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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Impact of leakage inlet swirl angle in a rotor-stator cavity on flow pattern, radial pressure distribution and frictional torque in a wide circumferential reynolds number rangeIn: International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) Jg. 5 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 7Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Investigation on Thrust and Moment Coefficients of a Centrifugal TurbomachineIn: International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) Jg. 3 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 9Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Turbomachine Design for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Within the ProjectIn: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Jg. 140 (2018) Nr. 12, 121017Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Investigation on flow-induced vibrations of a steam turbine inlet valve considering fluid-structure interaction effectsIn: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Jg. 139 (2017) Nr. 2, 022507Online Volltext:
Investigation on the flow in a rotor-stator cavity with centripetal through-flowIn: International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) Jg. 2 (2017) Nr. 4, 18Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Experimental investigation of velocity fluctuations in a radial diffuser pumpIn: Journal of Hydrodynamics Jg. 27 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 332 - 339Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation on the Time-Variant Flow Field and Dynamic Forces Acting in Steam Turbine Inlet ValvesIn: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Jg. 137 (2015) Nr. 8, 081601Online Volltext:
A Novel Numerical Scheme for a Scale-Invariant Form of Equation of Motion : Development of Solver and Application to Engineering Flow ProblemsIn: International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering Jg. 2 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 37 - 45Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Application of a new numerical solver to turbomachinery flow problems
10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2013, 15. bis 19 April 2013, Lappeenranta, Finland,In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part A, Journal of Power and Energy Jg. 227 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 628 - 636Online Volltext: -
Unique Numerical Scheme for a Modified Equation of Fluid Motion : Approaching New Solver Development to a Fundamental Flow ProblemIn: Science Journal of Physics / Science Journal Publication (Hrsg.) (2013) Sjp-231Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Water droplet evaporation at high gas pressure and temperature levels : Part I: comparison of experimental results with a one-dimensional simulationIn: Computational Thermal Sciences Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 215 - 226Online Volltext:
Application of different strategies of partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulation for a single-blade pump impellerIn: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering Jg. 226 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 297 - 308Online Volltext:
Investigation of the flow in the impeller side clearances of a centrifugal pump with volute casingIn: Journal of Thermal Science Jg. 21 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 197 - 208Online Volltext:
Investigation of unsteady flow-induced impeller oscillations of a single-blade pump under off-design conditionsIn: Journal of Fluids and Structures Jg. 35 (2012) S. 89 - 104Online Volltext:
Numerical prediction of unsteady pressure field within the whole flow passage of a radial single-blade pumpIn: Journal of Fluids Engineering / American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (Hrsg.) Jg. 134 (2012) Nr. 10, 101103Online Volltext:
A Comparison of One-Way and Two-Way Coupling Methods for Numerical Analysis of Fluid-Structure InteractionsIn: Journal of Applied Mathematics Jg. 2011 (2011) Nr. 6, 853560Online Volltext:
Investigation of Periodically Unsteady Flow in a Radial Pump by CFD Simulations and LDV MeasurementsIn: Journal of Turbomachinery Jg. 133 (2011) Nr. 1, 011004Online Volltext:
Application of Different Turbulence Models in Unsteady Flow Simulations of a Radial Diffuser PumpIn: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 123 - 133Online Volltext:
Application of Euler-Euler model for numerical simulation of a radial turbine working in the two-phase flow regimeIn: WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics / World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) (Hrsg.) Jg. 5 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 276 - 286
Unsteady flow investigation in rotor-stator interface of a radial diffuser pumpIn: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 233 - 242Online Volltext:
Comparison of Periodic Flow Fields in a Radial Pump among CFD, PIV, and LDV ResultsIn: International Journal of Rotating Machinery (2009) 410838Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Investigation of turbulence and blade orientation effects in a radial diffuser pump by laser Doppler velocimetryIn: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part A, Journal of Power and Energy Jg. 223 (2009) Nr. 8, S. 991 - 999Online Volltext:
Unsteady flow visualization at part-load conditions of a radial diffuser pump : by PIV and CFDIn: Journal of Visualization Jg. 12 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 65 - 72Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation on Pressure Fluctuations for Different Configurations of Vaned Diffuser PumpsIn: International Journal of Rotating Machinery (2007) S. 34752Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Qualitative comparison between numerical and experimental results of unsteady flow in a radial diffuser pumpIn: Journal of Visualization Jg. 10 (2007) Nr. 4, S. 349 - 357Online Volltext:
Saubere Kühlluft für heiße Turbinen : Partikelabscheidung im Kühlluftsystem von GasturbinenIn: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2007) Nr. 31: Ingenieurwissenschaften - Von Nano bis Giga: : Computersimulationen, S. 44 - 53Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Vergleich von berechneten und gemessenen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten in einer Kreiselpumpe mit EinschaufelradIn: Delta-p: das moderne Pumpemmagazin Jg. 13 (2007) Nr. 1,
Flow field visualization of a single-blade centrifugal pump using PIV-Method : Comparison to numerical resultsIn: Journal of Visualization Jg. 9 (2006) Nr. 4, S. 358Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation of Radial Gap Influence on Diffuser Induced Impeller FlowIn: WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics / World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) (Hrsg.) Jg. 1 (2006) Nr. 5, S. 472 - 479
Numerische Simulation der zeitabhängigen, räumlichen Strömung in einer Kreiselpumpe mit EinschaufelradIn: Delta-p: das moderne Pumpenmagazin Jg. 10 (2004) Nr. 2, S. 44 - 47
Calculation of three-dimensional parabolic flows with arbitrary boundary geometriesIn: International chemical engineering Jg. 30 (1990) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 35
Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung dreidimensionaler parabolischer Strömungen in beliebig berandeten GeometrienIn: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen Jg. 53 (1987) Nr. 4, S. 125 - 136Online Volltext:
Validation of a numerical model to support the design of additively manufactured aerostatic dry gas seals carried out on a test bench through use of seals with defined permeabilitiesIn: 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics / 14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ECT14, April 12-16, 2021; virtual conference / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2021 ETC2021-541Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Challenges of compressing hydrogen for pipeline transportation with centrifugal-compressorsIn: Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society / GPPS Chania20; 7th – 9th September, 2020 2020 GPPS-CH-2020-0045Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Experimental and numerical investigation on the flow in a return channel of multistage centrifugal compressorsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Volume 2B: Turbomachinery / ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Expositio; 17–21, 2019; Phoenix, USA 2019, S. GT2019 - 90455Online Volltext:
Impact of leakage inlet swirl angle in a rotor-stator cavity on flow pattern, radial pressure distribution and frictional torque in a wide circumferential reynolds number rangeIn: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics (ETC 2019) / ETC 2019; Lausanne, Switzerland; 8 - 12 April 2019 / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2019
Investigation of aerodynamic effects in stator components of multistage centrifugal compressorsIn: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics (ETC 2019) / ETC 2019; Lausanne, Switzerland; 8 - 12 April 2019 / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2019 ETC2019-431Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Investigation on solid-liquid flow in the rear chamber of multi-stage slurry pumps with leakage flowIn: 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Apr 2016, Honolulu, United States / ISROMAC: 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena andDynamics of Rotating Machinery, 10.-15.04.2016, Honolulu, United States 2019Online Volltext (Open Access)
Reliable seals for turbomachines : Numerical analysis of the effects of compressible fluid flow through porous materials and narrow gapsIn: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics (ETC 2019) / ETC 2019; Lausanne, Switzerland; 8 - 12 April 2019 / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2019
The behavior of the modal properties of weak and strong coupled acoustic modes at different pressure levels in a rotor-stator test rigIn: Open Archives of the 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2017, 16.-21.12.2017, Maui, Hawaii, USA 2019Online Volltext (Open Access)
Coupled thermal-structural-fluid numerical analysis of gas lubricated mechanical sealsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Vol. 7B: Structures and Dynamics / ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018, Oslo, Norway, 11 June 2018 through 15 June 2018 2018Online Volltext:
Damping Behavior of Acoustic Dominant Modes in an Aeroacoustic Test Rig Representing a Simplified Geometry of a High Pressure Radial CompressorIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 7C: Structures and Dynamics / ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018, Oslo; Norway, 11 - 15 June 2018 2018, S. V07CT36A018Online Volltext:
Droplet evaporation in the context of interstage injectionIn: 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Apr 2016, Honolulu, United States / ISROMAC: 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena andDynamics of Rotating Machinery, 10.-15.04.2016, Honolulu, United States 2018Online Volltext (Open Access)
Experimental investigation of the sCO2-HeRo compressorIn: Conference Proceedings of the 2nd European sCO2 Conference 2018 / 2nd European sCO2 Conference 2018, 30-31 August 2018, Essen, Germany 2018, S. 50 - 59Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Turbomachine design for supercritical carbon dioxide within the SCO₂-hero.EU projectIn: ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition / GT 2018; Oslo; Norway; 11 - 15 June 2018 Jg. 9 2018Online Volltext:
Identification of coupled natural frequencies in a rotor-stator test-rig for different gas propertiesIn: 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics / 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ECT12, April 3-7, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2017 ETC2017-057Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Investigation on the Influence of Surface Roughness on the Moment Coefficient in a Rotor-Stator Cavity With Centripetal Through-FlowIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 2017: Volume 1A, Symposia / ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, July 30-August 3, 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA 2017, S. V01AT03A001Online Volltext:
