Essener Tagung2

MVT/WT contributed with three talks to this year's Essener Tagung on water management.

In the water reuse session, Juliane Bräcker presented a concept study on closing the water cycle in the Emscher catchment area, which was prepared as part of the Future Water program in close cooperation with the Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband (EGLV). Martin Futterlieb presented results from the BMBF-funded KonTriSol project in the water treatment session. He presented possibilities for reducing the dosage of antiscalants by altering the mode of operation of reverse osmosis. In addition, our external doctoral student Maximilian Werner (MANN+HUMMEL) reported on various applications of membrane bioreactors (MBR) in the Technology Forum and presented ongoing projects, such as the Hyfive project funded by the NRW Ministry of the Environment, which is investigating MBRs in combination with activated carbon and ozone.

We also met MVT alumni, such as Hussein Abuelgasim, who now brings his knowledge of membrane technology to MANN+HUMMEL.

19 Let 2024

What an incredible location! The opportunity to reconnect with many members of the water family and build new networks, all while enjoying numerous engaging presentations!
And our chair was invited to participate in LET 2024 with three presentations!
First, Maharshi Patel answered in the session "Advancements in desalination" with the latest results of its research the question: "Does Combination of Surface-Patterned Thin-Film Composite Membrane and Feed Spacer Improve Anti-Scaling Propensity?"
Afterwards, Grit Hoffmann summarised the outcomes of her extensive research in the session "Innovative processes", which thematically dealt with the "Optimisation and monitoring of hybrid coagulation-PAC-UF processes for micropollutant elimination in advanced wastewater treatment".
Our external PhD candidate Maximilian Werner also had the opportunity to present his research in the field of "Impact of a hybrid MBR process on downstream ozonation to further purify wastewater" in a short pitch at the end.
Our student from Pennsylvania was also allowed to participate and was really enthusiastic. He is currently part of the Ruhr Fellowship programme (University Alliance Ruhr) and is doing research with us at the chair for eight weeks.
Many thanks to all the organisers and sponsors of the event.

Serbia 2024

We are pleased to share some pictures from the fantastic workshop organized as part of our joint project "SUPREMES" at the University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia. Over two informative days, challenges and new approaches in water treatment were discussed.

The first day, conducted in both English and Serbian with simultaneous translation, featured excellent lectures on "hot topics" such as PFAS, emerging contaminants, and algae blooms. Additionally, we gained an honest and interesting insight into the current challenges in the water treatment sector in Serbia, delivered firsthand by experts from the field.

The second day provided a lot of space for an extended scientific exchange. We shared the up-to-date results from our joint project with the scientific audience, and our colleagues from Novi Sad gave us a comprehensive overview of current and future projects at UNS.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the warm and welcoming atmosphere extended to all our colleagues in Serbia. We didn't just feel like guests; we felt like friends. Thanks also go out to BMBF for the financial support that made this event and the entire project possible.

Sa 2023

The Chair of Water Technology was represented with numerous contributions at the IWA Particle separation conference in Boksburg (South Africa) in December 2023.

In addition to a keynote lecture by our chair holder Stefan Panglisch on the topic "Influence of in-line coagulation on the removal of micropollutants in combined PAC membrane filtration processes for advanced wastewater treatment", his doctoral students Martin Futterlieb and Hasan Idrees presented their results on site.
M. Futterlieb: Scaling mitigation by cyclic reverse osmosis (RO) operation: Is closed-circuit RO less prone to scaling?
Hasan Idrees: Promoting organic fouling reversibility via introduction of sodium dodecyl sulfate prior to ultrafiltration of produced water
Furthermore, the results of our PhD student Hussein Abuelgasim on the topic "Application of polyelectrolyte capillary nanofiltration membranes for the removal of fluoride from contaminated ground water" were shown and discussed (presented by M. Futterlieb).

We would like to thank the participants for the diverse discussions and the organisers for a great IWA conference!!!

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Working Together to Find Solutions to Water Scarcity: 50 Years of German-Israeli Cooperation in Water Technology

Some 70 participants from Israel and Germany gathered in Koblenz in mid-June to present the results of twelve ongoing cooperation projects. This year's status seminar marked the 50th anniversary of the bilateral Cooperation in Water Technology Research, which has funded more than 162 projects involving participants from both countries since 1974.

Full article here

Young Scientist Award for Dr.-Ing. Mathis Keller

On 01.06.17 at the summer party of the University of Duisburg-Essen Mathis Keller (Chair for Mechanical Process Engineering / Water Technology) was awarded the second prize of the Young Scientist Award from the Center for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU) for his dissertation. Prize was received by Professor Panglisch. Congratulations!


More informations

CV Wissenschaftsförderung Essen unterstützt die Forschungsarbeiten von Frau Hoffmann am Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik / Wassertechnik

Grit Hoffmann, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik / Wassertechnik, erhält vom CV Wissenschaftsförderung Essen eine Unterstützung in Höhe von 7000 € für ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit.

Mehr Informationen

BMBF - Projekt MABMEM:

Die Lehrstühle "Technische Chemie" und "Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik / Wassertechnik" der UDE entwickeln zusammen mit Industriepartnern eine Material-Auswahlbox für die Herstellung von Hochleistungsmembranen für die Wasseraufbereitung

Mehr Informationen  (15.11.2016)

Hassan Idrees wurde mit dem Studienpreis der Sparkasse Duisburg ausgezeichnet (27.10.2016)

Hassan Idrees (rechts) studiert an der Universität Duisburg-Essen den ISE-Masterstudiengang "Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water (MTW³)" im Bereich der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften. Dieser Studiengang wird fachlich von Herrn Professor Panglisch (links) betreut.

Herr Idrees wurde jetzt für seine herausragenden Studienleistungen mit dem Studienpreis der Sparkasse Duisburg ausgezeichnet.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

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