Welcome to ZMB

Welcome to ZMB

The Center of Medical Biotechnology (ZMB) is an interdisciplinary scientific center of the University of Duisburg-Essen, integrating medical research at the University Hospital and natural sciences at the Campus.

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New targets for cancer therapies Röntgen Prize for PD Dr. Johann Matschke

Congratulations: The renowned 15,000 euro Röntgen Prize of Justus Liebig University Giessen this year goes to cell biologist PD Dr. Johann Matschke from Essen University Hospital. ZMB member and radiation researcher Johann Matschke receives the prize for his research into the radiation resistance of cancer cells. He has discovered that the defense systems of tumor cells that have become resistant to radiotherapy can be impaired in such a way that the cells are again vulnerable to reactive oxygen radicals and thus to radiation, and hopes to derive new biomarkers for radiation resistance from his findings.

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Mike Blüggel Awarded Joachim Herz Add-on Fellowship

Congratulations to Mike Blüggel on receiving the Joachim Herz Add-on Fellowship for "Innovative Tumor Treatment Project"! His project "Sundowner", explores light-controlled protein degradation using nanobody-PHOTACs in collaboration with UDE´s Faculty of Chemistry. The goal is to combine PHOTACs with nanobodies to enable targeted degradation of the apoptosis inhibitor Survivin in tumor tissue, thereby protecting healthy tissue.
The fellowship enables research stays, conference attendance, training, science communication activities, and participation in fellowship meetings.

© jannoon028/Freepik

CRC1430 Guest Speaker Series

Sascha Martens, Vienna BioCenter (VBC), Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna

Hana Polasek-Sedlackova, Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences

Helge Ewers, Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin

Seminar program

Press Releases 2024/2025

More ZMB Press Releases

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© UDE/Tasdogan Lab
uni-due.de | Presse release

Hautkrebs Wie Stress in Krebszellen die Metastasierung hemmen kann

[13.02.2025] Ein Forschungsteam der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen hat eine neue Entdeckung gemacht: Das Protein SELENOO aus der Familie der Selenoproteine spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Ausbreitung von Krebszellen. Das zeigt das Team in einer neuen Studie, veröffentlicht im Fachjournal Cancer Research.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Tasdogan

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© www.freund-foto.de - stock.adobe.com
uni-due.de | Presse release

Krebsbehandlung KI verbessert personalisierte Therapie

[31.01.2025] Maßgeschneiderte, personalierte Medizin basiert bisher auf einer geringen Anzahl an Parametern. Ein Forschungsteam der Medizinischen Fakultät der UDE, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) und des Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) an der Technischen Universität Berlin entwickelt einen neuen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der personalisierten Krebsbehandlung durch Künstliche Intelligenz.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bauer, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Führer-Sakel, Prof. Dr. Ken Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Tienush Rassaf, Prof. Dr. Alexander Roesch, Prof. Dr. Dirk Schadendorf, Prof. Dr. Jens Siveke, Prof. Dr. Martin Schuler

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© UDE/Arbeitsgruppe Phykologie/CCAC
uni-due.de | Presse release

Chemische Verschmutzung bekämpfen Gewässerreinigung mit Algen

[24.01.2025] Europas Gewässer sind in schlechtem Zustand: Über die Hälfte von ihnen ist chemisch stark belastet. Kein Wunder – täglich werden in Europa in Industrie und Landwirtschaft bis zu 70.000 verschiedene Chemikalien eingesetzt. Forschende der Universität Duisburg-Essen haben jetzt eine neue Methode entwickelt, um verschmutzte Gewässer zu reinigen. Ihre aktuelle Studie zeigt*, dass fossile Überreste von Kieselalgen (Diatomeen) Schadstoffe effizient aus dem Wasser entfernen können, nachdem sie chemisch modifiziert wurden.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Anzhela Galstyan

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© UDE/Alexander Probst
uni-due.de | Presse release

Kooperation mit dem Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Algenforschung im Teilchenbeschleuniger

[24.01.2025] Die Universität Duisburg-Essen beherbergt mit über 7.000 Stämmen die größte Algensammlung der Welt. Nun wird die Sammlung am Teilchenbeschleuniger Advanced Light Source des Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory mittels Infrarotspektroskopie untersucht. So wollen die Forschenden die chemische Zusammensetzung der Algenzellen entschlüsseln und herausfinden, welche Biomoleküle sie produzieren. Algen stellen beispielsweise Biomoleküle in Form von Lipiden her, die als nachhaltiger Energieträger genutzt werden können.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Alexander Probst

