncke, M.; Rockstroh, J.; Wasmuth, J.; Hass, S.; Jensen, O.B.-E.; Rollmann, L.; Esser, Stefan; Schenk-Westkamp, P.; Haberl, A.; Stephan, C.; Plettenberg, A.; Kuhlendahl, F.; Adam, A.; Weitner, L.; Schewe, K.; Goey, H.; Fenske, S.; Buhk, T.; Stellbrink, H.J.; Hoffmann, C.; van Lunzen, J.; Zoufaly, A.; Wassmus, K.; Stoll, M.; Gerschmann, S.; Horst, H.; Trautmann, S.; Fätkenheuer, G.; Gillor, D.; Bogner, J.; Sonntag, B.; Salzberger, B.; Fritzsche, C.
    CD4-cell counts and presence of AIDS in HIV-positive patients entering specialized care-a comparison of migrant groups in the German ClinSurv HIV Cohort Study, 1999-2013
    In: BMC Infectious Diseases Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 739
  • Heger, Eva; Theis, Alexandra Andrée; Remmel, Klaus; Walter, Hauke; Pironti, Alejandro; Knops, Elena; Di Cristanziano, Veronica; Jensen, Björn; Esser, Stefan; Kaiser, Rolf; Lübke, Nadine
    Development of a phenotypic susceptibility assay for HIV-1 integrase inhibitors
    In: Journal of Virological Methods Jg. 238 (2016) S. 29 - 37
  • Esser, Stefan; Krotzek, J.; Dirks, H.
    Gezielte ärztliche Präventionsangebote für HIV-positive Männer, die Sex mit Männern haben
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 14 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 48
  • Spinner, Christoph; Esser, Stefan; Rockstroh, Jürgen Kurt; Stellbrink, Hans Jürgen; Jessen, Heiko; Zink, Alexander; Boesecke, Christoph
    HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) : a review of current knowledge of oral systemic HIV PrEP in humans
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 44 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 151 - 158
  • Wilkins, Ed L.; Cohen, Calvin J.; Trottier, Benoit; Esser, Stefan; Smith, Don E.; Haas, Bernhard; Brinson, Cynthia; Garner, Will; Chuck, Susan; Thorpe, David; De-Oertel, Shampa
    Patient-reported outcomes in the single-tablet regimen (STaR) trial of rilpivirine/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate versus efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in antiretroviral treatment-naive adults infected with HIV-1 through 48 weeks of treatment
    In: AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV Jg. 28 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 401 - 408
  • Joedicke, Jara J.; Dittmer, Ulf; Verheyen, Jens; Esser, Stefan; Dirks, Miriam
    Reduced Frequencies and Activation of Regulatory T Cells After the Treatment of HIV-1-Infected Individuals with the CCR5 Antagonist Maraviroc Are Associated with a Reduction in Viral Loads Rather Than a Direct Effect of the Drug on Regulatory T Cells
    In: Viral Immunology Jg. 29 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 192 - 196
  • Spornraft-Ragaller, P.; Boashie, U.; Esser, Stefan
    Sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen der Analregion
    In: Coloproctology Jg. 38 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 220 - 228
  • Raffi, F; Esser, Stefan; Nunnari, G; Pérez-Valero, I; Waters, L
    Switching regimens in virologically suppressed HIV-1-infected patients : evidence base and rationale for integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI)-containing regimens
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. S 5, S. 3 - 16
  • Dinges, Warren; Girard, Pierre-Marie; Podzamczer, Daniel; Brockmeyer, Norbert H; García, Felipe; Harrer, Thomas; Lelievre, Jean-Daniel; Frank, Ian; Colin De Verdière, Nathalie; Yeni, Guy-Patrick; Ortega Gonzalez, Enrique; Rubio, Rafael; Clotet Sala, Bonaventura; DeJesus, Edwin; Pérez-Elias, Maria Jesus; Launay, Odile; Pialoux, Gilles; Slim, Jihad; Weiss, Laurence; Bouchaud, Olivier; Felizarta, Franco; Meurer, Anja; Raffi, François; Esser, Stefan; Katlama, Christine; Koletar, Susan L; Mounzer, Karam; Swindells, Susan; Baxter, John D; Schneider, Stefan; Chas, Julie; Molina, Jean-Michel; Koutsoukos, Marguerite; Collard, Alix; Bourguignon, Patricia; Roman, François
    The F4/AS01B HIV-1 Vaccine Candidate Is Safe and Immunogenic, But Does Not Show Viral Efficacy in Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive, HIV-1-Infected Adults : A Randomized Controlled Trial
    In: Medicine Jg. 95 (2016) Nr. 6, S. e2673
  • Kuhn, E; Potthoff, A; Dirks, H; Borgmann, R; Esser, Stefan; Scherbaum, Norbert; Brockmeyer, N H; Skaletz-Rorowski, A
    Viral load strategy : impact on risk behaviour and serocommunication of men who have sex with men in specialized care
    In: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Jg. 30 (2016) Nr. 9, S. 1561 - 1566
  • Kreuter, Alexander; Esser, Stefan; Wieland, Ulrike
    Anal cancer screening
    In: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: JAAD Jg. 72 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 367 - 368
  • Schmidt, Daniel; Kollan, Christian; Stoll, Matthias; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen; Plettenberg, Andreas; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Bergmann, Frank; Bogner, Johannes R.; Van Lunzen, Jan; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Esser, Stefan; Jensen, Björn-Erik O.; Horst, Heinz-August; Fritzsche, Carlos; Kühne, Andrea; Heiden, Matthias an der; Hamouda, Osamah; Bartmeyer, Barbara
    From pills to patients : an evaluation of data sources to determine the number of people living with HIV who are receiving antiretroviral therapy in Germany
    In: BMC Public Health Jg. 15 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 252
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, Alexander; Oette, Mark; Gingelmaier, Andrea; Mosthaf, Franz A.; Sautter-Bihl, Marie Luise Uise; Jongen, Johannes; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Eldering, Gerd; Swoboda, Jochen; Postel, Nils; Degen, Olaf; Schalk, Horst M.; Jessen, Arne B.; Knechten, Heribert; Thoden, Jan; Stellbrink, Hans Jürgen; Schafberger, Armin; Wieland, Ulrike
    German-Austrian guidelines on anal dysplasia and anal cancer in HIV-positive individuals : Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 13 (2015) Nr. 12, S. 1302 - 1319
  • Hoffmann, Christian; Hentrich, Marcus U.; Gillor, Daniel; Behrens, Georg M. N.; Jensen, Björn Erik Ole; Stoehr, Albrecht; Esser, Stefan; Lunzen, Jan van; Krznaric, Ivanka; Müller, Marcus Michael; Oette, Mark; Hensel, Manfred; Thoden, Jan; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Wyen, Christoph
    Hodgkin lymphoma is as common as non-Hodgkin lymphoma in HIV-positive patients with sustained viral suppression and limited immune deficiency : a prospective cohort study
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 16 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 261 - 264
