June 2024

Although it certainly felt much shorter, we actually celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the Niemeyer group at the University of Duisburg-Essen!!! It was a privilege to work with so many great people over the years and a pleasure to see many of you at the party!


May 2024

Happy to attend this year's ISMSC in Hangzhou! Present and former group members in the picture!


February 2024

We are enjoying the SupraChem meeting! Wonderful chemistry and many friends here in Ulm! Thanks to the organizers Max von Delius, Birgit Esser and Job Boekhoven for putting this together!


February 2024

Our latest work on rotaxane-catalysis has been published in Chem. Commun.! The mechanical bond strongly influences the behaviour of these chiral catalysts! A real team effort, so congratulations to Dana, Jan, Christoph, Maike and Dennis!

Graphical abstract: Heterobifunctional rotaxanes featuring two chiral subunits – synthesis and application in asymmetric organocatalysis

February 2024

Group News! Sophia and Thomas have finished their Master-theses and are now PhD students in the Niemeyer group! Congratulations! Great to have you with us!


December 2023

Christmas is coming soon! We continued our tradition to have Christmas dinner with great Indian food (taste-it-india.de). It was an eventful year, including promotion of the boss, many new group members and lots of exciting science. Thanks to everyone for the hard work!


December 2023

The Niemeyer Group has a first taste of mulled wine this year at the Christmas market in Essen! More to come when Christmas is coming closer!


November 2023

It was a pleasure to have Prof. David Leigh as this years Werdelmann-Lecturer! He not only showed us the magic of molecular machines and motors (and cards), but also took part in a seminar with the Niemeyer-group! Thanks, Dave!

See here for the press release!​


October 2023

Shubhadip (left) joins as a postdoc this month! Sohom (2nd from left) joined as a postdoc in April. He will now work on a joint project with the RC Trustworthy Data Science! Shounak (right) started his PhD in July! Welcome everyone!

Jochen (old guy, second from right) accepted an offer from the University of Duisburg-Essen for a full professorship. Looking forward to more exciting research to happen in Essen! Thanks to everyone who made this possible, especially past and present group members!


September 2023

Jan, Jochen, Shounak, Sophia, Somayyeh and Thomas travel to our joint "Super-supra-group-meeting" with the Goldup lab in Birmingham! It was great fun to discuss with the Goldup group an all other labs who joined!


August 2023

Jochen was selected as a Henriette Herz Scout by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (tinyurl.com/jnscout). Three postdocs will be able to join our group over the next years by direct nomination.

See here for the university press release!

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung / Foundation

August 2023

Very proud of these excellent PhD students from the Giese, Voskuhl, Haberhauer and Niemeyer labs! They achieved an awesome fourth place in the Merck Compound Challenge!


July 2023

The Niemeyer-group enjoys a joint breakfast! A good start for the day (some would even say better than doing your next column in the lab!)


July 2023

Happy to share the first paper of a collaboration with the Schlücker group from UDE! The investigation of BINOL-atropisomers by CARS-ROA, just published in J. Raman Spectrosc. ! Looking forward to continuing this project! Congrats to everyone!


July 2023

The Niemeyer group was part of the UDE-team at this year's company 5 km run (Firmenlauf) in Essen! Good fun despite the hot weather! Guess which picture is before and which one is after!



June 2023

The Niemeyer, Giese and Voskuhl groups enjoy the first day at ISMSC in Iceland. Looking forward to 5 days of supramolecular chemistry!


April 2023

We have a new publication! Nikolai´s excellent review about organophosphate-metal complexes in asymmetric catalysis was accepted by Org. Chem. Front.!  This will be part of the Emerging Investigator Series (thanks to the editors for the kind invitation) and was highlighted with cover picture!

Well done, Nikolai and thanks for the beautiful cover picture, Dana!


April 2023

Congratulations to Jan from our group! His excellent review in Eur. J. Org. Chem.  about "Mechanically Interlocked Molecules for Biomedical Applications" was among the top-downloaded articles in 2021!

Nice work, Jan!


April 2023

We have a couple of new group members!