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Kathrin Thedieck portrait
© UDE/Bettina Engel-Albustin
uni-due.de | Presse release

UA Ruhr Berufung: Kathrin Thedieck Stoffwechselsignale eröffnen neue Ansätze für Krebsforschung und seltene Erkrankungen

[07.01.2025] Stress gilt allgemein als ungesund. Wie er sich auf den menschlichen Stoffwechsel auswirkt untersucht Prof. Dr. Kathrin Thedieck, neu berufene Professorin für Metabolismus, Seneszenz und Autophagie an der Fakultät für Medizin der UDE. Dafür forscht sie am Research Center One Health der Universitätsallianz Ruhr zur Kontrolle des Stoffwechsels in Tumorzellen.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Thedieck

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© UDE/AG Knauer
uni-due.de | Presse release

Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung fördert Vorhaben Photo-dynamische Liganden für die Onkologie

[06.01.2025] Ein kleines Protein namens Survivin hilft Tumorzellen dabei, den gängigen Behandlungsmethoden zu entkommen, und sichert so deren Überleben. Die Molekularbiologin Prof. Dr. Shirley Knauer und Chemiker Prof. Dr. Michael Giese von der Universität Duisburg-Essen wollen nun dynamische, durch Licht schaltbare Liganden-Systeme als neuartige Survivin-Inhibitoren entwickeln. Ihr Vorhaben fördert die Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung mit knapp 190.000 Euro für zwei Jahre.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Shirley Knauer

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© UDE/Exner Group
uni-due.de | Presse release

Oxygen and chlorine evolution without noble metals Electrode potential transforms surfaces

[17.12.2024] They are highly selective and can be easily separated from the reaction mixture: single-atom catalysts combine the advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Until now, their production has generally been associated with precious metals that are anchored to a solid substrate. Researchers led by the University of Duisburg-Essen have now shown that such structures can also be formed electrochemically – independently and without noble metals. Their findings, published in the scientific journal JACS*, open up new avenues for a simpler, more sustainable production of catalytically active materials.
ZMB Member: Prof. Dr. Kai Exner

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ZMB Research Programs


The concept of this research program is to understand fundamental processes in tumor biology in order to develop novel molecularly defined and rationally applied cancer treatments.

Participating researchers from biology, experimental and clinical medicine study tumors as “biological systems" and so called “neo-organs”.

A large variety of approaches, experimental systems and methodologies are in place to analyse many aspects of tumor development, growth, progression and tumor cell migration.

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Immunology, Infectious Diseases and Transplantation

The immune system responds to various pathogens including viruses and bacteria in different ways to prevent severe disease and persistence in the host. Many pathogens, however, have developed mechanisms to evade immune defence.

The molecular and cellular interactions of pathogens with the immune system are studied within this program.

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Molecular and Chemical Cell Biology

Molecular and chemical cell biology is an interdisciplinary research program connecting molecular cell biology and genetics with chemistry and structural biology. Scientists of the participating disciplines collaborate to advance the understanding of basic molecular mechanisms of important biological processes.

The analysis of regulation and deregulation of key pathways is linking basic biology with pathophysiology.

