[17.04.2024] The University of Duisburg-Essen marked the start of the new ACTIVE SITES research center with a scientific kick-off event. Prof. Dr. Astrid Westendorf, Vice-Rector for Research at UDE, opened the program with a welcoming address. She emphasized that ACTIVE SITES is an important milestone for top international research at the University of Duisburg-Essen and also plays an important role in the water excellence cluster application REASONS.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Barcikowski, spokesperson for ACTIVE SITES, began by summarizing the objectives of the research center and presenting the disciplines involved, which use their combined expertise to investigate the processes at the active centers of ultrafast and dynamic chemical reactions in their respective functional environment. In a series of presentations, the challenges and opportunities of the different research areas Preparation, Operando and Ambience were discussed.

Prof. Dr. Bert Weckhuysen from Utrecht University impressively demonstrated the added value of better characterization of active sites in the field of catalysis for the energy transition. He emphasized that the interdisciplinary approach and the state-of-the-art equipment with the latest large-scale devices will catapult method development and innovation forward. The kick-off event also gave interested participants the opportunity to take a VR tour of the research building and talk to the scientists. The research building is due to be completed by the end of 2027. The scientific projects are already being started now so that the research building can be put into operation immediately upon moving in.