Sohom joins the group as a new postdoc. He recently did his PhD in the group of Prof. Michael Schmittel in Siegen and will work on novel functional rotaxanes in our group!

Thomas joins the group for his Vertiefung- and Master-thesis. He will work on topologically chiral catenanes.

Adrian will do his Bachelor-thesis, working on the synthesis of chiral rotaxanes by active-template methods.

Also for his Bachelor-thesis, Nico will investigate novel synthetic routes towards BINOL-containing macrocycles.

Welcome everyone and good luck!

March 2023

The group goes on a two-day group retreat! We had very fruitful discussions about how to further improve life and work in the Niemeyer-group (and found out that Matthias and Sophia are the best bowlers in the group)!

2023 Bowling

March 2023

We have a new publication! Nikolai´s excellent review about organophosphate-metal complexes in asymmetric catalysis was accepted by Org. Chem. Front.! This will be part of the Emerging Investigator Series (thanks to the editors for the kind invitation). Congratulations, Nikolai!


February 2023

Sophia returns to the group for her Vertiefung and Master-thesis. She will work on halogen-bonding catalysis in rotaxanes in a joint project with the group of Prof. Stefan Huber from Bochum. Welcome back and good luck!

December 2022

The Niemeyer group celebrates Christmas at our favourite restaurant (Taste It India in Essen, highly recommended)! It was an eventful and exciting year (including a Cyberattack that made the pre-Christmas time a little more quiet in terms of emails). Thanks to everyone for their hard work in 2022!

November 2022

54 Toc

We have a new publication! Robin´s work about bisphosphates as Taspase-inhibitors (joint work with the Knauer, Hoffmann and Bayer groups) was published in RSC Advances. Congratulations!

September 2022

57 Toc

We have two new publications! A joint work with the Hoffmann group in the CRC 1093 was published in Beilstein J. Org. Chem.! Maike´s and Sophia´s Paper about covalently linked phosphoric acids in organacatalysis was accepted by Chem. Eur. J.! Congratulations everyone!

August 20222022 Defense Maike

​Dr. Thiele (formerly known as Maike) successfully defends her PhD! In her time in our group (starting with her Bachelor-thesis  in 2015), Maike has probably ​contributed to all of our important research projects. Congratulations!


2022 Suprachem

July 2022

After a long time without (real) conferences, the group travels to Mainz for the SupraChem 2022!

June 2022

Great news! The group will obtain funding by the Mercator Research Center Ruhr for a joint project together with Prof. Stefan Huber from the Ruhr University Bochum. We will be looking a novel catalysts for asymmetric halogen-bonding catalysis!

May 2022

We have two new group members!

Tetiana joins the group as a visiting scientist from the Ukraine and will be working on photoswitchable catalysts.

Nourman joins the group for her Bachelor thesis to investigate chiral rotaxanes for catalysis.

Welcome and good luck!

55 Toc

March 2022

We have two new publications!

Matthias´ Minireview about "BINOL as a chiral element in mechanically interlocked molecules"  was published in the Beilstein J. Org. Chem.! Congratulations!

Together with Xiao-yu Hu from Nanjing, we published a paper on novel AIEgens for Ni2+ sensing in Chem. Commun.! Hopefully we can soon re-start our collaboration in the context of the Sino-German Mobility Programme!


February 2022

Maike receives a fellowship from the Heinrich-Hertz-Foundation for a 3-month stay in the group of Prof. Ivo Leito at Tartu University in Estonia. Congratulations!

January 2022

We have a couple of new group members!

Yuriy joined the group in Nov 2021 from HHU Düsseldorf to work on his Master-thesis.

In Jan 2022, Nikolai started his Master-thesis and Somayyeh joined as a postdoctoral coworker after a first Postdoc in Ivo Leito´s group in Tartu!

Welcome everyone and best of luck!

2021 12 Christmas Party

December 2021

The AK Niemeyer slowly gets into the Christmas mood and has a small group celebration. Good food and Secret Santa with many funny presents! Thanks to everyone for their hard work in 2021!!!