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Latest Publications

    Journal articles

  • Doglioni, Ginevra; Fernández-García, Juan; Igelmann, Sebastian; Altea-Manzano, Patricia; Blomme, Arnaud; La Rovere, Rita; Liu, Xiao-Zheng; Liu, Yawen; Tricot, Tine; Nobis, Max; An, Ning; Leclercq, Marine; El Kharraz, Sarah; Karras, Panagiotis; Hsieh, Yu-He et al.
    Aspartate signalling drives lung metastasis via alternative translation
    In: Nature (2025) 15267 in press
  • Lopez, Juanita; Powles, Thomas; Braiteh, Fadi; Siu, Lillian L.; LoRusso, Patricia; Friedman, Claire F.; Balmanoukian, Ani S.; Gordon, Michael; Yachnin, Jeffrey; Rottey, Sylvie; Karydis, Ioannis; Fisher, George A.; Schmidt, Marcus; Schuler, Martin; Sullivan et al.
    Autogene cevumeran with or without atezolizumab in advanced solid tumors: a phase 1 trial
    In: Nature Medicine Vol. 31 (2025) Nr. 1, pp. 152 - 164
  • Schmiedtchen, Marco; Maisuls, Iván; Siera, Hannah; Balszuweit, Jan; Wölper, Christoph; Giese, Michael R. A.; Haberhauer, Gebhard; Strassert, Cristian A.; Voskuhl, Jens.
    In situ Cyclization of Aromatic Thioethers in Emissive Materials to Generate Phosphorescent Dibenzothiophenes
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol. 64 (2025) Nr. 2, e202414326
  • Klein, Lukas; Tu, Mengyu; Krebs, Niklas; Urbach, Laura; Grimm, Daniela; Latif, Muhammad Umair; Penz, Frederike; Blandau, Anna; Wu, Xueyan; Samuel, Rebecca Diya; Küffer, Stefan; Wegwitz, Florian; Chan, Nathan; Aliar, Kazeera; Vyas, Foram; Kishore, Uday; Hes et al.
    Spatial tumor immune heterogeneity facilitates subtype co-existence and therapy response in pancreatic cancer
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 16 (2025) Nr. 1, 335
  • Pozniak, Joanna; Pedri, Dennis; Landeloos, Ewout; Van Herck, Yannick; Antoranz, Asier; Vanwynsberghe, Lukas; Nowosad, Ada; Roda, Niccolò; Makhzami, Samira; Bervoets, Greet; Maciel, Lucas Ferreira; Pulido-Vicuña, Carlos Ariel; Pollaris, Lotte; Seurinck, Rut et al.
    A TCF4-dependent gene regulatory network confers resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma
    In: Cell Vol. 187 (2024) Nr. 1, pp. 166 - 183.e25
  • Ruff, S. Emil; de Angelis, Isabella Hrabe; Mullis, Megan; Payet, Jérôme P.; Magnabosco, Cara; Lloyd, Karen G.; Sheik, Cody S.; Steen, Andrew D.; Shipunova, Anna; Morozov, Aleksey; Reese, Brandi Kiel; Bradley, James A.; Lemonnier, Clarisse; Schrenk, Matthew et al.
    A global comparison of surface and subsurface microbiomes reveals large-scale biodiversity gradients, and a marine-terrestrial divide
    In: Science Advances Vol. 10 (2024) Nr. 51, eadq0645
  • Huang, Jing; Jaekel, Andreas; van den Boom, Johannes; Podlesainski, David; Elnaggar, M.; Heuer-Jungemann, A.; Kaiser, Markus; Meyer, Hemmo; Saccà, Barbara.
    A modular DNA origami nanocompartment for engineering a cell-free, protein unfolding and degradation pathway
    In: Nature Nanotechnology Vol. 19 (2024) Nr. 10, pp. 1521 - 1531
  • Hedtfeld, Marius; Dammers, Alicia; Koerner, Carolin; Musacchio, Andrea.
    A validation strategy to assess the role of phase separation as a determinant of macromolecular localization
    In: Molecular Cell Vol. 84 (2024) Nr. 9, pp. 1783 - 1801.e7
  • Bührer, Emanuel; Kicinski, Michal; Mandala, Mario; Pe, Madeline; Long, Georgina V; Atkinson, Victoria; Blank, Christian U; Haydon, Andrew; Dalle, Stéphane; Khattak, Adnan; Carlino, Matteo S; Meshcheryakov, Andrey; Sandhu, Shahneen; Puig, Susana; Schadendor et al.