Investigation on the flow in a rotor-stator cavity with centripetal through-flowIn: 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics / 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ECT12, April 3-7, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2017 ETC2017-097
Investigation on thrust and moment coefficients of a centrifugal turbomachineIn: Open Archives of the 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / ISROMAC 2017; Maui; United States; 16 - 21 December 2017 2017
PDA measurements in spray generated by twin-jet-nozzlesIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 2017: Volume 1B, Symposia / ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July 30–August 3, 2017 2017, S. V01BT06A001Online Volltext:
An educational laboratory with a remote controlled centrifugal pump test rigIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer meeting: Volume 2, Fora: Advances in Fluids Engineering Education; Cavitation and Multiphase Flow; Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation / Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer meeting; FEDSM2016; July 10-14,21016, Washington, DC, USA 2016, S. V002T01A002Online Volltext:
Comparison of different numerical approaches for determination of compressible fluid flow in narrow gapsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2016: Volume 2C: Turbomachinery / ASME Turbo Expo; June 13-17, 2016; Seoul, South Korea 2016 GT2016-57898Online Volltext:
Investigation on Flow Induced Vibrations of a Steam Turbine Inlet Valve Considering Fluid Structure Interaction EffectsIn: ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines / ASME Turbo Expo 2016, 13.-17. Juni 2016, Seoul, South Korea 2016 GT2016-56314Online Volltext:
Parametric study of a novel groove design for dry gas sealsIn: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics / HEFAT 2016; 11 to 13 July 2016; Malaga, Spain 2016, S. 108 - 114
Experimental and Numerical Determination of Pressure and Velocity Distribution Inside a Rotor-Stator Cavity at Very High Circumferential Reynolds NumbersIn: 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics / 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ECT11, March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2015 ETC2015-097Online Volltext (Open Access)
Improving the Design of Steam Turbine Inlet Valves by Numerical Methods for Enhanced Part Load OperationIn: 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics / 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ECT11, March 23-27, 2015, Madrid, Spain / European Turbomachinery Society (Hrsg.) 2015 ETC2015-107Online Volltext (Open Access)
Numerical Investigation on the Vibration of Steam Turbine Inlet Valves and the Feedback to the Dynamic Flow FieldIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Power for Land, Sea, and Air: Volume 8: Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines / ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition ; Montreal, Quebec; 2015.06.15-19 2015 GT2015-42182Online Volltext:
Analyze of the size of secondary droplets due to film separation at the blade trailing edgeIn: Proceedings of the ASME 4th Joint US-EuropeanFluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2014: Vol. 1: Symposia / ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting; August 3 - 7, 2014; Chicago, USA 2014, S. V01BT10A006Online Volltext:
Experimental determination of a four stage axial compressor map operating in wet compressionIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 2A: Turbomachinery / ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition June 16–20, 2014 Düsseldorf, Germany / Hodson, Howard (Hrsg.) 2014, S. V02AT37A046Online Volltext:
Flow characteristics of porous metal structures for specified permeability manufactured by laser beam melting technologyIn: Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014: Volume 2A: Advanced Manufacturing / ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition November 14–20, 2014 Montreal, Canada 2014, S. V02AT02A058Online Volltext:
Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flow in Narrow GapsIn: Proceedings of the ASME 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2014: Vol. 1: Symposia B: Fluid machinery, fluid-structure interaction and flow-induced noise in industrial applications, flow applications in aerospace, flow manipulation and active control: theory, experiments and implementation, multiscale mehtods for multiphase flow, noninvasive measurements in single and multiphase flows / ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, August 3 - 7, 2014; Chicago, USA 2014, S. V01BT10A044Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation on Under Expanded Wall Jet Separation in a Steam Turbine Valve DiffuserIn: 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / ISROMAC 2014, 24 - 28 February 2014, Honolulu, United States 2014
Numerical investigation on the time-variant flow field and dynamic forces acting in steam turbine inlet valvesIn: ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 1B: Marine; Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines / ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, 16.-20. Juni 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany / Hodson, Howard (Hrsg.) 2014Online Volltext:
Sensitivity analysis of condensation model constants on calculated liquid film motion in radial turbinesIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Volume 1B: Marine; Microturbines, Turbochargers and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines / ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, June 16–20, 2014; Düsseldorf, Germany / Hodson, Howard (Hrsg.) 2014, S. V01BT27A021Online Volltext:
Sensitivity of condensation calculations on model coefficients with respect to turbo machinery applicationsIn: 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery: ISROMAC 2014 : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24 -28 February 2014 2014