2021 Niemeyer Hu Group Meeting

September 2021

To discuss science in times of Corona, we had another online-symposium with good friends. Thanks to everyone in the group of Prof. Xiaoyu Hu at NUAA in Nanjing for participating!

2021 Niemeyer Goldup Group Meeting

September 2021

We had an online group meeting together with the wonderful group of Prof. Stephen Goldup in Southampton. It was great to discuss science, mostly of course involving interlocked molecules!

August 2021

We have a new publication! After seven years of work, we have finally finalized the synthesis of complementary double-helices based on the 1,1´-binaphthyl-framework. This work by Maike, Frescilia and Simon was now published in Chem. Commun.!

Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved.

August 2021

Dennis successfully defends his thesis and becomes Dr. Dennis! Well done and congratulations!

August 2021

We have a new (old) group member! After finishing his Master-thesis, Matthias joins the group as a PhD-student! Welcome back!

July 2020

We have two new publications!

Huibin´s and Jan-Erik´s work on switchable Au-nanoparticles was published in Chem. Eur. J.!

Furthermore, Jan´s Minireview about Mechanically Interlocked Molecules for Biomedical Applications was accepted in Eur. J. Org. Chem. and will be featured on the Front Cover! Congratulations, everyone!

February-April 2021

We have a couple of new group members!

Christoph joins the group as a Master-student, working on heterocatenanes for catalysis.

Matthias joins as a Master-student, working on topologically chiral catenanes.

Sophia will perform her Bachelor-thesis in our group, working on cooperative catalysis.

Welcome everyone and good luck!

February 2021

Research has been running smoothly, leading to several more publications! The work of Carel and Rohan about fluorescent chemosensors as well as Fabians research on heteroternary photoredoxcatalysts were accepted for publication! Congratulations!

January 2021

After finishing his master-thesis and an industrial internship at Evonik, Jan has once again returned to our group as a PhD student, continuing his work on novel biologically active rotaxanes. Best of luck!

December 2020

Great news! Jan-Erik´s paper about supramolecular polymers with reversed temperature/viscosity profile was accepted for publication in the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry and will be part of the special issue "Molecular Recognition" in memory of Carsten Schmuck. Congrats!

November 2020

Now it is official! Jochen has been promoted to Professor of Organic Chemistry in the framework of a Heisenberg-professorship (see press release here). Thanks to everyone in the group (past and present) for the great work and team spirit that made this possible. Looking forward to continuing our work here at the UDE!

October 2020

Jan-Erik successfully defended his thesis and is the first of the former Schmuck-group to finish his PhD! Despite Corona, we had a small celebration. Congratulations, Dr. Jan-Erik!

September 2020

Now being the third PhD from the Niemeyer-group, Fabian has successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Fabian!

August 2020

Martha successfully defended her thesis and is now Dr. Martha! Congratulations!

July 2020

We have two new publications! Joy´s work from the AK Schmuck about the detection of hydrogen-sulfide was accepted in Chemistry Open! Also, Carel´s Minireview about rotaxanes in catalysis was accepted by Chemistry - A European Journal. Congratulations everyone!

June 2020

We have a new group member! Robin joins the group as a PhD student and will work on the interaction of phosphoric acids with proteins in the framework of the CRC1093! Welcome and good luck!

May 2020

We have new group members! Hongxiao starts with her Master-thesis in our group! Despite a slight Corona-delay, she is now in the lab and works towards multifuctional catalysts. Welcome and good luck!

May 2020

We have new group members! Jan starts with his Master-thesis in our group! Despite a slight Corona-delay, he is now in the lab and works towards novel biologically active rotaxanes (Jan). Welcome and good luck!

May 2020

Huibin´s work about the self-assembly of nanoparticles was accepted for publication in Small! This is another interesting application of the zwitterionic GCP-binding motif developed by Carsten Schmuck!

April 2020

We have two new publications!

Dana´s Minireview about the use of Functionalized Macrocycles in Supramolecular Organocatalysis was accepted by ChemPlusChem! Congratulations!