    Adjuvant pembrolizumab versus placebo in resected stage III melanoma (EORTC 1325-MG/KEYNOTE-054) : Long-term, health-related quality-of-life results from a double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial
    In: The Lancet Oncology Vol. 25 (2024) Nr. 9, pp. 1202 - 1212
  • Roos, Andreas; Schmitt, Linda-Isabell; Hansmann, Christina; Hezel, Stefanie; Salmanian, Schahin; Hentschel, Andreas; Meyer, Nancy; Della Marina, Adela; Kölbel, Heike; Kleinschnitz, Christoph; Schara-Schmidt, Ulrike; Leo, Markus; Hagenacker, Tim.
    Alteration of LARGE1 abundance in patients and a mouse model of 5q-associated spinal muscular atrophy
    In: Acta Neuropathologica Vol. 147 (2024) Nr. 1, 53
  • Felip, E.; Cho, B.C.; Gutiérrez, V.; Alip, A.; Besse, B.; Lu, S.; Spira, A.I.; Girard, N.; Califano, R.; Gadgeel, S.M.; Yang, J.C.-H.; Yamamoto, S.; Azuma, K.; Kim, Y.J.; Lee, K.-H.; Danchaivijitr, P.; Ferreira, C.G.; Cheng, Y.; Sendur, M.A.N.; Chang, G.-C et al.
    Amivantamab plus lazertinib versus osimertinib in first-line EGFR-mutant advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with biomarkers of high-risk disease : a secondary analysis from MARIPOSA
    In: Annals of Oncology Vol. 35 (2024) Nr. 9, pp. 805 - 816
  • Massoni-Badosa, Ramon; Aguilar-Fernández, Sergio; Nieto, Juan C.; Soler-Vila, Paula; Elosua-Bayes, Marc; Marchese, Domenica; Kulis, Marta; Vilas-Zornoza, Amaia; Bühler, Marco Matteo; Rashmi, Sonal; Alsinet, Clara; Caratù, Ginevra; Moutinho, Catia; Ruiz, Sa et al.
    An atlas of cells in the human tonsil
    In: Immunity Vol. 57 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 379 - 399.e18
  • Teuber, A.; Schulz, T.; Fletcher, B.S.; Gontla, R.; Mühlenberg, Thomas; Zischinsky, M.-L.; Niggenaber, J.; Weisner, J.; Kleinbölting, S.B.; Lategahn, J.; Sievers, S.; Müller, M.P.; Bauer, Sebastian; Rauh, D.
    Avapritinib-based SAR studies unveil a binding pocket in KIT and PDGFRA
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, 63
  • Prosdocimi, Elena; Carpanese, Veronica; Todesca, Luca Matteo; Varanita, Tatiana; Bachmann, Magdalena; Festa, Margherita; Bonesso, Daniele; Perez-Verdaguer, Mireia; Carrer, Andrea; Velle, Angelo; Peruzzo, Roberta; Muccioli, Silvia; Doni, Davide; Leanza, Lui et al.
    BioID-based intact cell interactome of the Kv1.3 potassium channel identifies a Kv1.3-STAT3-p53 cellular signaling pathway
    In: Science Advances Vol. 10 (2024) Nr. 36, eadn9361
  • Wu, Tong; Dhaka, Kapil; Luo, Mengjia; Wang, Bingqing; Wang, Meng; Xi, Shibo; Zhang, Mingsheng; Huang, Fuqiang; Exner, Kai S.; Lum, Yanwei.
    CCooperative Active Sites on Ag2Pt3TiS6 for Enhanced Low-Temperature Ammonia Fuel Cell Electrocatalysis
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2024) e202418691 in press
  • Anker, Markus S.; Rassaf, Tienush; Zamorano, José L.; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb; Landmesser, Ulf.
    Cardiac wasting and cancer
    In: European Heart Journal Vol. 45 (2024) Nr. 34, pp. 3135 - 3137
  • Lu, I-Na; Cheung, Phyllis Fung-Yi; Heming, Michael; Thomas, Christian; Giglio, Giovanni; Leo, Markus; Erdemir, Merve; Wirth, Timo; König, Simone; Dambietz, Christine A.; Schroeter, Christina B.; Nelke, Christopher; Siveke, Jens; Ruck, Tobias; Klotz, Luisa; et al.
    Cell-mediated cytotoxicity within CSF and brain parenchyma in spinal muscular atrophy unaltered by nusinersen treatment
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, 4120
