EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr

Logistik 2.0: Moving individually EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr
Future-oriented logistics needs to be able to be highly efficient but at the same time respect the people's wish for individuality. EffizientCluster transforms this requirement in close cooperation with research and practice in LogistikRuhr.
EffizienzCluster engages as a globally operating centre for innovative design of high-value and very efficient logistics services, for the creation of new jobs and the protection of existing ones as well as for a competitive but at the same time ecologically and socially responsible economic activity.
The network focuses on the Ruhr area, with around 5.3 Mio inhabitants the largest metropolitan region in Germany. It is supported by the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Hessia as well as from Metropolregion Ruhr, the Initiativkreis Ruhr, the initiative Logistik Rhein-Main and regional chambers of industry and commerce.
Of essence is the cooperation between the research hubs Dortmund (Fraunhofer IML and ISS as well as the Technical University of Dortmund) and Duisburg with the Centre of Logistics & Traffic at the University of Essen.
The website presents ten out of 32 EffizientCluster projects, which are coordinated and co-designed by ZLV.
Further Information about the excellence cluster on http://www.effizienzcluster.de/en/index.php.