  • Sierra, Saleta; Dybowski, J. Nikolai; Pironti, Alejandro; Heider, Dominik; Güney, Lisa; Thielen, Alex; Reuter, Stefan; Esser, Stefan; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Lengauer, Thomas; Hoffmann, Daniel; Pfister, Herbert; Jensen, Björn; Kaiser, Rolf
    Parameters influencing baseline HIV-1 genotypic tropism testing related to clinical outcome in patients on maraviroc
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 5, S. e0125502
  • Kreuter, Alexander; Esser, Stefan; Wieland, Ulrike
    Prevention of anal carcinoma
    In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Jg. 112 (2015) Nr. 43, S. 739
  • Esser, Stefan; Geisel, Henrike; Arendt, M.; Schulze, C.; Holzendorf, V.; Warnke, A.; Brockmeyer, N.H.; Hower, M.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Neumann, Till; Eisele, Lewin; Erbel, Raimund; Moebus, Susanne; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Reinsch, Nico
    Prolongation of QTc interval in HIV-infected individuals compared to the general population is not caused by antiretroviral therapy
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 18 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 4, S. 20479
  • Schöfer, Helmut; Weberschock, Tobias; Bräuninger, Wolfgang; Bremer, Viviane; Dreher, Andreas; Enders, Martin; Esser, Stefan; Hamouda, Osama; Hagedorn, Hans-Jochen; Handrick, Werner; Krause, Walter; Mayr, Christoph; Münstermann, Dieter; Nast, Alexander; Ochsendorf, Falk; Petry, Ulrich; Potthoff, Anja; Prange, Hilmar; Rieg, Siegbert; Schneede, Peter; Sing, Andreas; Weber, Jörg; Wichelhaus, Thomas A; Brockmeyer, Norbert
    S2k guideline* "Diagnosis and therapy of syphilis" : short version
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 13 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 472 - 480
  • Spornraft-Ragaller, P; Boashie, U; Esser, Stefan
    Sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen der Analregion
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 66 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 430 - 438
  • Schommers, Philipp; Hentrich, Marcus; Hoffmann, Christian; Gillor, Daniel; Zoufaly, Alexander; Jensen, Björn; Bogner, Johannes R; Thoden, Jan; Wasmuth, Jan-Christian; Wolf, Timo; Oette, Mark; Müller, Markus; Esser, Stefan; Vehreschild, Jörg J; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Wyen, Christoph
    Survival of AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma, and plasmablastic lymphoma in the German HIV Lymphoma Cohort
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 168 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 806 - 810
  • Schleenvoigt, B T; Hagel, S; Baier, M; Esser, Stefan; Pletz, M W
    35-jähriger Patient mit unklarem Hautbefund
    In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift - DMW Jg. 139 (2014) Nr. 46, S. 2339 - 2340
  • Schimming, Tobias T; Griewank, Klaus; Esser, Stefan; Schadendorf, Dirk; Hillen, Uwe
    Angioplasmacellular hyperplasia - a new histopathologic clue for anogenital herpes simplex recidivans in immunocompromised patients?
    In: American Journal of Dermatopathology Jg. 36 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 822 - 826
  • Esser, Stefan
    HIV-Infizierte erkranken immer häufiger an Analkarzinomen und Vorläuferläsionen - Neu: Analabstriche runden Screening ab : Anal cytology--a new recommended method for anal cancer screening in HIV-positive patients
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 156 (2014) Nr. SUPPL. 1, S. 54 - 56
  • Gross, G; Becker, N; Brockmeyer, N H; Esser, Stefan; Freitag, U; Gebhardt, M; Gissmann, L; Hillemanns, P; Grundhewer, H; Ikenberg, H; Jessen, H; Kaufmann, A; Klug, S; Klussmann, J P; Nast, A; Pathirana, D; Petry, K U; Pfister, H; Röllinghof, U; Schneede, P; Schneider, A; Selka, E; Singer, S; Smola, S; Sporbeck, B; von Knebel Doeberitz, M; Wutzler, P
    Impfprävention HPV-assoziierter Neoplasien : Empfehlungen aus der aktuellen S3-Leitlinie des HPV-Management-Forums der Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e. V. – AWMF Leitlinien-Register Nr. 082-002 (Kurzfassung), gültig bis 31.12.2018
    In: Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie Jg. 93 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 848 - 856
  • Verheyen, Jens; Esser, Stefan; Kordelas, Lambros
    More on Shift of HIV Tropism in Stem-Cell Transplantation with CCR5 Delta32/Delta32 Mutation
    In: The New England Journal of Medicine Jg. 371 (2014) Nr. 25, S. 2438
  • Esser, Stefan
    Neu: Analabstriche runden Screening ab : HIV-Infizierte erkranken immer häufiger an Analkarzinomen und Vorläuferläsionen
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 156 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 24, S. 54 - 57
  • Esser, Stefan; Eisele, Lewin; Schwarz, Birte; Schulze, Christina; Holzendorf, Volker; Brockmeyer, NobertH; Hower, Martin; Kwirant, Friedhelm; Rudolph, Roland; Neumann, Till; Reinsch, Nico
    Rates of cardiovascular events and deaths are associated with advanced stages of HIV-infection : results of the HIV HEART study 7, 5 year follow-up
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 17 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 36 - 37
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Verheyen, Jens; Beelen, Dietrich; Horn, Peter; Heinold, Andreas; Kaiser, Rolf; Trenschel, Rudolf; Schadendorf, Dirk; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan
    Shift of HIV tropism in stem-cell transplantation with CCR5 Delta32 mutation
    In: The New England Journal of Medicine Jg. 371 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 880 - 882
  • Pei, Ronjuan; Grund, Sebastian; Verheyen, Jens; Esser, Stefan; Chen, Xinwen; Lu, Mengji
    Spontaneous reactivation of hepatitis B virus replication in an HIV coinfected patient with isolated anti-Hepatitis B core antibodies
    In: Virology Journal Jg. 11 (2014) 9
  • Karo, Basel; Haas, Walter; Kollan, Christian; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Hamouda, Osamah; Fiebig, Lena; Kühne, A.; Arastéh, K.; Bergmann, F.; Warncke, M.; Brockmeyer, N.; Mühlbächer, N.; Rockstroh, J.; Wasmuth, J.; Hass, S.; Jensen, B.; Rollmann, L.; Esser, Stefan; Schenk-Westkamp, P.; Plettenberg, A.; Kuhlendahl, F.; Adam, A.; Weitner, L.; Schewe, K.; Goey, H.; Fenske, S.; Buhk, T.; Stellbrink, H.-J.; Hoffmann, C.; van~Lunzen, J.; Wassmus, K.; Stoll, M.; Gerschmann, S.; Hoeper, K.; Horst, H. A.; Trautmann, S.; Fätkenheuer, G.; Gillor, D.; Schommers, P.; Bogner, J.; Sonntag, B.; Salzberger, B.; Fritzsche, C.