In the same issue, Jens, Michael and Jochen have contributed a review article about Carsten´s research ("20 years of the Schmuck binding motif"). We hope this will help in remembering Carsten and his achievements in supramolecular chemistry.

Both articles will be part of the special issue about " Young Talents and their Mentors in Supramolecular Chemistry". Thanks to ChemPlusChem and to the guest editors Anna McConnell, Cally Haynes, Claudia Caltagirone and Jennifer Hiscock  for organizing this special issue!

March 2020

Dennis´ work about the importance of supramolecular acid-acid interactions in organocatalysis has been accepted for pulication in Chemical Science! Thanks to our collaboration partners and congratulations to everyone!

February 2020

We have two new group members!

Carel joins as a postdoc after finishing her PhD last year with Prof. Markus Albrecht at RWTH Aachen. She will be working on functional rotaxanes. Good luck!

After a first postdoc in the group of Prof. David Leigh in Manchester, Marcel joins the group as DFG return-fellow. He will be working on interlocked phosphoric acids. Welcome and good luck!

January 2020

Our recently published work about rotaxane catalysis in Angewandte Chemie has been selected for a back cover! Thanks to Sasha Ediger (designmodus.com) for another wonderful illustration!

January 2020

In continuation of the work started by Carsten Schmuck, two papers have now been accepted for publication. Joys work on responsive materials for drug delivery was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, while Marlens work an GCP-peptide conjugates in collaboration with Prof. Xiaoyu Hu was published in Chinese Chemical Letters! Congratulations!

December 2019

After an eventful year with many good, but unfortunately also some very sad news, the group takes the chance to recap at our Christmas Dinner. Thanks to everyone for their great work!

December 2019

Great news! The results of the collaborative project with the group of Bettina Siebers have been accepted for publication in Nature Communications! Congratulations to Martha for the great job!

December 2019

The group receives funding from the Otto-Röhm-Foundation! We thank the comittee for the generous funding!

December 2019

The work by Noel and Dennis on heterobifunctional rotaxanes has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations!

December 2019

We have a new publication! The work on the synthesis of linked BINOL-derivatives has been accepted for publication in Synthesis. Congratulations to Martha, Fabian, Frescilia and Nidas!

August 2019

Great news! Jochen receives funding from the DFG in the framework of the Heisenberg-programme!

August 2019

After more than two years as a postdoc in our group, Noel is leaving! Thanks for the great farewell-party (including a speech in German) and all the best for your next postdoc!

June 2019

The group participates in the "9. Essener Firmenlauf". It was great fun and everyone finished the 5 km despite the steep hill just before the finish line!

June 2019

Jochen, Jens and Michael win the Teaching Award of the University of Duisburg-Essen! Thanks to all the students for their great reviews and thanks to the "Fachschaft" for the nomination"!

May 2019

The group presents their research at the Münster-Symposium on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry!

May 2019

Jochen travels China to present the group´s work in Shanghai, Hangzhou (photo below), Wuhan, Hefei and Nanjing!

May 2019

The paper about Simon´s, Dennis´, Maike´s and Frescilia´s work on covalently linked phosphoric acids for organocatalysis has been accepted for publication in Eur. J. Org. Chem.! Congratulations!

April 2019

Alexander, Karina, Sebastian and Thorsten join the group for their Bachelor-theses! Welcome and good luck!

March 2019

Jan and Nidas return to the group to do their Master-internship in analytical chemistry! Welcome back!


February 2019

The paper about Martha´s work on hydrogen-bonded capsules was accepted for publication in Chem. Commun.! Congratulations!


November 2018

Frescilia is the first of the Niemeyer-group to pass her defense! Congratulations, Dr. Octa-Smolin! Well deserved for all the hard work!

2018 Defense Frescilia

November 2018

Jens, Michael and Jochen receive the 2018 Teaching Award of the Faculty! Thanks to the students for the excellent evaluation of our lecture about "Functional Supramolecular Materials"!​
2018 Lehrpreis

October 2018

Frescilia´s and Rohan´s paper about the cyclization and racemization of alkynyl-substituted BINOLs has been accepted for publication in J. Org. Chem.! Congratulations!

