Emergency handling

In the worst caseEmergency numbers

Emergency call 112 
Fire and ambulance service

Emergency call 110 

Emergency call Essen campus & Duisburg campus:
+49 201 183-2614
Porter Essen campus
Security for both campuses

Technical faults

Central unit for monitoring the technical installation

Duisburg campus
Phone: +49 203 379-2211

Essen campus
Phone: +49 201 183-2200

Janitors/House technical service


Automated external defibrillators (AED)

Provide assistance

Behaviour in case of amok

Learn more

Information centre in case of toxication

Information centre Berlin
Phone: +49 30 19240

Information centre University of Bonn
Phone: +49 228 19240

Contact, counselling, issues

Help and support in cases of sexualised violence

Help and support in cases of discrimination

Lost & found

Essen campus:
Lost property office in the post office
Open: Mon.-Fri. 8-12am and 1-3pm

Duisburg campus:
At the Duisburg campus, please contact the janitors or the university library.

Otherwise, please also contact:
Duisburg city lost property office
Essen city lost property office