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Fakultät Physik

MC 326


  • Professor/in, Theoretische Physik

  • Vorsitzender, Promotionsausschuss Physik

  • Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Fakultätsrat Physik

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Zöllner, Johann; Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen; Kleinherbers, Eric
    Dark versus blocking states in electronic transport : A Lee-Yang zero analysis of full counting statistics
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 110 (2024) Nr. 11, 115411
  • Verlage, Jan; Queisser, Friedemann; Szpak, Nikodem; König, Jürgen; Kratzer, Peter; Schützhold, Ralf
    Quasi-particle Propagation Across Semiconductor–Mott Insulator Interfaces
    In: International Journal of Theoretical Physics Jg. 63 (2024) Nr. 11, 285
  • Szpak, Nikodem; Schaller, Gernot; Schützhold, Ralf; König, Jürgen
    Relaxation to persistent currents in a Hubbard trimer coupled to fermionic baths
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 110 (2024) Nr. 11, 115131
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Schünemann, Alexander; König, Jürgen
    Full counting statistics in a Majorana single-charge transistor
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 19, 195407
  • Besson, Claire; Stegmann, Philipp; Schnee, Michael; Zanolli, Zeila; Achilli, Simona; Wittemeier, Nils; Vierck, Asmus; Frielinghaus, Robert; Kögerler, Paul; Maultzsch, Janina; Ordejón, Pablo; Schneider, Claus M.; Hucht, Alfred; König, Jürgen; Meyer, Carola
    Independent and coherent transitions between antiferromagnetic states of few-molecule systems
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 24, 245414
  • Kerski, J.; Mannel, H.; Lochner, P.; Kleinherbers, E.; Kurzmann, A.; Ludwig, A.; Wieck, A.D.; König, J.; Lorke, A.; Geller, M.
    Post-processing of real-time quantum event measurements for an optimal bandwidth
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 1105
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Mannel, Hendrik; Kerski, Jens; Geller, Martin Paul; Lorke, Axel; König, Jürgen
    Unraveling spin dynamics from charge fluctuations
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 4, 043103
  • Schaller, Gernot; Queisser, Friedemann; Szpak, Nikodem; König, Jürgen; Schützhold, Ralf
    Environment-induced decay dynamics of antiferromagnetic order in Mott-Hubbard systems
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 105 (2022) Nr. 11, 115139
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Stegmann, Philipp; Kurzmann, Annika; Geller, Martin Paul; Lorke, Axel; König, Jürgen
    Pushing the Limits in Real-Time Measurements of Quantum Dynamics
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 128 (2022) Nr. 8, 087701
  • Ahmadiniaz, Naser; Geller, Martin Paul; König, Jürgen; Kratzer, Peter; Lorke, Axel; Schaller, Gernot; Schützhold, R.
    Quantum Zeno manipulation of quantum dots
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 4 (2022) Nr. 3, L032045
  • Mundinar, Simon; Hahn, Alexander; König, Jürgen; Hucht, Alfred
    Transfer-matrix summation of path integrals for transport through nanostructures
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 106 (2022) Nr. 16, 165427
  • Stegmann, Philipp; Sothmann, Björn; König, Jürgen; Flindt, Christian
    Electron Waiting Times in a Strongly Interacting Quantum Dot : Interaction Effects and Higher-Order Tunneling Processes
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 127 (2021) Nr. 9, 096803
  • König, Jürgen
    How to get from static to dynamic electromagnetism
    In: European Journal of Physics Jg. 42 (2021) Nr. 4, 045204
  • König, Jürgen; Hucht, Alfred
    Newton series expansion of bosonic operator functions
    In: SciPost Physics Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 1, 007
  • Stegmann, Philipp; Gee, Alex; Kemp, Neil T.; König, Jürgen
    Statistical analysis of spin switching in coupled spin-crossover molecules
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 104 (2021) Nr. 12, 125431
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen
    Synchronized coherent charge oscillations in coupled double quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 104 (2021) Nr. 16, 165304
  • Mundinar, Simon; Hucht, Alfred; König, Jürgen; Weiß, Stephan
    Interaction-induced current asymmetries in resonant transport through interacting quantum-dot spin valves revealed by iterative summation of path integrals
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 102 (2020) Nr. 4, 045404
  • Maurer, Martin; König, Jürgen; Schoeller, Herbert
    Multilevel coherences in quantum dots
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 2 (2020) Nr. 3, 033440
  • Lochner, Pia; Kurzmann, Annika; Kerski, Jens; Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen; Wieck, Andreas D.; Ludwig, Arne; Lorke, Axel; Geller, Martin Paul
    Real-Time Detection of Single Auger Recombination Events in a Self-Assembled Quantum Dot
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 20 (2020) Nr. 3,
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Szpak, Nikodem; König, Jürgen; Schützhold, Ralf
    Relaxation dynamics in a Hubbard dimer coupled to fermionic baths : Phenomenological description and its microscopic foundation
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 101 (2020) Nr. 12, 125131
  • Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen; Sothmann, Björn
    Relaxation dynamics in double-spin systems
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 101 (2020) Nr. 7, 075411