    Tuberculosis among people living with HIV/AIDS in the German ClinSurv HIV Cohort: Long-term incidence and risk factors
    In: BMC Infectious Diseases Jg. 14 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 148
  • Gross, G.; Becker, N.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; Esser, Stefan; Freitag, U.; Gebhardt, M.; Gissmann, L.; Hillemanns, P.; Grundhewer, H.; Ikenberg, H.; Jessen, H.; Kaufmann, A.; Klug, S.; Klumann, J. P.; Nast, A.; Pathirana, D.; Petry, K. U.; Pfister, H.; Röllinghof, U.; Schneede, P.; Schneider, A.; Selka, E.; Singer, S.; Smola, S.; Sporbeck, B.; Von~Knebel~Doeberitz,~M.; Wutzler, P.
    Vaccination against HPV-Associated Neoplasias
    In: Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde Jg. 74 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 233 - 241
  • Esser, Stefan; Eisele, Lewin; Schwarz, B.; Neumann, Till; Schulze, C.; Warnke, A.; Holzendorf, V.; Potthoff, A.; Brockmeyer, N.; Hower, M.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Moebus, Susanne; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Reinsch, Nico
    B-type natriuretic peptide elevation is more frequent in HIV plus patients compared to the general population
    In: Antiviral Therapy Jg. 18 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. A41 - A42
  • O'Connor, Jemma L.; Gardner, Edward M.; Mannheimer, Sharon B.; Lifson, Alan R.; Esser, Stefan; Telzak, Edward E.; Phillips, Andrew N.
    Factors associated with adherence amongst 5295 people receiving antiretroviral therapy as part of an international trial
    In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) Jg. 208 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 40 - 49
  • Sullivan, Ann K.; Raben, Dorthe; Reekie, Joanne; Rayment, Michael; Mocroft, Amanda; Esser, Stefan; Leon, Agathe; Begovac, Josip; Brinkman, Kees; Zangerle, Robert; Grzeszczuk, Anna; Vassilenko, Anna; Hadziosmanovic, Vesna; Krasnov, Maksym; Sönnerborg, Anders; Clumeck, Nathan; Gatell, José; Gazzard, Brian; d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Lundgren, Jens D.
    Feasibility and Effectiveness of Indicator Condition-Guided Testing for HIV : results from HIDES I (HIV Indicator Diseases across Europe Study)
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 1, S. e52845
  • Reinsch, Nico; Esser, Stefan; Neumann, Till; Bokhof, B.; Eisele, Lewin; Schwarz, B.; Holzendorf, V.; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; German Heart Failure Network
    Framingham risk score and cardiovascular risk profiles in HIV+ patients and HIV- controls differ by sex
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. P5164
  • Jansen, Klaus; Haastert, Burkhard; Michalik, Claudia; Guignard, Adrienne; Esser, Stefan; Dupke, Stephan; Plettenberg, Andreas; Skaletz-Rorowski, Adriane; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.
    Incidence and risk factors of herpes zoster among hiv-positive patients in the german competence network for HIV/AIDS (KompNet) : A cohort study analysis
    In: BMC Infectious Diseases Jg. 13 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 372
  • Esser, Stefan; Scholten, S; Brockmeyer, N H; Michalik, C; Moll, A; Dupke, S; Rasokat, H; Potthoff, A V; Rausch, M; Scheitz, R E
    Kaposi´S Sarcoma Patient Profile in the Cohort of the German Competence Netzwork HIV/AIDS
    In: Sexually Transmitted Infections Jg. 89 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. A126.3 - A127
  • Svedhem-Johansson, Veronica; Pugliese, Pascal; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Thalme, Anders; Michalik, Claudia; Esser, Stefan; Barlet, Marie-Helene; Nakonz, Tina; Jimenez-Exposito, Maria J.
    Long-term gender-based outcomes for atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r)- containing regimens in treatment-experienced patients with HIV
    In: Current HIV Research Jg. 11 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 333 - 341
  • Plettenberg, A; Haastert, B; Jansen, K; Guignard, A; Skaletz-Rorowski, A; Köppe, S; Brockmeyer, N H; Michalik, C; Esser, Stefan; Dupke, S
    P2.120Cohort of the German Competence Network For HIV/AIDS (KompNet)
    In: Sexually Transmitted Infections Jg. 89 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. A124.4 - A125
  • Esser, Stefan; Gelbrich, Götz; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Goehler, Alexander; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Neumann, Till; Reinsch, Nico
    Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in HIV-infected outpatients: Results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study
    In: Clinical Research in Cardiology Jg. 102 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 203 - 213
  • Schwarz, B.; Eisele, Lewin; Neumann, Till; Reinsch, Nico; Schulze, C.; Warnke, A.; Holzendorf, V.; Potthoff, A.; Brockmeyer, N.; Hower, M.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Moebus, Susanne; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Esser, Stefan
    Psychotropic drugs are prescribed more frequently in HIV-positive patients compared to the general population. Data from two German prospective cohorts : Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study and HIV HEART Study
    In: Antiviral Therapy Jg. 18 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. A77 - A78
  • Schelhorn, E.S.; Kaiser, R.; Protzer, U.; Goeser, T.; Bagel, B.; Sirkoski, A.M.; Häussinger, D.; Lengauer, T.; Ciesek, Sandra; Esser, Stefan; Timm, Jörg; Sierra, S.; Qurishi, N.; Erhardt, A.; Scholte, S.
    The Pepsi Project : HVC resistance screening and prediction of pi-containing therapy outcome
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 58 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S489 - S490
  • Thoden, J.; Potthoff, A.; Bogner, J.R.; Brockmeyer, N.H.; Esser, Stefan; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, K.; Haas, B.; Hahn, K.; Härter, G.; Hartmann, M.; Herzmann, C.; Hutterer, J.; Jordan, A.R.; Lange, C.; Mauss, S.; Meyer-Olson, D.; Mosthaf, F.; Oette, M.; Reuter, S.; Rieger, A.; Rosenkranz, T.; Ruhnke, M.; Schaaf, B.; Schwarze, S.; Stellbrink, H.J.; Stocker, H.; Stoehr, A.; Stoll, M.; Träder, C.; Vogel, M.; Wagner, D.; Wyen, C.; Hoffmann, C.
