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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Current gain increase by SiNₓ passivation in self-aligned InGaAs/InP heterostructure bipolar transistor with compositionally graded baseIn: Solid State Electronics Jg. 48 (2004) Nr. 9, S. 1637 - 1641Online Volltext:
Lithographic Tools for Producing Patterned Films Compsed of Gas Phase Generated Nanocrystals ImpressIn: Material Science and Technology Jg. 18 (2002) Nr. 7, S. 717 - 720Online Volltext:
Noise measurements and fluctuation analysis in nanoparticle filmsIn: Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Jg. 11 (2001) Nr. 2-3, S. 131 - 136Online Volltext:
Size Distributions and Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Photolytic Dissociation of FerroceneIn: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 72 (2001) Nr. 1, S. 29 - 34Online Volltext:
Synthesis and Handling of Semiconducting Nanoparticles and its Products with a High Degree of ControlIn: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 73 (2001) Nr. 6, S. 709Online Volltext:
Charge diffusion noise in monocrystalline PbS nanoparticle filmsIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 77 (2000) Nr. 21, S. 3421 - 3422Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Third Joint ESF–NSF Symposium on ‘Nanoparticles: Applications in Materials Science and Environmental Science and Engineering,’ Dublin, Ireland, September 6, 2000In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 2 (2000) Nr. 4, S. 425 - 426Online Volltext:
Nanoparticle Formation by Laser-Assisted Photolysis of FerroceneIn: NanoStructured Materials Jg. 12 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 79 - 82Online Volltext:
A New Efficient Unipolar Charger for NanoparticlesIn: Journal of Aerosol Science Jg. 29 (1998) Nr. Suppl. 2, Proceedings of the 1998 International Aerosol Conference Part 2, S. 1021 - S1022Online Volltext:
Generation of monodisperse iron-containing nanoparticles by laser-assisted precipitation from ferrocene and mobility fractionationIn: Journal of Aerosol Science Jg. 29 (1998) Nr. SUPPL 1, S. 125 - S126Online Volltext:
Monodisperse aerosol particle deposition : Prospects for nanoelectronicsIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 41-42 (1998) S. 535 - 538Online Volltext:
Passivation of graded-base InP/InGaAs/InP double heterostructure bipolar transistors by room-temperature deposited SiNₓIn: International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials: Conference Proceedings / IPRM`03; Santa Barbara, USA; 12.05.2003 - 16.05.2003 2003, S. 156 - 159Online Volltext:
Synthesis and Handling of Semiconducting Nanoparticles and its Products with a High Degree of ControlIn: Proceedings of the European Conference Chemical Engineering (ECCE) / European Conference Chemical Engineering (ECCE), Nürnberg, 27.06.2001 2001
Unipolar Aerosol Charger for Singly Charged Particles Between 3 to 1000 nmIn: International Symposium on 'Nanoparticles: Aerosols and Materials': Book of Abstracts / International Symposium on 'Nanoparticles: Aerosols and Materials', Pusan, Korea, July 5-6, 2001 2001, S. 405 - 406
Charge Diffusion Noise in Monocrystalline PbS Nanoparticle FilmsIn: Proceedings of the ESF-NSF Symposium, December 10-11 / ESF-NSF Symposium, December 10-11 / Fissan, Heinz; Otten, Frank (Hrsg.) 1999 P20-1 -P22-4
Development of a New Wide-Range Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS)In: 3. International ETH-Workshop on 'Nanoparticle Measurement' / 3. International ETH-Workshop on 'Nanoparticle Measurement' 9./10. August 1999, ETH Zürich 1999
Generation of Monodisperse Iron-Containing Nanoparticles by Laser-Assisted Precipitation from Ferroence and Mobility FractionationIn: First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium: Book of Abstracts / First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 12, 1998 1998, S. 94 - 96
Morphology and Electrical Properties of Gas-Phase Deposited Pb-S NanoparticlesIn: First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium: Book of Abstracts / First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 12, 1998 1998, S. 90 - 93
Measurement of Nanometer Particles on SurfacesIn: DOE-Workshop on Instrumentation & Measurement Issues for Nanometer Particle / DOE-Workshop on Instrumentation & Measurement Issues for Nanometer Particle, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, December 5-7,1997 1997
Monodisperse Aerosol Particle Deposition : Prospects for NanoelectronicsIn: Micro-and-Nano-Engineering: Book of Abstracts / Micro-and-Nano-Engineering, Athen, September 15-18, 1997 1997
Book of abstracts / Annual scientific meeting ESF NANO 1999 : Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, Germany, December 10 - 11, 1999
Annual scientific meeting ESF NANO 1999, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, Germany, December 10 - 11,(1999) 153 S. -
Book of abstracts : First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium on "Aerosols for Nanostructured Materials and Devices"
First Joint ESF-NSF Symposium on "Aerosols for Nanostructured Materials and Devices", September 12, 1998, Edinburgh, Scotland,Duisburg (1998) -
Strukturierung und elektrische Eigenschaften von gasphasen-generierten PbS-Nanokristall-FilmenDuisburg (2005) 98 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
Deposition of Gas-Phase Generated PbS Nanocrystals onto Patterned Substrates
7th International Conference on Nanometer-scale Science and Technology (Nano), 21th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS) , Malmö, Sweden, 24.06.2005 - 28.06.2002,Malmö, Sweden (2002) -
Development of a Nanoparticle Precipitation and Characterization System
Intational Symposium on Nanoparticles: Aeorosols and Materials, Pusan, Korea, 05.07.2001 - 07.07.2001,Pusan, Korea (2001)