  • Mundinar, Simon; Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen; Weiß, Stephan
    Iterative path-integral summations for the tunneling magnetoresistance in interacting quantum-dot spin valves
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 99 (2019) Nr. 19, 195457
  • Kurzmann, Annika; Stegmann, Philipp; Kerski, Jens; Schott, Rüdiger; Ludwig, Arne; Wieck, Andreas Dirk; König, Jürgen; Lorke, Axel; Geller, Martin Paul
    Optical Detection of Single-Electron Tunneling into a Semiconductor Quantum Dot
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 122 (2019) Nr. 24, S. 247403
  • Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen; Weiß, Stephan
    Coherent dynamics in stochastic systems revealed by full counting statistics
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 98 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 035409
  • Kleinherbers, Eric; Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen
    Revealing attractive electron-electron interaction in a quantum dot by full counting statistics
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 20 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 073023
  • Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen
    Inverse counting statistics based on generalized factorial cumulants
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 19 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 023018
  • Weiß, Stephan; König, Jürgen
    Odd-triplet superconductivity in single-level quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 96 (2017) Nr. 6,
  • Dutta, Biprodas; Peltonen, Joonas T.; Antonenko, Daniil S.; Meschke, Matthias; Skvortsov, Mikhail A.; Kubala, Björn; König, Jürgen; Winkelmann, Clemens B.; Courtois, Hervé; Pekola, Jukka P.
    Thermal Conductance of a Single-Electron Transistor
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 119 (2017) Nr. 7, S. 077701
  • Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen
    Violation of detailed balance for charge-transfer statistics in Coulomb-blockade systems
    In: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics Jg. 254 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 1600507
  • Stegmann, Philipp; König, Jürgen
    Short-time counting statistics of charge transfer in Coulomb-blockade systems
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 94 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 125433
  • Stegmann, Philipp; Sothmann, Björn; Hucht, Alfred; König, Jürgen
    Detection of interactions via generalized factorial cumulants in systems in and out of equilibrium
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 92 (2015) Nr. 15, 155413
  • Billiald, Jordan; Backes, Dirk; König, Jürgen; Farrer, Ian; Ritchie, David; Narayan, Vijay
    Determining energy relaxation length scales in two-dimensional electron gases
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 107 (2015) S. 022104
  • Sothmann, Björn; Hell, Michael; Leijnse, Martin; Wegewijs, Maarten R.; König, Jürgen
    Spin resonance without spin splitting
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 91 (2015) Nr. 19, S. 195404
  • Beckel, Andreas; Kurzmann, Annika; Geller, Martin Paul; Ludwig, A.; Wieck, A. D.; König, Jürgen; Lorke, Axel
    Asymmetry of charge relaxation times in quantum dots: The influence of degeneracy
    In: EPL (Europhysics Letters) Jg. 106 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 47002
  • Rojek, Stephan; König, Jürgen
    Mesoscopic diffusion thermopower in two-dimensional electron gases
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 90 (2014) Nr. 11, S. 115403
  • Rojek, Stephan; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Spin pumping through quantum dots
    In: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics Jg. 251 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 1912 - 1923
  • Sothmann, Björn; Weiß, Stephan; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Unconventional superconductivity in double quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 90 (2014) Nr. 22, S. 220501
  • Rojek, Stephan; König, Jürgen; Shnirman, Alexander
    Adiabatic pumping through an interacting quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 87 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 075305
  • Didier, Nicolas; Gibertini, Marco; Moghaddam, Ali G.; König, Jürgen; Fazio, Rosario
    Josephson-Majorana cycle in topological single-electron hybrid transistors
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 88 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 024512-1 - 024512-6
  • Futterer, David; Swiebodzinski, Jacek; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Renormalization effects in interacting quantum dots coupled to superconducting leads
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 87 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 014509
  • Winkler, Nina; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Theory of spin pumping through an interacting quantum dot tunnel coupled to a ferromagnet with time-dependent magnetization
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 87 (2013) Nr. 15, S. 155428
  • Riwar, Roman-Pascal; Splettstoesser, Janine; König, Jürgen
    Zero-frequency noise in adiabatically driven interacting quantum systems
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 87 (2013) Nr. 19, S. 195407-1 - 195407-24
  • Hiltscher, Bastian; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Ac Josephson transport through interacting quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 86 (2012) Nr. 23, S. 235427