    Therapy and prophylaxis of opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients : a guideline by the German and Austrian AIDS societies (DAIG/ÖAG) (AWMF 055/066)
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 41 (2013) Nr. Supp. 2, S. 91 - 115
  • Reinsch, Nico; Esser, Stefan; Gelbrich, Götz; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Potthoff, Anja; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Neumann, Till
    Valvular manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus infection - Results from the prospective, multicenter HIV-HEART study
    In: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 733 - 739
  • Reinsch, Nico; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Esser, Stefan; Potthoff, Anja; Hower, Martin; Mostardt, Sarah; Neumann, Anja; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Gelbrich, Götz; Erbel, Raimund; Neumann, Till
    Are HIV patients undertreated? : Cardiovascular risk factors in HIV: Results of the HIV-HEART study
    In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Jg. 19 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 267 - 274
  • Esser, Stefan
    Bessere Compliance durch Fixkombinationen und einmal tägliche Gabe : Mehr Auswahl für die komplette Therapie
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 154 (2012) Nr. Suppl 1, S. 17 - 19
  • Reinsch, N.; Kloetgen, H. W.; Jablonka, Robert; Storim, J.; Warnke, A.; Gelbrich, G.; Erbel, Raimund; Neumann, Till; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan; German Competence Network
    Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) : A general mortality predictor in HIV-infected patients? - Results from the 5 year follow-up of the HIV-HEART trial
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 33 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 337
  • Esser, Stefan; Jablonka, Robert; Heinemann, Falko M.; Reuter, Stefan; Jaeger, Hans; von Krosigk, Ariane; Schenk-Westkamp, Pia; Schadendorf, Dirk; Horn, Peter; Lindemann, Monika
    Detection of abacavir hypersensitivity by ELISpot method
    In: Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets Jg. 11 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 227 - 234
  • Jensen, Bjoern; Esser, Stefan; Kaiser, Rolf; Luebke, Nadine; Häussinger, Dieter
    How individual can personalized antiretroviral treatment be? Deep salvage in an HIV-1-infected patient
    In: Intervirology Jg. 55 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 167 - 171
  • Ren, Guangxu; Esser, Stefan; Jochum, Christoph; Schlaak, Jörg Friedrich; Gerken, Guido; Schadendorf, Dirk; Dittmer, Ulf; Wu, Gang; Yuan, Zhenghong; Timm, Jörg
    Interleukin 21 augments the hepatitis B virus-specific CD8+ T-cell response in vitro in patients coinfected with HIV-1
    In: AIDS Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 17, S. 2145 - 2153
  • Dirks, Henrike; Esser, Stefan; Borgmann, R.; Wolter, M.; Fischer, E.; Potthoff, Anja Verena; Jablonka, Robert; Schadendorf, Dirk; Brockmeyer, Norbert Hermann; Scherbaum, Norbert
    Substance use and sexual risk behaviour among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in specialized out-patient clinics
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 533 - 540
  • Dirks, Henrike; Esser, Stefan; Specka, Michael; Scherbaum, Norbert
    Suchtmittelkonsum bei homo- und bisexuellen männern
    In: Sucht Jg. 58 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 237 - 246
  • Esser, Stefan; Rieg, S.
    Syphilis und Gonorrhoe - sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (STI) der Vergangenheit?
    In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift: DMW Jg. 137 (2012) Nr. 31-32, S. 1560 - 1564
  • Wyen, Christoph; Jensen, Björn; Hentrich, Marcus; Siehl, Jan; Sabranski, Michael; Esser, Stefan; Gillor, Daniel; Müller, Markus; Van Lunzen, Jan; Wolf, Timo; Bogner, Johannes R.; Wasmuth, Jan C.; Christ, Hildegard; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Hoffmann, Christian
    Treatment of AIDS-related lymphomas : Rituximab is beneficial even in severely immunosuppressed patients
    In: AIDS Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 457 - 464
  • Heusner, Till Alexander; Gölitz, Philipp; Hamami, Monia; Eberhardt, Wilfried; Esser, Stefan; Forsting, Michael; Bockisch, Andreas; Antoch, Gerald
    "One-stop-shop" staging : should we prefer FDG-PET/CT or MRI for the detection of bone metastases?
    In: European Journal of Radiology Jg. 78 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 430 - 435
  • Wyen, Christoph; Hendra, Heidy; Siccardi, Marco; Platten, Martin; Jaeger, Hans; Harrer, Thomas; Esser, Stefan; Bogner, Johannes R.; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Bieniek, Bernhard; Rockstroh, Juergen; Hoffmann, Christian; Stoehr, Albrecht; Michalik, Claudia; Dlugay, Verena; Jetter, Alexander; Knechten, Heribert; Klinker, Hartwig; Skaletz-Rorowski, Adriane; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Egan, Deirdre; Back, David J.; Owen, Andrew; Carganico, A.; Baumgarten, A.; Koeppe, S.; Kreckel, P.; Lauenroth-Mai, E.; Schlote, F.; Schuler, C.; Freiwald, M.; Rausch, M.; Golz, J.; Moll, A.; Zeitz, M.; Hower, M.; Reuter, S.; Staszewski, S.; Plettenberg, A.; Fenske, S.; Buhk, T.; Stellbrink, H.-J.; Schmidt, R.; Kuhlmann, B.; Mosthaf, F.; Rieke, A.; Scholten, S.; Jaegel-Guedes, E.; Volkert, R.; Becker, W.; Hartl, H.; Mutz, A.; Ulmer, A.
    Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) polymorphisms are associated with early discontinuation of efavirenz-containing regimens
    In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Jg. 66 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 2092 - 2098
  • Esser, Stefan; Haberl, A.; Mulcahy, F.; Gölz, J.; Lazzarin, A.; Teofilo, E.; Vera, J.; Körber, Andreas; Staszewski, S.
    Efficacy, adherence and tolerability of once daily tenofovir DF-containing antiretroviral therapy in former injecting drug users with HIV-1 receiving opiate treatment : Results of a 48-week open-label study
    In: European Journal of Medical Research Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 427 - 436
  • Schülter, Eugen; Oette, Mark; Balduin, Melanie; Reuter, Stefan; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Esser, Stefan; Lengauer, Thomas; Agacfidan, Ali; Pfister, Herbert; Kaiser, Rolf; Akgül, Baki
    HIV prevalence and route of transmission in Turkish immigrants living in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany
    In: Medical Microbiology and Immunology Jg. 200 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 219 - 223
  • Hoffmann, Christian; Schmid, Holger; Müller, Markus; Teutsch, Christian; Van Lunzen, Jan; Esser, Stefan; Wolf, Timo; Wyen, Christoph; Sabranski, Michael; Horst, Heinz-August; Reuter, Stefan; Vogel, Martin; Jäger, Hans; Bogner, Johannes; Arasteh, Keikawus
    Improved outcome with rituximab in patients with HIV-associated multicentric Castleman disease
    In: Blood Jg. 118 (2011) Nr. 13, S. 3499 - 3503
  • Herzmann, C.; Esser, Stefan; Lange, C.