Test rig design to explore water droplet behavior in a four stage axial compressorIn: Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition / IMECE 2013, San Diego, United States, 15 - 21 November 2013 2014 63429Online Volltext:
Experimental Validation of Methods Providing Boundary Conditions to Simulate the Evaporation Process of Water Injected Into High Speed Air FlowIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2013: Volume 6B: Turbomachinery 2013 V06BT37A024Online Volltext:
Use of Euler free surface flow analysis to provide appropriate injection conditions in Euler-Lagrange numerical modelsIn: Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VII / Brebbia, C.A; Vorobieff, P.; Mammoli, A.A (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 35 - 47Online Volltext:
Verbesserung der Ergebnisqualität eines laserbasierten optischen Messverfahrens zur Bestimmung der Tropfendurchmesser eines Wassersprays in einem zylindrischen MessvolumenIn: 21. Fachtagung für Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik: Tagungsband / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 3. - 5. September 2013, München 2013 58
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Verdampfungsprozess von Wassertropfen bei hohen Druck- und TemperaturniveausIn: 20. Fachtagung für Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik: Tagungsband / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 04. - 06. September 2012, Rostock / Leder, A.; Brede, M.; Ruck, B.; Dopheide, D. (Hrsg.) 2012
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung der Verdampfung von Wassertropfen bei variablen Druck- und TemperaturbedingungenIn: 10. Tagung "Technische Diagnostik 2012": Tagungsband / Tagung Technische Diagnostik ; 25 - 26.10. 2012; Merseburg / Surek, Dominik (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 48 - 61
Improvement of Axial-Flow Pump Part Load Behavior by a Double Inlet NozzleIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer meeting - 2012: Vol. 1: Symposia, Part A / FEDSM`12, July 8 - 12, 2012, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 2012, S. 479 - 489Online Volltext:
Influence of Different Gas Models on the Numerical Results of High-Velocity CondensationIn: 15th Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow / CMFF'12, 4 - 7 September 2012, Budapest, Hungary 2012
Model simplifications for numerical simulation of ingestion through gas turbine rim sealsIn: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / ISROMAC-14, 27. Februar - 02. März 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii 2012
Numerical Simulation of a Micro Pelton Turbine Working in the Two-Phase Flow RegimeIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting - 2012: Vol. 1: Symposia, Part A / FEDSM`12, July 8 - 12, 2012, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 2012, S. 357 - 365Online Volltext:
Test rig design for Investigations of Water Droplet Evaporation at High Pressure and Temperature LevelsIn: Proceedings of the Forteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / ISROMAC-14, 27. Februar - 02. März 2012; Honolulu, Hawaii 2012
Water Droplet Evaporation at High Pressure and Temperature Levels : Part II: Comparison of Experimental Results with a 1D SimulationIn: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics / HEFAT2012, Malta, 16 - 18 July 2012 2012, S. 291 - 296
Water droplet evaporation at high pressure and temperature levels : Part I: Experimental investigations of spray patterns at varied test conditionsIn: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 2012 / HEFAT2012, 16 – 18 July 2012, Malta 2012, S. 1624 - 1630
Efficiency Augmentation of Gas Turbine CyclesIn: 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2011 / 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2011; Mauritius, 11 to 13 July 2011 2011
Investigation of Nucleation Influence on the Efficiency of Radial TurbinesIn: 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, MFIP12 / International Conference Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Ischia (Napoli), Italy, September 21-23, 2011 2011
Investigation of the Flow in the Side Chambers of a Centrifugal Pump with Volute CasingIn: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows / ISAIF, 10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium 2011
A Closed Loop Approach to Simulate the Unsteady Three-Dimensional Flow in an Axial Flow PumpIn: ASME 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting collocated with 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels: ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting: Volume 1, Symposia – Parts A, B, and C / ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting collocated with 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels; Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 1–5, 2010 2010, S. 631 - 645Online Volltext:
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Flow in the Side Cavities of a Centrifugal PumpIn: 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2010 (ISROMAC-13) / ISROMAC, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 4 - 7 April 2010 2010, S. 372 - 380
Application of Simulation Methods Considering the Interaction between Fluid and StructureIn: Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences / 7th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (FMA '09), Moscow, Russia, August 20-22, 2009 / Sohrab, Siavash H.; Catrakis, Jaris J.; Kobasko, Nikolai (Hrsg.) 2009
Experimental evaluation of the time-variant flow field in a radial diffuser pump by laser doppler velocimetryIn: 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2009: Conference Proceedings / 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2009, EUROTURBO 8, 23. - 27. März 2009, Graz, Austria / Heitmeir, Franz (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 1091 - 1102
Improvement of Axial-Flow Pump Part Load Behaviour : an Experimental and Numerical StudyIn: Conference Proceedings - Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, CMFF '09, September 9 - 12, 2009 / Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, CMFF '09, 9-12 September 2009, Budapest / Vad, János (Hrsg.) 2009