  • Lindebaum, Stephan; König, Jürgen
    Current fluctuations in noncollinear single-electron spin-valve transistors
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 86 (2012) Nr. 12, S. 125306
  • Moghaddam, Ali G.; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Driven superconducting proximity effect in interacting quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 094518
  • Sothmann, Björn; König, Jürgen; Gefen, Yuval
    Mesoscopic stoner instability in metallic nanoparticles revealed by shot noise
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 108 (2012) Nr. 16, S. 166603
  • Contreras-Pulido, L. Debora; Splettstoesser, Janine; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen; Büttiker, Markus
    Time scales in the dynamics of an interacting quantum dot
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 7, 1-11, art. no. 075301
  • Ganczarczyk, Arkadius; Rojek, Stephan; Quindeau, Andy Udo; Geller, Martin Paul; Hucht, Alfred; Notthoff, Christian; König, Jürgen; Lorke, Axel; Reuter, Dirk; Wieck, Andreas D.
    Transverse rectification in density-modulated two-dimensional electron gases
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 86 (2012) Nr. 8, 085309
  • Splettstoesser, Janine; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Tunneling-induced renormalization in interacting quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 86 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 035432
  • Hiltscher, Bastian; Governale, Michele; Splettstoesser, Janine; König, Jürgen
    Adiabatic pumping in a double-dot Cooper-pair beam splitter
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 15, S. 155403
  • Futterer, David; Governale, Michele; Zülicke, Ulrich; König, Jürgen
    Band-mixing-mediated Andreev reflection of semiconductor holes
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 104526
  • Braggio, Alessandro; Governale, Michele; Pala, Marco G.; König, Jürgen
    Superconducting proximity effect in interacting quantum dots revealed by shot noise
    In: Solid State Communications Jg. 151 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 155 - 158
  • Lindebaum, Stephan; König, Jürgen
    Theory of transport through noncollinear single-electron spin-valve transistors
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 23, S. 235409
  • Splettstoesser, Janine; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen; Büttiker, Markus
    Charge and spin dynamics in interacting quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 16, S. 165318
  • Futterer, David; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Generation of pure spin currents by superconducting proximity effect in quantum dots
    In: EPL (Europhysics Letters) Jg. 91 (2010) S. 47004
  • Sothmann, Björn; König, Jürgen; Kadigrobov, Anatoli
    Influence of spin waves on transport through a quantum-dot spin valve
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 20, 205314 (15pp.)
  • Hiltscher, Bastian; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Interference and interaction effects in adiabatic pumping through quantum dots
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 8, S. 085302
  • Sothmann, Björn; König, Jürgen
    Nonequilibrium current and noise in inelastic tunneling through a magnetic atom
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 12 (2010) S. 083028
  • Sothmann, Björn; Futterer, David; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Probing the exchange field of a quantum-dot spin valve by a superconducting lead
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) S. 094514
  • Hiltscher, Bastian; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Spin-dependent transport through quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 16, S. 165452
  • Eldridge, James; Pala, Marco G.; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Superconducting proximity effect in interacting double-dot systems
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 18, S. 184507
  • Sothmann, Björn; König, Jürgen
    Transport through quantum-dot spin valves containing magnetic impurities
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 24, S. 245319
  • Winkler, Nina; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Diagrammatic real-time approach to adiabatic pumping through metallic single-electron devices
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 79 (2009) Nr. 23, S. 235309
  • Cavaliere, Fabio; Governale, Michele; König, Jürgen
    Nonadiabatic Pumping through Interacting Quantum Dots
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 103 (2009) Nr. 13, S. 136801
  • Lindebaum, Stephan; Urban, Daniel; König, Jürgen
    Spin-induced charge correlations in transport through interacting quantum dots with ferromagnetic leads
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 79 (2009) Nr. 24, S. 245303
  • Urban, Daniel; König, Jürgen
    Tunable dynamical channel blockade in double-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 79 (2009) Nr. 16, S. 165319
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Ludwig, Arne; Sothmann, Björn; Höpfner, Henning; Gerhardt, Nils C.; Nannen, Jörg; Kümmell, Tilmar; König, Jürgen; Hofmann, Martin R.; Bacher, Gerd; Wieck, Andreas D.
    Quantum Dot Spintronics : Fundamentals and Applications
    In: Magnetic Nanostructures: Spin Dynamics and Spin Transport / Zabel, Hartmut; Farle, Michael (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 235 - 268