Prof. Dr. Isabell van Ackeren: Publications
Publications in English and other languages
Drucks, S., Bremm, N., & Ackeren, I. van., & Klein, E. D. (2019). Recognizing the Strengths of 'Failing Schools' - An Evidence-based Way to Sustainable Change? In C. Meyers & M. Darwin (Eds.), School Turnaround in Secondary Schools. Possibilities, Complexities, & Sustainability. Charlotte NC: Informationage Publishing. | - |
Ackeren, I. van, Bremm, N., & Racherbäumer, K. (im Erscheinen). Студенты первого поколения в немецкой системе высшего образования. Эмпирические данные, теоретические объяснения и стратегии компенсационных мер. (Bildungsaufsteiger im deutschen Hochschulsystem. Empirische Befunde, theoretische Erklärungsansätze und kompensatorische Handlungsstrategien). ЛИЧНОСТЬ. КУЛЬТУРА. ОБЩЕСТВО (Personality. Culture. Society. Journal of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) | - |
Dormann, C., Binnewies, C., Koch, A.R., Ackeren, I. van, Clausen, M., Preisendörfer, P., Schmidt, U., & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (2016). Transferring Best Evidence into Practice: Assessment of Evidence-Based School Management. Journal for Educational Research Online, 8(3), 14–38. | - |
Liegmann, A. B., & Ackeren, I. van. (2012). The Impact of PIRLS in 12 Countries. A Comparative Summary. In K. Schwippert & J. Lenkeit (Eds.), Progress in Reading Literacy in National and International Context. The Impact of PIRLS 2006 in 12 Countries. Münster, New York: Waxmann. |
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Ackeren, I. van. (2012). Школа в Германии в свете традиций и реформ: Обзор главных структур, тенденций развития и современных задач (School in Germany in light of traditions and reforms: An overview of main structures, trends and current issues). Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Social Sciences, 28(4), 70-75. |
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Fricke, K., Ackeren, I. van., Kauertz, A., & Fischer, H. E. (2012). Students’ Perceptions of Their Teacher’s Classroom Management in Elementary and Secondary Science Lessons and the Impact on Student Achievement. In T. Wubbels, P. den. Brok, J. van.Tartwijk & J. Levy (Eds.), Interpersonal Relationships in Education. An Overview of Contemporary Research (Advances in Learning Environments series) (pp.167-185). Rotterdam: SENSE Publishers. |
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Ackeren, I. van., Block, R., Klein, E.D., & Kühn, S.M. (2012). The Impact of Statewide Exit Exams: A Descriptive Case Study of Three German States with Differing Low Stakes Exam Regimes. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 20(8), 1-30. |
Klein, E.D. & Ackeren, I. van. (2012). Challenges and Problems for Research in the Field of Statewide Exams. A Stock Taking of Differing Procedures and Standardization Levels. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 37(4),180-188. |
Ackeren, I. van. (2007). The Impact of PIRLS. Comparative Synthesis. In K. Schwippert (Ed.), Progress in Reading Literacy. The Impact of PIRLS 2001 in 13 Countries. Münster: Waxmann. |
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Ackeren, I. van. & Klemm, K. (2004). Assessments/evaluations. In H. Döbert, H., K. Klieme, K. & W. Sroka (Eds.), Conditions of School Performance in Seven Countries. A Quest for Understanding the International Variation of PISA Results (pp. 336-346). Münster, New York, München und Berlin. |
Döbert, H., Ackeren, I. van., Bos, W., Klemm, K., Klieme, E., Lehmann, R. H., Kopp, B. v., Schwippert, K., Sroka, W., & Weiß, M. (International Comparative Study Working Group) (Eds.). (2004). Features of Successful School Systems. A Comparison of Schooling in Seven Countries. Münster, New York, München und Berlin. |
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Wilson, D., Lam, T. C. M., Sammons, O., Elliot, K., Taggart, B., Welcomme, W., Linnakylä, O., Emin, J.-C., Levasseur, J., Scheerens, J., Witziers, B., Daun, H., Waldow, F., Slenning, K., Döbert, H., Ackeren, I. van, Bos, W., Klemm, K., Klieme, E., Lehmann, R. H., Kopp, B. von, Schwippert, K., Sroka, W., Weiß, M. (2004). What makes school systems perform? Seeing school systems trough the prism of PISA. Paris: OECD. |
Ackeren, I. van. (2004). Le débat économique en éducation et en sciences de l'éducation. Comptes-rendus. Éducation et Sociétés. Revue internationale de sociologie de l'éducation, 14(2), 118-122. |