    Infektionen mit nichttuberkulösen Mykobakterien bei HIV-infizierten Patienten
    In: Hautarzt Jg. 62 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 272 - 279
  • Vernadakis, S; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Brokalaki, Eirini I.; Esser, Stefan; Kaiser, Gernot Maximilian; Cicinnati, Vito; Beckebaum, Susanne; Paul, Andreas; Mathé, Zoltán
    Long-term outcomes of liver transplant patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection and end-stage-liver-disease : single center experience
    In: European Journal of Medical Research Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 342 - 348
  • Gelbrich, Bianca; Neumann, Till; Esser, Stefan; Potthoff, Anja; Reinsch, Nico; Hower, Martin; Dannhauer, Karl-Heinz; Loeffler, Markus; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Erbel, Raimund; Gelbrich, Götz
    Oral health and the heart - Does HIV infection open a pathophysiological gateway?
    In: International Journal of Cardiology Jg. 151 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 254 - 257
  • Lind, Alexander; Reinsch, Nico; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Esser, Stefan; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Potthoff, Anja; Pankuweit, Sabine; Erbel, Raimund; Maisch, Bernhard; Neumann, Till
    Pericardial effusion of HIV-infected patients : Results of a prospective multicenter cohort study in the era of antiretroviral therapy
    In: European Journal of Medical Research Jg. 16 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 480 - 483
  • Sierra, Saleta; Kaiser, Rolf; Lübke, Nadine; Thielen, Alexander; Schuelter, Eugen; Heger, Eva; Däumer, Martin; Reuter, Stefan; Esser, Stefan; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Pfister, Herbert; Oette, Mark; Lengauer, Thomas
    Prediction of HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage (Tropism) by Sequence Analysis using a Genotypic Approach
    In: Journal of Visualized Experiments (2011) Nr. 58,
  • Küper, Michael; Rabe, Kasja; Esser, Stefan; Gizewski, E.R.; Husstedt, Ingo Wilhelm; Maschke, Matthias; Obermann, Mark
    Structural gray and white matter changes in patients with HIV
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 258 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 1066 - 1075
  • Orkin, Chloe; Wang, Jianmin; Bergin, Colm; Molina, Jean-Michel; Lazzarin, Adriano; Cavassini, Matthias; Esser, Stefan; Gómez Sirvent, Juan-Luis; Pearce, Helen
    An epidemiologic study to determine the prevalence of the HLA-B*5701 allele among HIV-positive patients in Europe
    In: Pharmacogenetics & Genomics Jg. 20 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 307 - 314
  • Potthoff, Anja; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Gelbrich, Götz; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Esser, Stefan; Reinsch, Nico; Hower, Martin; Mostardt, Sarah; Neumann, Anja; Neumann, Till
    Lipodystrophy – a sign for metabolic syndrome in patients of the HIV-HEART study
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 8 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 92 - 97
  • Reinsch, Nico; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Esser, Stefan; Potthoff, Anja; Hower, Martin; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Erbel, Raimund; Neumann, Till
    Prevalence of Cardiac Diastolic Dysfunction in HIV-Infected Patients : Results of the HIV-HEART Study
    In: HIV Clinical Trials Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 156 - 162
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Bogner, Johannes R.; Esser, Stefan; Hollstein, Tim; Seybold, Ulrich; Künzel, Heike; Nürnberg, Michael; Kastenbauer, Ulrich; Hafner, Julia; Spornraft-Ragaller, Petra; Wolf, Eva
    Akte AIDS 2020: „Gesund bleiben mit HIV“
    In: MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Jg. 162 (2020) S. 5 - 6
  • Abstracts

  • Schoeler, Lara; Le-Trilling, Vu Thuy Khanh; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan; Trilling, Mirko; HIV HEART AGEING Study;
    Analyses of defined human cytomegalovirus-specific antibody effector functions in people living with human immunodeficiency virus
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 48 - 49
  • Callensee, L.; Esser, Stefan; Albayrak-Rena, S.; Dolff, Sebastian; Witzke, Oliver; Schonfeld, A.;
    Dickkopf 3-a new biomarker for kidney disease progression in people living with HIV?
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 42 - 43
  • Karakoese, Zehra; Schwerdtfeger, Mara; Karsten, Christina; Esser, Stefan; Dittmer, Ulf; Sutter, Kathrin;
    Distinct type I interferon subtypes differentially stimulate T cell responses in HIV1-infected individuals
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 92
  • Kruth, Carolin; Schwarzer-Sperber, Hannah; Esser, Stefan; Dittmer, Ulf; Schwarzer, Roland; Sutter, Kathrin;
    Effects of type I interferons on HIV latency
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 82
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, A.; Potthoff, A.; Oette, M.; Chromy, D.; Jablonka, Robert; Bilbilis, K.; Lax, H.; Hüßler, E.-M.; Stang, Andreas; Wieland, U.;
    Efficacy and safety of topical trichloroacetic acid vs. electrocautery for the treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-positive patients (TECAIN) : a randomized controlled trial
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18‐21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 449 - 451
  • Anker, K.; Sammet, S.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Rath, Peter-Michael; Esser, Stefan;
    Efficacy of current antimicrobial treatment for gonorrhoea: A retrospective data analysis from 2016-2022 in the Ruhr area
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 43 - 44
  • Elsner, Carina; Konik, Margarethe; Appeltrath, Gwenllian A.; Krause, Jil; Broecker-Preuss, Martina; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan; Sammet, Stefanie; Karsten, Christina B.;
    False-positive HIV diagnosis post SARSCoV-2 infection : a case report
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 90
  • Rockstroh, J.; Wyen, C.; Sabranski, M.; Jonsson-Oldenbüttel, C.; Bogner, J.; Knechten, H.; Esser, Stefan; Qurishi, N.; Schellberg, S.; Kolobova, I.; Pelz, J.-P.; Whiteside, Y. O.; Tadese, B.;
    Final results of VICDOR : EffectiVeness of SwItChing to DOR-based antiretroviral therapy under real-world conditions in Germany
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 95 - 97
  • Valbert, Frederik; Behrens, G.; Bickel, M.; Boesecke, C.; Esser, Stefan; Dröge, P.; Ruhnke, T.; Krings, A.; Schmidt, D.; Koppe, U.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.; Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Anja;
    HIV prevalence among females and males in 26 potential HIV indicator conditions in Germany
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 380 - 381