  • Heinrich, Michael C.; Zhang, Xinhua; Jones, Robin L.; George, Suzanne; Serrano, César; Deng, Yanhong; Bauer, Sebastian; Cai, Shirong; Wu, Xin; Zhou, Yongjian; Tao, Kaixiong; Zheng, Zhichao; Zhang, Jun; Cui, Yuehong; Cao, Hui; Wang, Meining; Hu, Jin; Yang, et al.
    Clinical Benefit of Avapritinib in KIT-Mutant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors : A Post Hoc Analysis of the Phase I NAVIGATOR and Phase I/II CS3007-001 Studies
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Vol. 30 (2024) Nr. 4, pp. 719 - 728
  • Mavrakis, E; Vlachopoulou, D V; Bohnen, J B; Rudolph, I R; Jungen, Christiane; Rattka, M R; Mathew, Shibu; Rassaf, Tienush.
    Comparison of pulsed field ablation versus cryoballon and radiofrequency ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation patients with heart failure
    In: European Heart Journal Vol. 45 (2024) Nr. Supplement_1, ehae666.578
  • Dobersalske, Celia; Rauschenbach, Laurèl; Hua, Yichao; Berliner, Christoph; Steinbach, Anita; Grüneboom, Anika; Kokkaliaris, Konstantinos D.; Heiland, Dieter H.; Berger, Pia; Langer, Sarah; Tan, Chin L.; Stenzel, Martin; Landolsi, Somaya; Weber, Flora; Dar et al.
    Cranioencephalic functional lymphoid units in glioblastoma
    In: Nature Medicine Vol. 30 (2024) Nr. 10, pp. 2947 - 2956
  • Tran, Diem H.; Kim, Dohun; Kesavan, Rushendhiran; Brown, Harrison; Dey, Trishna; Soflaee, Mona Hoseini; Vu, Hieu S.; Tasdogan, Alpaslan; Guo, Jason; Bezwada, Divya; Al Saad, Houssam; Cai, Feng; Solmonson, Ashley; Rion, Halie; Chabatya, Rawand; Merchant, Sa et al.
    De novo and salvage purine synthesis pathways across tissues and tumors
    In: Cell Vol. 187 (2024) Nr. 14, pp. 3602 - 3618.e20
  • Veghini, Lisa; Pasini, Davide; Fang, Rui; Delfino, Pietro; Filippini, Dea; Neander, Christian; Vicentini, Caterina; Fiorini, Elena; Lupo, Francesca; D'Agosto, Sabrina L.; Carbone, Carmine; Agostini, Antonio; Piro, Geny; Rosa, Diego; Bevere, Michele; Markus et al.
    Differential activity of MAPK signalling defines fibroblast subtypes in pancreatic cancer
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, 10534
  • Arrieta-Bolaños, Esteban; van der Burg, Lars L. J.; Gedde-Dahl, Tobias; Robin, Marie; Salmenniemi, Urpu; Kröger, Nicolaus; Yakoub-Agha, Ibrahim; Huynh, Anne; Crawley, Charles; Deconinck, Eric; Bulabois, Claude Eric; Forcade, Edouard; Tholouli, Eleni; van d et al.
    Directionality of HLA-DP permissive mismatches improves risk prediction in HCT for acute leukemia and MDS
    In: Blood Vol. 144 (2024) Nr. 16, pp. 1747 - 1751
  • Heger, Jan-Michel; Mattlener, Julia; Schneider, Jessica; Gödel, Philipp; Sieg, Noëlle; Ullrich, Fabian; Lewis, Richard; Bucaciuc-Mracica, Teodora; Schwarz, Roland F.; Rueß, Daniel; Ruge, Maximilian I.; Montesinos-Rongen, Manuel; Deckert, Martina; Blau, Tob et al.
    Entirely noninvasive outcome prediction in central nervous system lymphomas using circulating tumor DNA
    In: Blood Vol. 143 (2024) Nr. 6, pp. 522 - 534
  • George, Julie; Maas, Lukas; Abedpour, Nima; Cartolano, Maria; Kaiser, Laura; Fischer, Rieke N.; Scheel, Andreas H.; Weber, Jan-Philipp; Hellmich, Martin; Bosco, Graziella; Volz, Caroline; Mueller, Christian; Dahmen, Ilona; John, Felix; Alves, Cleidson Padu et al.
    Evolutionary trajectories of small cell lung cancer under therapy
    In: Nature Vol. 627 (2024) Nr. 8005, pp. 880 - 889