Investigation of Flow Instabilities Near The Rim Cavity of A 1.5 Stage Gas TurbineIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Vol. 3 / ASME Turbo Expo 2009, 8 - 12 Juni 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA 2009, S. 1263 - 1272Online Volltext:
Quantitativer Vergleich von gemessenen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten einer radialen Kreiselpumpe mit Ergebnissen numerischer SimulationenIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 17. Fachtagung, 8. bis 10. September 2009, Erlangen / Delgado, Antonio (Hrsg.) 2009
The use of real gas properties for design and flow field simulations of a small centripetal steam turbineIn: ASME 2009 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting: Volume 2: Fora / 2009 ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference, FEDSM2009, 2.-6. August 2009, Vail, Colorado, USA 2009, S. 147 - 153Online Volltext:
Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements in a Radial Diffuser PumpIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference - 2009 / 2009 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, 2-6 August 2009, Vail, Colorado USA 2009, S. 323 - 329Online Volltext:
Analysis of Unsteady Flow in a Radial Diffuser PumpIn: Fluid Machinery and Fluid Mechanics: 4th International Symposium (4th ISFMFE) / 4th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, 4th ISFMFE, 24-27 November 2008, Beijing, China / Xu, Jianzhong; Wu, Yulin; Zhang, Yangjun; Zhang, Junyue (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 291 - 296Online Volltext:
Application of an Enhanced 1D Network Model to Calculate the Flow Properties of a Pre-Swirl Secondary Air SystemIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2008 Heat Transfer / ASME Turbo Expo, June 9 - 13, 2008, Berlin, Germany 2008, S. 1423 - 1430Online Volltext:
Investigation on the Time-Variant Flow in a Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpIn: Theoretical and experimental aspects of fluid mechanics: proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (FLUIDS'08) ; Acapulco, Mexico, 25 - 27 January 2008 / 5 th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Acapulco, Mexico, 25 - 27 January 2008 / Sohrab, Siavash H. (Hrsg.) 2008
Measurement of Periodic Flow Field in a Radial Diffuser Pump by PIV and LDV MethodsIn: Hydro Technology and the Evironment for the New Century / 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 27.-31. Oktober 2008, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil 2008
Messung der periodisch-instationären Strömung im Laufrad und im beschaufelten Diffusor einer radialen Kreiselpumpe kleiner spezifischer Drehzahl mit LDVIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 9. - 11. September 2008, Karlsruhe / Ruck, Bodo; Leder, Alfred; Dopheide, Dietrich (Hrsg.) 2008
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Flow in a Centrifugal Pump Stage : WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics ; 5 (Acapulco) : 2008.01.25-27In: Theoretical and experimental aspects of fluid mechanics: proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (FLUIDS'08) ; Acapulco, Mexico, 25 - 27 January 2008 / WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics ; 5 (Acapulco) : 2008.01.25-27 / Sohrab, Siavash H. (Hrsg.) 2008
PIV Measurements of Unsteady Flow in a Diffuser Pump at Different Flow RatesIn: 12th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / 12th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, 17-22 February 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii 2008
Part Load Characteristic Investigation of a Highly Loaded Axial Flow Pump with Casing Treatment Comparison of Experimental and Numerical ResultsIn: 24th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems / 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October 27 - 31, 2008, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil 2008
Unsteady Three-Dimensional Flow Phenomena in an Axial Flow Pump at Different Operating PointsIn: AProceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference - 2008: presented at 2008 ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference, August 10 - 14, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida, USA ; Vol. 2: Fora / ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference; August 10–14 2008; Jacksonville, Fla. 2008, S. 277 - 283Online Volltext:
A Study on Impeller-Diffuser Interactions in a Radial PumpIn: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2007 / 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2007, 5.-9. März 2007, Athens, Greece / K. D. Papailiou (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 773 - 782
CFD Analysis of Flow in High-Radius Pre-Swirl SystemsIn: ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air: Volume 4: Turbo Expo 2007, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2007, 14.-17. Mai 2007, Montreal, Canada 2007, S. 1159 - 1167Online Volltext:
Comparison of Pump Impeller Orbit Curves Obtained by Measurement and FSI SimulationIn: ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference: Volume 4: Fluid-Structure Interaction / ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 22–26, 2007 2007, S. 41 - 48Online Volltext:
Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamic Forces for Different Configurations of Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpsIn: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2006 (Isromac-11) / 11th international symposium on transport phenomena and dynamics of rotating machinery; February 26 - March 2, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii USA. 2007
Flow Phenomena in a Highly-Loaded Single-Stage Axial Flow Pump - Comparison of Experimental and Numerical ResultsIn: Proceedings of the 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference - 2007Fora: presented at 2007 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, July 30 - August 2, 2007, San Diego, California, USA ; Vol. 2, Pt. B / Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference ; 5; 2007; San Diego, Calif. 2007, S. 979 - 984Online Volltext:
Measurement of the periodic flow field in a radial diffuser pump by the PIV-methodIn: 2007 Proceedings of the 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, FEDSM 2007: Volume 2: Fora, Parts A and B / 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, 30. July - 2. August 2007, San Diego, USA 2007, S. 841 - 848Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation on Impeller-Diffuser Interactions in a Radial PumpIn: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2007 / 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery (Euroturbo), March 5-9, 2007, Athens, Greece 2007
Numerical Study on the Pressure Fluctuations in a Complete Stage of a Centrifugal PumpIn: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2006 / 11th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2006 (Isromac-11) ., February 26 - March 2, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii USA 2007
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Time-Variant Flow Field in a Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpIn: 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2007) / HEFAT2007; 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; 1 – 4 July 2007, Sun City, South Africa 2007 BF1
Untersuchung des periodisch-instationären Geschwindigkeitsfeldes im Laufrad und im beschaufelten Diffusor einer radialen Kreiselpumpenstufe kleiner spezifischer Drehzahl mit der PIV-MethodeIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik", 04. - 06. September 2007, Rostock / Leder, Alfred; Brede, Martin; Hüttmann, Frank; Ruck, Bodo; Dopheide, Dietrich (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 32
A New Method to Simulate Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Centrifugal Pump StageIn: ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis: Volume 2: Automotive Systems, Bioengineering and Biomedical Technology, Fluids Engineering, Maintenance Engineering and Non-Destructive Evaluation, and Nanotechnology / 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 4-7 Juli 2006, Torino, Italy 2006, S. 677 - 684Online Volltext:
Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Obtained Velocity Fields in a Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpIn: ASME 2006 2nd Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Collocated With the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2: Fora / ASME 2006 2nd Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Collocated With the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Miami, Florida, USA, July 17–20, 2006 2006, S. 265 - 271Online Volltext:
Determination of Pump Impeller Deflection : comparison of FSI-Simulations to MeasurementsIn: ASME 2006 2nd Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Collocated With the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2: Fora / ASME 2006 2nd Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Collocated With the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Miami, Florida, USA, July 17–20, 2006 2006, S. 291 - 296Online Volltext:
Einsatz von Fluid-Struktur-Interaktionsmethoden zur Berechnung der Orbitkurven von PumpenrotorenIn: Tagungsband - 7. Tagung Technische Diagnostik 2006 / 7. Tagung Technische Diagnostik ; 7; 2006; Merseburg / Surek, Dominik (Hrsg.) 2006
Flow Analysis in Gas Turbine Pre-Swirl Cooling Air Systems : Variation of Geometric ParametersIn: ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air: Volume 3: Heat Transfer, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2006 - Power for Land, Sea & Air (TE06), 8-11 May 2006, Barcelona, Spain 2006, S. 1403 - 1411Online Volltext:
Numerical Study on Impeller-Diffuser Interactions with Radial Gap Variation PumpIn: Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics / 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, FLUID '06, 21. - 23. August 2006, Elounda, Griechenland 2006, S. 289 - 294
Quantitativer Vergleich von numerisch und experimentell ermittelten Strömungsfeldern in einer EinschaufelradpumpeIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / 14. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 5. bis 7. September 2006, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig / Dopheide, Dietrich; Müller, Harald; Strunck, Volker; Ruck, Bodo; Leder, Alfred (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 44
The Influence of Leakage Flow on the Main Flow in a Radial Pump StageIn: 23rd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems: Conference Proceedings / 23rd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 17.-21. Oktober 2006, Yokohama, Japan / Avellan, Franc̜ois (Hrsg.) 2006
A Contribution to the Abrasive Effect of Particles in a Gas Turbine Pre-Swirl Cooling Air SystemIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Vol. 3: Turbo Expo 2005, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2005 ; (Reno-Tahoe) : 2005.06.06-09 2005, S. 1113 - 1120Online Volltext:
Flow Field Visualization of a Single-Blade Centrifugal Pump using PIV-Method : comparison to Numerical ResultsIn: The 5th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing / 5th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, PSFVIP 5, 26 - 29 September 2005, Daydream Island, Australia 2005
Investigations of Dust Separation in a Gasturbine Pre-Swirl Cooling Air System Using New, Enhanced Simulation MethodsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference: Vol. 1: Symposia, Parts A and B / ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference ; (Houston, Tex.) : 2005.06.19-23 2005, S. 1631 - 1637Online Volltext:
Numerical Investigation of the Transient Flow in a Centrifugal Pump StageIn: ASME 2005 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting: Volume 2: Fora / ASME 2005 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, June 19–23, 2005 2005, S. 71 - 76Online Volltext:
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cavitating Flow in a Centrifugal PumpIn: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion / International Symposium on Multiphase Flow (ISMF), Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion ; 5; 2005; Xi'an 2005