  • Elsner, Carina; Maischack, Felix; Reimer, Barbara; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan;
    HIV-1 gp120 polymorphisms A281T and M426R might influence the efficacy of fostemsavir in an HIV-1 LLV patient
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 14 - 15
  • Stephan, C.; Beer, D.; Waizmann, M.; Meurer, A.; Heuchel, T.; Schreiber, S.; Albuquerque, B.; Heinzkill, M.; Cassidy, T.; Marongiu, A.; Thorpe, D.; Esser, Stefan;
    Longer-term (3-year) effectiveness and safety of B/F/TAF for the treatment of HIV in the German BICSTaR cohort
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 7 - 9
  • Chromy, D.; Neidhart, T.; Urban, N.; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, K.; Touzeau-Roemer, V.; Saluzzo, S.; Esser, Stefan; Weninger, W.; Willinger, B.; Rieger, A.; Bauer, W. M.;
    Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Austria : A prospective observational study
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 497 - 498
  • Chromy, D.; Osmers, A.-M.; Bauer, W. M.; Touzeau-Roemer, V.; Borst, C.; Esser, Stefan; Weninger, W.; Willinger, B.; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, K.;
    Sexually transmitted dermatophytes may cause severe infection among men who have sex with men as tinea genitalis
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18-21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 547
  • Esser, Stefan; Trottier, B.; Antinori, A.; Hila, E.; Antela, A.; Tükenmez Tigen, E.; Boffito, M.; Lambert, J. S.; van Welzen, B. J.; Mack, F.; Schreiber, S.; Cassidy, T.; Harrison, R.; Saifi, T.; Sabranski, M.; Vassallo, M.;
    Switching to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in treatment-experienced (TE) people with HIV (PWH) with baseline symptoms of depression, anxiety or insomnia (DAI) in the observational BICSTaR study
    19th European AIDS Conference (#EACS2023), October 18‐21, 2023, Warsaw, Poland,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S5: EACS Abstracts, S. 412 - 414
  • Boehm, Michael; Jensen, Bjorn; Mueller, Claudia; Heger, Eva; Buech, Joachim; Oette, Mark; Luebke, Nadine; Faetkenheuer, Gerd; Hower, Martin; Knechten, Heribert; Naeth, Gudrun; Schuebel, Niels; Esser, Stefan; Scholten, Stefan; Qurishi, Nazifa; Roemer, Katja; Kaiser, Rolf; Knops, Elena;
    The RESINA data support the individualised therapy based on primary resistance testing
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 88
  • Rohner, Maxi; Sammet, Stefanie; Maischack, Felix; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan;
    Therapeutic outcomes of human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated anal lesions in HIV-positive and negative patients
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 36 - 37
  • Esser, Pia L.; Quintanares, Gibran H. Rubio; Dold, Leona; Pirkl, Martin; Langhans, Bettina; Boehm, Michael; Jensen, Bjoern; Esser, Stefan; Luebke, Nadine; Faetkenheuer, Gerd; Lengauer, Thomas; Oette, Mark; Rockstroh, Juergen K.; Boesecke, Christoph; Di Cristanziano, Veronica; Kaiser, Rolf;
    Torque Teno Virus (TTV) load correlates with immunodeficiency in HIV-1 infected patients prior to antiretroviral treatment
    DÖAK 2023 / German-Austrian AIDS Conference, Bonn, Germany, 23-25 March 2023,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. S1, S. 49 - 50
  • Esser, Stefan
    Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) for the treatment of people living with HIV : 24-month (24M) analyses by age, race, sex, adherence and late presentation in a multi-country cohort study
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 69 - 70
  • Esser, Stefan;
    Risk Factors Associated With ≥ ±10% Weight Change in Treatment-Naïve and Treatment-Experienced People Living With HIV Initiating or Switching to an NNRTI- or INSTI-Based Antiretroviral Therapy in Four Large Cohort Studies
    HIV Glasgow 2022; Glasgow, Scotland; October 23-26, 2022,
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 144 - 146
  • Esser, Stefan;
    VICDOR: Effectiveness of switching to DOR-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) under real-world conditions in Germany
    HIV Glasgow 2022; Glasgow, Scotland; October 23-26, 2022,
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 39
  • Esser, Stefan;
    CD4/CD8-ratio normalisation by first-line ART-class combination in ClinSurv, a large multicentre HIV-cohort study from Germany 1999-2018
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 9 - S10
  • Esser, Stefan
    CD4/CD8-ratio normalisation by first-line ART-class combination in ClinSurv, a large multicentre HIV-cohort study from Germany 1999-2018
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 9 - S10
  • Mavarani, Laven; Maischack, Felix; Reinsch, Nico; Albayrak-Rena, Sarah; Kaiser, Franziska; Potthoff, Anja; Hower, Martin; Dolff, Sebastian; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Schadendorf, Dirk; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan
    Comparing 5-year body-mass-index gain of people living with HIV (PLH) with the general population
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 23
  • Maischack, Felix; Reinsch, Nico; Albayrak-Rena, Sarah; Kaiser, Franziska; Dolff, Sebastian; Schadendorf, Dirk; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan
    Comparing 5-year body-mass-index gain of people living with HIV (PLH) with the general population
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 23
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, Alexander; Potthoff, Anja; Oette, Mark; Bilbilis, Konstantinos; Lax, Hildegard; Wiehler, Heidi; Yavuz, Aylin; Brockmeyer, Norbert; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schadendorf, Dirk; Wieland, Ulrike
    Efficacy of trichloroacetic acid vs. electrocautery for the treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia marker lesions in HIV-positive patients
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 24 - S25
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, Alexander; Potthoff, Anja; Oette, Mark; Bilbilis, Konstantinos; Lax, Hildegard; Wiehler, Heidi; Yavuz, Aylin; Brockmeyer, Norbert H.; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schadendorf, Dirk; Wieland, Ulrike
    Efficacy of trichloroacetic acid vs. electrocautery for the treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia marker lesions in HIV-positive patients
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 24 - S25
  • Molina, J. -M.; Montes, M. L.; Esser, Stefan; De Castro, N.; Patel, P.; Dakhia, S.; Polli, J. W.; Garside, L.; D'Amico, R.; Talarico, C.; Van Eygen, V.; K., Vandermeulen; Spreen, W. R.; Aboud, M.; Bosse, M.;
    European phase 3/3b experience with long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine : efficacy, safety and virologic outcomes
    Konferenz 18th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2021), Online & London, United Kingdom, October 27-30, 2021,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. S3, S. 124
