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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Temperature-driven change of morphology and magnetic anisotropy of Fe monolayers on GaAs (001)In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 90 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 487 - 491Online Volltext:
Correlation between structure and magnetism in epitaxial Fe monolayers on GaAs (001)In: Superlattices and Microstructures Jg. 41 (2007) Nr. 2-3, S. 116 - 121Online Volltext:
Temperature-dependent correlation of magnetic anisotropy and magnetization in Fe monolayers on {4×6}GaAs(0 0 1)In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 316 (2007) Nr. 2, S. e334 - e337Online Volltext:
Magnetic Anisotropy of Fe/GaAs (001) ultrathin films investigated by In situ Ferromagnetic Resonanc.In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 299 (2006) Nr. 1, S. L1 - L10Online Volltext:
Magnetic anisotropy in nanoscaled materials probed by ferromagnetic resonance.In: Phase Transitions Jg. 79 (2006) Nr. 9-10, S. 793 - 813Online Volltext:
Magnetization and Magnetic Anisotropy Energy of Fe monolayers on GaAs(001) exposed to oxygen.In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 18 (2006) Nr. 39, S. 8791 - 8802Online Volltext:
Power-law behavior of the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy of uncapped ultrathin Fe Films on GaAs (001).In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 73 (2006) S. 052405-1 - 052405-4Online Volltext:
SQUID magnetometry on Fe monolayers on GaAs(001) in UHV(2006) VIII, 162 S.