AG Mittendorff
*** NEWS ***
Postdoc found!Mr. Dr. Gurivi Reddy Yettapu joined our team. We wish him a warm welcome and a good start!
New Publication in Nature CommunicationsOur study on the generation of strong magnetic fields with graphene disks is now published in Nature Communications: when the 1.2 µm sized disks are resonantly excited with circularly polarized radiation, the electrons in the disk start to circulate like in tiny electromagnets, generating magnetic fields in the range of 0.5 T. We investigated this in time resolved experiments with the free-electron laser at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. |
Radio Duisburg on a visit!
At the beginning of October, the Radio-Duisburg team was on a joint visit to the Schleberger and Mittendorff AGs as part of the "breakfast break". During an entertaining and funny morning we could give an insight into our work and our laboratories. You can listen to a part of our interviews with e.g. our PhD student Sebastian Matschy here and here.
Thank you very much for this great opportunity!
In our research group, time-resolved Thz spectroscopy is the central method. THz radiation is long-wave infrared radiation that can penetrate many materials, e.g. semiconductors. A part of the THz radiation is absorbed by free charge carriers, for example.
The short THz pulses allow us to study the changes of a sample after optical excitation with high temporal resolution (~1ps). Among other things, we can observe how fast electrons release their energy to their surroundings. This depends strongly on the material and is often in the picosecond range (0.000000000001s). The results of these experiments allow us to draw conclusions about the interaction between the excited electrons and their environment.
On the one hand, this knowledge is important for the basic understanding of the processes in solids, but on the other hand it is also directly related to applications such as fast detectors for infrared radiation.
Especially so-called 2D materials, i.e. materials made of atomically thin layers such as graphene or plasmonic graphene structures, are the focus of our research. Ultra-short pulse lasers in the near-infrared range serve as radiation sources to excite the samples and generate the short THz pulses.
Head of Research Group Prof. Dr. Martin Mittendorff
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Physik
Lotharstr. 1, MG 250
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (203) 37 9 2273
Administration Frau Eva-Marie Heesen
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Physik
Lotharstr. 1, MG 252
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (203) 37 9 3096
Appointments Consultation hours
Appointments by arrangement