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, A.; Potthoff, A.; Bilbilis, K.; Lax, H.; Oette, M.; Wiesel, P.; Sprinzl, M.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Wieland, U.;
    Evaluation der Detektion von analen intraepitheliale Neoplasien (AIN) bei HIV‐positiven Menschen durch zytologische Abstriche und HPV Typisierungen beim Screening auf anale HPV‐assoziierte Läsionen
    51. Tagung der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft ; 14.‐17. April 2021, Virtuell,
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 19 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 22
  • Esser, Stefan
    Evolution of drug resistance mutation archive in patients infected with multi-class resistant HIV-1 and with viral suppression
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 17 - S18
  • Esser, Stefan
    Long-term development of CD4 values in German HIV patients under successful antiretroviral therapy-analysis from the ClinSurv cohort 1999-2018
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 8 - S9
  • Esser, Stefan
    Long-term development of CD4 values in German HIV patients under successful antiretroviral therapy-analysis from the ClinSurv cohort 1999-2018
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 8 - S9
  • Mavarani, L.; Reinsch, N.; Albayrak-Rena, S.; Kaiser, F.; Brockmeyer, N.H.; Potthoff, A.; Hower, M.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, R.; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Schmidt, Börge; Esser, Stefan;
    No difference in changes of the body mass index categories over 5 years in people living with HIV and the general population from the German Ruhr-area
    18th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2021), Online & London, United Kingdom, October 27-30, 2021,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. S3, S. 140
  • Pozniak, A.; Maggiolo, F.; Podzamczer, D.; Yazdanpanah, Y.; Gupta,, S.; Esser, Stefan; Mounzer, K.; Grossberg, R.; F., Post; Huang, H.; Acosta, R.; Baeten, J.; Hindman, J.; H., Martin; Orkin, C.;
    Outcomes 48 weeks after switching from DTG/ABC/3TC or DTG+F/TAF to B/F/TAF
    18th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2021), Online & London, United Kingdom, October 27-30, 2021,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. S3, S. 125
  • Esser, Stefan; Kreuter, A.; Potthoff, A.; Bilbilis, K.; Lax, H.; Jablonka, Robert; Yavuz, A.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; Wieland, U.;
    P8 Ist die Zytologie alleine als Screeningmethode für anale intraepitheliale Neoplasien bei HIV-positiven Menschen geeignet? : Ergebnisse aus der TECAIN-Studie
    65. Deutschen STI-Kongresses – virtuell – vom 5./6. Februar 2021,
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 72 (2021) Nr. Supplement 1, S. S11 - S11
  • Koppe, U.; Poertner, K.; Kollan, C.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.; M., An Der Heiden; Schmidt, D.; Schurmann, D.; Stellbrink, H. -J.; Stoll, M.; J. -C., Wasmuth; Esser, Stefan;
    Reaching CD4 values >= 650 cells/mu l in German HIV patients under successful long-term antiretroviral therapy : analysis from the ClinSurv cohort 1999-2018
    Konferenz 18th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2021), Online & London, United Kingdom, October 27-30, 2021,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. S3, S. 100 - 101
  • Vehring, J.; Sammet, S.; Maischack, F.; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan;
    S7/1 Behandlungsergebnisse der Therapie einer Syphilis-Infektion
    65. Deutschen STI-Kongresses – virtuell – vom 5./6. Februar 2021,
    In: Der Hautarzt Jg. 72 (2021) Nr. Supplement 1, S. S5 - S6
  • Esser, Stefan
    Viral suppression in patients with multi-class resistance despite no fully active antiretroviral agent in the current regimen-a case series from the LOWER study
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 18
  • Esser, Stefan;
    Viral suppression in patients with multi-class resistance despite no fully active antiretroviral agent in the current regimen-a case series from the LOWER study
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 18
  • Esser, Stefan; Jessen, H.; Schneider, J.; Schellberg, S.; Stellbrink, H. J.; Waizmann, M.; Hillenbrand, H.; Bilbao, P.; Schreiber, S.; Thorpe, D.; Ramroth, H.; Haubrich, R.; Robinson, C.; Heinzkill, M.;
    Effectiveness, safety and tolerability of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in adult patients living with HIV-1 in routine clinical practice : 6-month results of the BICSTaR cohort
    26th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA), Digital Conference, 22nd–24th November 2020, Harrogate, England,
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. S4, S. 17
  • Martinez, E.; Assoumou, L.; Moyle, G; Esser, Stefan
    48-week changes in biomarkers in subjects with high cardiovascular risk switching from ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors to dolutegravir : the NEAT022 study
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 21 (2018) Nr. S8, S. 2 - 3
  • Perez-Valero, I.; Llibre, J.M.; Pulido, F; Molina, J-M; Esser, Stefan; McNicholl, I.; Lorgeoux, R-P; Piontkowsky, D.; Sathia, L.; Haubrich, R.
    A phase 3b open-label pilot study to evaluate switching to elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (E/C/F/TAF) single tablet regimen (STR) in virologically suppressed HIV-1 infected adults harbouring the NRTI resistance mutation M184V and/or M184I (GS-US-292-1824)
    In: HIV Medicine Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 21
  • Valero, I. Perez; Llibre, J. M.; Lazzarin, A.; Di Perri, G.; Pulido, F.; Molina, J. -M.; Esser, Stefan; McNicholl, I.; Lorgeoux, R. -P.; Margot, N.; Shao, Y.; Piontkowsky, D.; Das, M.; Haubrich, R.; Streeck, Hendrik; Son, G.; Habermann, Daniel; Crowell, T.A.; Esber, A.; Eller, M.A.; Parikh, A.P.; Horn, Peter; Hoffmann, Daniel
    A phase 3b, open-label, pilot study to evaluate switching to elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (E/C/F/TAF) in virologically-suppressed HIV-1 infected adult subjects harboring the NRTI resistance mutation M184V and/or M184I (GS-US-292-1824)
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 21 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 6, e25148
  • Esser, Stefan
    Basic HIV Research - From the Vaccination via Neutralizing Antibodies to Healing
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 10
  • Orkin, C.; Esser, Stefan
    Efficacy and safety of the once-daily, darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) single-tablet regimen (STR) in ART-naive, HIV-1-infected adults : AMBER Week 96 results
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 21 (2018) Nr. S8, S. 8 - 9
  • Hoffmann, C.; Thielen, A.; Wolf, E.; Bickel, M.; Stoehr, A.; Braun, P.; Knechten, H.; Esser, Stefan; Wyen, C.; Wasmuth, J.; Holm, S.; Daeumer, M.