  • Long, Georgina V.; Hauschild, Axel; Santinami, Mario; Kirkwood, John M.; Atkinson, Victoria; Mandala, Mario; Merelli, Barbara; Sileni, Vanna Chiarion; Nyakas, Marta; Haydon, Andrew; Dutriaux, Caroline; Robert, Caroline; Mortier, Laurent; Schachter, Jacob; et al.
    Final Results for Adjuvant Dabrafenib plus Trametinib in Stage III Melanoma
    In: The New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 7 (2024) Nr. 391, pp. 1709 - 1720
  • Giuranna, Johanna; Zheng, Yiran; Brandt, Matthäus; Jall, Sigrid; Mukherjee, Amrita; Shankhwar, Soni; Renner, Simone; Kurapati, Nirup Kumar; May, Caroline; Peters, Triinu; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate; Seitz, Jochen; de Zwaan, Martina; Herzog, Wolfgang; Ehrlich et al.
    Genetic and functional analyses of CTBP2 in anorexia nervosa and body weight regulation
    In: Molecular Psychiatry (2024) in press
  • Tarantino, Giuseppe; Ricker, Cora A.; Wang, Annette; Ge, William; Aprati, Tyler J.; Huang, Amy Y.; Madha, Shariq; Chen, Jiajia; Shi, Yingxiao; Glettig, Marc; Feng, Catherine H.; Frederick, Dennie T.; Freeman, Samuel; Holovatska, Marta M.; Manos, Michael P. et al.
    Genomic heterogeneity and ploidy identify patients with intrinsic resistance to PD-1 blockade in metastatic melanoma
    In: Science Advances Vol. 10 (2024) Nr. 48, eadp4670
  • Schrader, Thomas; Kubik, Stefan; Braun, Manfred.
    Günter Wulff (1935 –2023) : Father of Molecular Imprinting
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol. 63 (2024) Nr. 12, e202402244
  • Schwarz, Tatjana; Ptok, Johannes; Damagnez, Maximilian; Menne, Christopher; Alizei, Elahe Salimi; Lang-Meli, Julia; Maas, Michelle; Habermann, Daniel; Hoffmann, Daniel; Schulze zur Wiesch, Julian; Lauer, Georg; Kefalakes, Helenie; Cornberg, Markus; Kraft, et al.
    HBV shows different levels of adaptation to HLA class I-associated selection pressure correlating with markers of replication
    In: Journal of Hepatology (2024) in press
  • Gahlot, Pinki; Kravic, Bojana; Rota, Giulia; van den Boom, Johannes; Levantovsky, Sophie; Schulze, Nina; Maspero, Elena; Polo, Simona; Behrends, Christian; Meyer, Hemmo.
    Lysosomal damage sensing and lysophagy initiation by SPG20-ITCH
    In: Molecular Cell (2024) pp. 1556 - 1569.e10
  • Pleuger, Richard; Cozma, Christian; Hohoff, Simone; Denkhaus, Christian; Dudziak, Alexander; Kaschani, Farnusch; Kaiser, Markus; Musacchio, Andrea; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Westermann, Stefan.
    Microtubule end-on attachment maturation regulates Mps1 association with its kinetochore receptor
    In: Current Biology Vol. 34 (2024) Nr. 11, pp. 2279 - 2293.e6
  • Schuler, Martin; Cuppens, Kristof; Plönes, Till; Wiesweg, Marcel; Du Pont, Bert; Hegedus, Balazs; Köster, Johannes; Mairinger, Fabian; Darwiche, Kaid; Paschen, Annette; Maes, Brigitte; Vanbockrijck, Michel; Lähnemann, David; Zhao, Fang; Hautzel, Hubertus; et al.
    Neoadjuvant nivolumab with or without relatlimab in resectable non-small-cell lung cancer : A randomized phase 2 trial
    In: Nature Medicine Vol. 30 (2024) Nr. 6, pp. 1602 - 1611
  • Shelton, Spencer D.; House, Sara; Martins Nascentes Melo, Luiza; Ramesh, Vijayashree; Chen, Zhenkang; Wei, Tao; Wang, Xun; Llamas, Claire B.; Venigalla, Siva Sai Krishna; Menezes, Cameron J.; Allies, Gabriele; Krystkiewicz, Jonathan; Rösler, Jonas; Meckelm et al.
    Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations inhibit melanoma metastasis
    In: Science Advances Vol. 10 (2024) Nr. 44, eadk8801