Periodically Unsteady Flow in a Single-Blade Centrifugal Pump : Numerical and Experimental ResultsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer conference: Vol. 1: Symposia, Parts A and B / ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, June 19 - 23, 2005, Houston, Texas, USA 2005, S. 1223 - 1231Online Volltext:
Analysis of Dust Separation Inside a Pre-Swirl Cooling Air SystemIn: ISROMAC 10 : 2004 March 7 - 11, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA: International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (10 : 2004 : Honolulu, Hawaii) / Bohn, Dieter (Hrsg.) 2004
Comparison of Calculated and Measured Flow induced Oscillations of Centrifugal Pump RotorsIn: 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery / International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 2004
Dust Separation in a Gas Turbine Pre-Swirl Cooling Air System : A Parameter VariationIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Vol. 4 / ASME Turbo Expo 2004, June 14 - 17, 2004, Vienna, Austria 2004, S. 231 - 240Online Volltext:
Experimental Investigation of Flow Induced Rotor Oscillations in a Centrifugal Sewage Water PumpIn: Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference - 2004: Vol. 3 / ASME 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference; Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 11–15, 2004 2004, S. 23 - 28Online Volltext:
Flow Induced Rotor Oscillations of a Centrifugal Sewage Water PumpIn: Noise and vibration engineering: Proceedings of ISMA 2004 / ISMA 2004, Leuven, 2004 September 20 - 22 ; / Sas, P. (Hrsg.) 2004
Flow Induced Vibrations of a Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpIn: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics / International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, , HEFAT 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, 21 - 24 June 2004 2004
Grundlagenuntersuchungen an rotierenden Ringräumen zur Optimierung des Sekundärluftsystems moderner GasturbinenIn: Stationäre Gasturbinen: Fortschritte und Betriebserfahrungen / Tagung "Stationäre Gasturbinen", 23. und 24. November 2004, Leverkusen / VDI-Energietechnik (Hrsg.) 2004
Measurement of Flow Induced Rotor Oscillations in a Single-Blade Centrifugal PumpIn: Emerging technology in fluids, structures, and fluid-structure interactiona - 2004: Vol.1: Fluid Dynamics and Fluid Structure Interactions / ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 25 - 29, 2004 2004, S. 167 - 174Online Volltext:
Messung der strömungsinduzierten Auslenkungen des Rotors einer radialen AbwasserpumpeIn: Tagungsband - 6. Tagung Technische Diagnostik / Tagung Technische Diagnostik, 21. und 22. Oktober 2004, Merseburg 2004
Optimization of a small 2-stage centrifugal blower by CFD methodsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference - 2004: Vol. 3 / ASME 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference; Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 11–15, 2004 2004, S. 29 - 36Online Volltext:
PIV- und LDV-Messungen im beschaufelten Diffusor einer radialen KreiselpumpeIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik: 12. Fachtagung 2004 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik" ; 12 (Karlsruhe) : 2004.09.07-09 / Ruck, Bodo (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 19
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field in a 2-Stage Centrifugal BlowerIn: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics / International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, , HEFAT 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, 21 - 24 June 2004 2004
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on the Flow Induced Vibrations of a Centrifugal PumpIn: Proceedings of the 5th Biennial International Pipeline Conference / Volumes 1, 2, and 3 2004, S. 39 - 46Online Volltext:
Application of Conjugate CFD to the Internal Cooling Air Flow System of Gas TurbinesIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003: Volume 5: Turbo Expo 2003, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2003, collocated with the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 16–19, 2003 2003, S. 1051 - 1060Online Volltext:
Calculation of Flow Induced Vibration Amplitudes of Radial Sewage Water PumpsIn: Emerging technology in fluids, structures, and fluid-structure interactions, 2003 / ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, July 20 - 24, 2003 2003, S. 45 - 53Online Volltext:
Calculation of Hydrodynamic Forces and Flow Induced Vibrations of Centrifugal Sewage Water PumpsIn: Proceedings of the 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering ConferenceSymposia / ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 6 - 10, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii 2003, S. 603 - 608
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flow Structure and Dust Separation Inside a Pre-Swirl Cooling Air SystemIn: Proceedings of the 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference: Vol. 2: Symposia, Parts A, B, and C / ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 6 - 10, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii 2003, S. 577 - 582Online Volltext:
Investigation of Internal Cooling Air Flow of Gas Turbines with Attention to Heat TransferIn: Proceedings of the 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference: Vol. 2: Symposia, Parts A, B, and C / ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 6–10, 2003 2003, S. 627 - 632Online Volltext:
Investigation on the Unsteady Flow in Radial Sewage Water Pumps to Determine the Hydrodynamic ForcesIn: 5th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics: conference proceedings / European Conference on Turbomachinery, 17 - 22 March, 2003, Praha - Czech Republic / Št'astný, Miroslav (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 551 - 562
Investigations of Dust Separation in the Internal Cooling Air System of Gas TurbinesIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003: Volume 5: Turbo Expo 2003, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2003, collocated with the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 16–19, 2003 2003, S. 985 - 992Online Volltext:
Unsteady Flow in Single-Blade Sewage Water PumpsIn: Selected papers presented at the Second International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (HEFAT) / International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics ; 2; 2003; Livingstone, Victoria Falls / Meyer, Josua P.; Stehlík, Peter (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 1 - 2
Berechnung der Schwingungsamplituden von AbwasserpumpenIn: Tagungsband: 5. Tagung Technische Diagnostik 2002: 24. und 25. Oktober 2002, Merseburg / 5. Tagung Technische Diagnostik, 24.-25.10.2002, Merseburg 2002 Kapitel 14
Experimental Analysis of Dust Separation in the Internal Cooling Air System of Gas TurbinesIn: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2002: Vol. 3: Turbo Expo 2002, Parts A and B / ASME Turbo Expo 2002, 03.-06.06.2002, Amsterdam 2002, S. 731 - 737Online Volltext:
Grundlagenuntersuchungen an rotierenden Ringräumen zur Optimierung des Sekundärluftsystems moderner GasturbinenIn: Gasturbinen in Praxis und Entwicklung: Fortschritte und Betriebserfahrungen ; Tagung Leverkusen, 12. und 13. November 2002 / Tagung "Gasturbinen in Praxis und Entwicklung", 12. und 13. November 2002, Leverkusen 2002, S. 85 - 94
Messung von Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten mit der Particle-Image-Velocimetry in einem GasturbinenrotorIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik: 10. Fachtagung, 10. - 12. September 2002, Rostock / 10. Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik" 09.-12.10.2002, Rostock / Leder, Alfred (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 29.1 - 29.6
Particle-Image-Velocimetry in einer KreiselpumpenrückführstufeIn: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 10. - 12. September 2002, Rostock / Leder, Alfred (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 44.1 - 44.6
Multigrid Method for Unsteady Viscous FlowsIn: Proceedings of the 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer meeting: June 22 - 26, 1997, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / ASME Fluids Engineering Division summer meeting ; 1997 (Vancouver, British Columbia) : 1997.06.22-26 1997
A Comparison of Different Solution Procedures for Compressible Viscous FlowsIn: Finite volumes for complex applications: problems and perspectives: [First International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Problems and Perspectives, July 15 - 18, 1996, Rouen, France] / International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Problems and Perspectives ; 1 (Rouen) : 1996.07.15-18 / Benkhaldoun, Fayssal (Hrsg.) 1996, S. 441 - 452
Numerical Investigations on the Effects of Swirling Combustor Exit Flow on HP-Turbine Inlet Flow for the Industrial Gas Turbine THM 1304In: ASME 1993 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition: Volume 3B: General / SME 1993 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, May 24–27, 1993 1993, S. V03BT16A012Online Volltext:
Simulation of the Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow in the Passage Towards the HP-Turbine of an Industrial Gas TurbineIn: Proceedings of the 1992 FIDAP User Conference 1992
Computation of 3D Flow Phenomena in Axial Flow Compressor Blade RowsIn: ASME 1991 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition: Volume 1: Turbomachinery / ASME 1991 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, 3-6 June 1991, Orlando, Florida, USA 1991, S. V001T01A026Online Volltext:
Numerische Berechnung der dreidimensionalen Strömung in AxialverdichterlaufrädernDuisburg (1989) 158 Seiten
Numerical investigation of Droplet dispersion in resting environment, cross flow and parallel flow
17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2017, December 16-21, 2017, Maui, Hawaii, USA,Maui, Hawaii, USA (2017) -
Zweistrahldüsen – Genauigkeit der Bestimmung von Tropfendurchmessern mit Phasen-Doppler Anemometrie
1st Symposium on Turbomachinery Test Facilities, TTF 2017, 11. - 12.05.2017, Bochum, Deutschland,Bochum (2017) -
Investigation on Flow Induced Vibrations of a Steam Turbine Inlet Valve Considering Fluid Structure Interaction Effects
16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2016, 10. bis 15. April 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,(2016) -
The potential of interstage injection for axial compressors
16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 10 -15 April 2016,Honolulu, Hawaii (2016) -
Modification of a steam valve diffuser for enhanced full load and part load operation using numerical methods
16th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies, entitled “Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow” (CMFF’15), 1. - 4. September 2015, Budapest, Hungary,Budapest (2015) -
Numerical Investigation of the Fluid and Structure Dynamics of a Steam Turbine Inlet Valve at Different Operation Conditions
Workshop on Safety and Control Valves; APRIL 8-9, 2015 - Brussels, Belgium,Brüssel (2015) -
Experimentelle Untersuchung eines 4-stufigen Axialverdichters bei "Nassverdichtung"
Kolloquium - Fluidenergiemaschinen, Bochum, 2014,Bochum (2014) -
Instationäre Strömung in Dampfturbineneinlassventilen
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1D Model for Water Droplet Evaporation at Elevated Gas Pressure and Temperature Levels with a Rosin-Rammler Droplet Distribution
11th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, May 6-11, 2013, Shenzhen, China,Shenzhen, China (2013) -
Application of a New Numerical Solver for the Scale-Invariant Form of the Equation of Motion to Engineering Flow Problems
7th international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics (HEFAT2010) ; 7 (Antalya, Turkey) : 2010.07.19-21,(2010) -
Numerical simulation of two phase flow in a Pelton turbine with Eulerian-Eulerian method
8th ANSYS & FZD Multiphase Flows Short Course and Workshop, Dresden, Juni 2010,Dresden (2010) -
Numerical simulation of twophase flow in a Pelton turbine with Eulerian-Eulerian method
8th Joint ANSYS & FZD Multiphase Flows Workshop, 23 - 24 June, 2010, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany,Dresden (2010) -
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung des Sekundärluftsystems stationärer Gasturbinen
20. Siemens-Jahrestagung, Duisburg, 09.06.2005,(2005)