    Frequent detection of drug resistance mutations by deep sequencing in patients with documented extensive resistance and long-lasting viral suppression : the proviral DNA archive remains stable for decades
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 21 (2018) Nr. S8, S. 187
  • Brinker, T. J.; Klode, Joachim; Esser, Stefan; Schadendorf, Dirk;
    Gesichtsalterungs‐Apps in Warteräumen : Eine neue Möglichkeit für die Hautkrebsprävention?
    28. Deutschen Hautkrebskongresses (ADO‐Jahrestagung); 13.–15. September 2018; Stuttgart,
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. S6, S. 66 - 67
  • Brinker, T. J.; Esser, Stefan; Klode, Joachim; Schadendorf, Dirk;
    Gesichtsalterungs‐Apps in Warteräumen von HIV‐positiven Patienten zur Tabakentwöhnung : Führt die öffentliche Selfiebearbeitung zum Aufhörversuch? – eine Interventionsstudie
    28. Deutschen Hautkrebskongresses (ADO‐Jahrestagung); 13.–15. September 2018; Stuttgart,
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. S6, S. 65 - 66
  • Reinsch, Nico; Eisele, Lewin; Schwarz, B.; Neumann, Till; Schulze, C.; Holzendorf, V.; Brockmeyer, N.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Esser, Stefan; HIV-HEART Study Grp;
    Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) as a prognostic parameter for cardiovascular events and death in HV-infected patients
    ESC Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August – 3 September 2014,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 231
  • Reinsch, Nico; Eisele, Lewin; Schwarz, B.; Neumann, Till; Lunschken, F.; Holzendorf, V.; Brockmeyer, N.; Schadendorf, Dirk; Erbel, Raimund; Esser, Stefan;
    Left ventricular ejection fraction as a prognostic marker for all-cause mortality in HIV-infected patients
    ESC Congress 2016, 27 - 31 August, Rome, Italy,
    In: European Heart Journal Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 3
  • Storim, J.; Verheyen, Jens; Wolff, E.; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Jablonka, Robert; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan;
    Proktitiden mit N. gonorrhoeae/C. trachomatis führen zur Rekrutierung von HIV-Zielzellen aber nicht zu einer gesteigerten HIV-Sekretion
    Leopoldina-Symposium und STI-Kongress, 18. und 19.–21. Juni 2014, Berlin,
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 12 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 952 - 953
  • Kordelas, L.; Verheyen, Jens; Beelen, Dietrich; Horn, Peter; Heinold, Andreas; Kaiser, R.; Trenschel, Rudolf; Schadendorf, Dirk; Dittmer, Ulf; Esser, Stefan;
    Shift of HIV-Tropism in a HIV-patient with large cell anaplastic T-cell-lymphoma undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation from a donor with homozygosity for the CCR5 delta32 mutation
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie, 10.-14. Oktober 2014, Hamburg,
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 37 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 5, S. 38
  • Kuhn, E.; Potthoff, A.; Dirks, H.; Borgmann, R.; Wolter, M.; Esser, Stefan; Scherbaum, Norbert; Brockmeyer, N. H.;
    Viral Load Strategy : Essentials, Popularity and Impact on Sexual Risk Behavior and Serocommunication of MSM in Specialized Outpatient Care
    Leopoldina-Symposium und STI-Kongress, 18. und 19.–21. Juni 2014, Berlin,
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 12 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 980 - 981
  • Köhling, Hedda; Le Saout-Chapot, V.; Buer, Jan; Esser, Stefan; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn;
    Evaluation of the liaison treponema screening test for laboratory diagnosis of syphilis in HIV-positive patients
    65th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM),
    In: International Journal of Medical Microbiology (IJMM) Jg. 303 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 12
  • Warnke, A; Esser, Stefan; Neumann, Till; Schadendorf, Dirk; Potthoff, A; Brockmeyer, N; Reinsch, Nico; Becker-Boost, I; Erbel, Raimund; Hower, M
    A five-year observance of changes in the cardiovascular risk profile in 505 HIV-positive individuals
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 15 (2012) Nr. S4, S. P211
  • Storim, J; Jochum, Christoph; Timm, Jörg; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan
    HIV-infection during treatment of a chronic hepatitis B virus infection : implications for PrEP?
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 15 (2012) Nr. S4, S. P234
  • Sierra, Saleta; Dybowski, J. Nikolai; Pironti, Alejandro; Güney, Lisa; Thielen, Alex; Reuter, Stefan; Esser, Stefan; Fätkenheuer, Gerd; Lengauer, Thomas; Heider, Dominik; Hoffmann, Daniel; Pfister, Herbert; Jensen, Björn; Kaiser, Rolf
    Optimisation of baseline genotypic testing for safe and efficient maraviroc administration
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 15 (2012) Nr. S4, S. P165
  • Esser, Stefan; Heiken, H; Gallo, L; Schellberg, S; Schlag, M; Moll, A; Pauli, R; Stoehr, A; Degen, O; Jaeger, H; Stephan, C; Fätkenheuer, G
    STRike - characteristics of HIV-1-infected patients treated with a single-tablet regimen in daily clinical practice
    In: Journal of the International AIDS Society Jg. 15 (2012) Nr. S4, S. P303
  • Maschke, Matthias; Küper, Michael; Rabe, Kasja; Esser, Stefan; Gizewski, Elke; Husstedt, Ingo; Obermann, Mark
    Gray Matter Volume Loss in HIV Associated Dementia
    In: Neurology Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 9 Suppl. 2, S. A375
  • Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Till; Esser, Stefan; Kondratieva, J.; Neumann, A.; Pankuweit, S.; Konorza, T.; Müller-Tasch, T.; Wachter, R.; Prettin, C.; Gelbrich, G.; Herzog, W.; Brockmeyer, N.; Pieske, B.; Osterziel, K.j.; Maisch, B.; Gerken, Guido; Erbel, Raimund
    Assessment of congestive heart failure and associated cardiovascular diseases in outpatient HIV-infected subjects : rationale and trial design of the HIV-HEART study
    In: European Journal of Medical Research Jg. 10 (2005) Nr. 2, 10. Deutscher und 16. Österreichischer AIDS-Kongress, 1.-4. Juni 2005 in Wien, S. 59
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Kanaki, Theodora; Schöfer, Helmut; Esser, Stefan
    Bacterial Infections of the Oral Mucosa
    In: Diseases of the Oral Mucosa: Study Guide and Review / Schmidt, Enno 2021, S. 305 - 319
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Esser, Stefan
    Herausforderungen und Komplikationen bei der Betreuung von HIV-postiven Patienten in der cART-Ära
    Duisburg ; Essen (2017) 1 CD-ROM
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Vehring, Justus; Sammet, Stefanie; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Schadendorf, Dirk; Esser, Stefan
    Efficacy of syphilis treatment in HIV-infected patients
    In: Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease Jg. 49 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 40