  • Beaufort, Nathalie; Ingendahl, Linda; Merdanovic, Melisa; Schmidt, Andree; Podlesainski, David; Richter, Tim; Neumann, Thorben; Kuszner, Michael; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Stege, Patricia; Burston, Steven G.; Filipovic, Anto; Ruiz-Blanco, Yasser B.; Bravo Rodrigu et al.
    Rational correction of pathogenic conformational defects in HTRA1
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, 5944
  • Lim, Wei Ming; Chew, Wei-Xiang; Esposito Verza, Arianna; Pesenti, Marion; Musacchio, Andrea; Surrey, Thomas.
    Regulation of minimal spindle midzone organization by mitotic kinases
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 15 (2024) Nr. 1, 9213
  • Phan, Julia; Chen, Brandon; Zhao, Zhiyu; Allies, Gabriele; Iannaccone, Antonella; Paul, Animesh; Cansiz, Feyza; Spina, Alberto; Leven, Anna-Sophia; Gellhaus, Alexandra; Schadendorf, Dirk; Kimmig, Rainer; Mettlen, Marcel; Tasdogan, Alpaslan; Morrison, Sean et al.
    Retrotransposons are co-opted to activate hematopoietic stem cells and erythropoiesis
    In: Science Vol. 386 (2024) Nr. 6722, eado6836
  • Heinrich, Michael C.; Jones, Robin L.; George, Suzanne; Gelderblom, Hans; Schöffski, Patrick; von Mehren, Margaret; Zalcberg, John R.; Kang, Yoon-Koo; Razak, Albiruni Abdul; Trent, Jonathan; Attia, Steven; Le Cesne, Axel; Siontis, Brittany L.; Goldstein, D et al.
    Ripretinib versus sunitinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumor : ctDNA biomarker analysis of the phase 3 INTRIGUE trial
    In: Nature Medicine Vol. 30 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 498 - 506
  • Conti, Duccio; Verza, Arianna Esposito; Pesenti, Marion E.; Cmentowski, Verena; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Pan, Dongqing; Musacchio, Andrea.
    Role of protein kinase PLK1 in the epigenetic maintenance of centromeres
    In: Science Vol. 385 (2024) Nr. 6713, pp. 1091 - 1097
  • Desch, Steffen; Zeymer, Uwe; Akin, Ibrahim; Behnes, Michael; Duerschmied, Daniel; Rassaf, Tienush; Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Lehmann, Ralf; Eitel, Ingo; Graf, Tobias; Seidler, Tim; Schuster, Andreas; Thevathasan, Tharusan; Skurk, Carsten; Clemmensen, Peter; He et al.
    Routine extracorporeal life support in infarct-related cardiogenic shock : 1-year results of the ECLS-SHOCK trial
    In: European Heart Journal Vol. 45 (2024) Nr. 39, pp. 4200 - 4203
  • Imada, Shinya; Khawaled, Saleh; Shin, Heaji; Meckelmann, Sven W.; Whittaker, Charles A.; Corrêa, Renan Oliveira; Alquati, Chiara; Lu, Yixin; Tie, Guodong; Pradhan, Dikshant; Calibasi-Kocal, Gizem; Nascentes Melo, Luiza Martins; Allies, Gabriele; Rösler, Jo et al.
    Short-term post-fast refeeding enhances intestinal stemness via polyamines
    In: Nature Vol. 633 (2024) Nr. 8031, pp. 895 - 904
  • Polley, Soumitra; Raisch, Tobias; Ghetti, Sabrina; Körner, Marie; Terbeck, Melina; Gräter, Frauke; Raunser, Stefan; Aponte-Santamaría, Camilo; Vetter, Ingrid R.; Musacchio, Andrea.
    Structure of the human KMN complex and implications for regulation of its assembly
    In: Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Vol. 31 (2024) Nr. 6, pp. 861 - 873
  • Wever, Mark J A; Scommegna, Francesca R.; Egea-Rodriguez, Sara; Dehghani-Tafti, Saba; Brandao-Neto, Jose; Poisson, Jean-François; Helfrich, Iris; Antson, Alfred A.; Rodeschini, Vincent; Bax, Ben; Roche, Didier; Sanders, Cyril M.
    Structure-based discovery of first inhibitors targeting the helicase activity of human PIF1
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