24 Abstract

October 2018

Frescilia´s paper about the array-based sensing of amino-acids was accepted for publication in Chem. Eur. J.! Congratulations to Frescilia and thanks to our collaboration partners in Israel, Prof. David Margulies and Dr. Leila Motei, for their help throughout this project!

23 Abstract

October 2018

Maike joins the group for her PhD-thesis. She will be working on double-helical structures and novel chemosensors. Welcome and good luck!


October 2018

Noel´s minireview on the active-template synthesis of interlocked molecules will soon appear in Nachrichten aus der Chemie. Good work, Noel!

22 Abstract

September 2018

Frescilia´s, Maike´s and Rohan´s work on chiral receptors for lysine-binding has just appeared in Org. Lett.! Congratulations, everyone!

21 Abstract

August 2018

Dana and Stefan join the group! Dana will work on heterocatenanes for her Vertiefungs- and Master-work, while Stefan will look at the metal-detection with novel fluorescence sensors during his analytical internship. Welcome and good luck!


July 2018

The group receives additional funding by the DFG for the development of novel sensors for methylated amino-acids!


July 2018

Fabian´s Minireview on "Asymmetric catalysis with DNA" has appeared in Nachrichten aus der Chemie! Congratulations, Fabian!

20 Abstract

June 2018

The junior research groups go on their annual group retreat. Everyone bravely joined for the climbing and relaxed at the BBQ afterwards! On top of that, the Niemeyer-group managed to depict a polyrotaxane in the world´s nerdiest group picture...


Group Trip 2018 2

April 2018

Charlotte and Jan join the group for their Bachelor-theses. Jan will be working on the synthesis of functional rotaxanes, while Charlotte is investigating the synthesis of nanocapsules for catalysis. Welcome and good luck!



March 2018

The group presents the current work at the MS_CEC conference in Münster with poster from Dennis, Fabian, Martha and Noel. On top of that, Dennis wins the poster prize for his poster on catenanes with different ring-sizes. Congratulations, Dennis!

2018 Mscec Dennis


February 2018

Raja´s minireview in ChemCatChem was highlighted with a frontispiece. Congratulations, Raja!

17 Ccc Cover

February 2018

Rohan joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher. He will work on the detection of metals in live cells, within a project funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation. Welcome, Rohan!


January 2018

Noel´s Minireview on "Applications of Chiral Mechanically Interlocked Molecules" was accepted as a Synpacts article in Synlett! Congratulations, Noel!


January 2018

Maike and Simon return to the group for their Master-theses. Welcome and good luck!


December 2017

Jochen wins the Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2018! Congratulations to the group for their great work and a big thank you to the Editors of Synlett, Synthesis and Synfacts for choosing our group!


December 2017

Dennis and Martha have contributed a short overview on the use of Pd(I)-dimers in cross-coupling reactions for Nachrichten aus der Chemie. Nice work, Martha and Dennis!

18 Abstract

November 2017

Raja´s Minireview on "Dual Brønsted-acid organocatalysis" has been accepted for publication in ChemCatChem. Congratulations, Raja!


September 2017

Our recent article in Angewandte Chemie has been highlighted in Synfacts as a "Synfact of the month"! Thanks to the Editors for picking our paper!


September 2017

Fabian, Frescilia, Martha and Noel present their work at the 2nd CRC1093 International Symposium. Well done, everyone! 


September 2017

The group receices additional funding by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation. Our project "Development of new chemosensors for detection of labile iron in live cells" will be funded by an Exploration Grant!


August 2017

Our artwork for the paper on catenane-catalysis was accepted as a back cover for Angewandte Chemie! Thanks to Sasha for the beautiful picture!

17 Acie Cover

Juli 2017

Frescilia, Martha and Jochen present their results at the ISMSC-conference in Cambridge! Great conference in a beautiful city!


June 2017

To celebrate our last two papers, the group enjoyed a BBQ (and possibly some beers alongside with the food)! Thanks for everyone´s hard work!


​​June 2017

Raja´s most recent work has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! In a combined experimental and theoretical study (together with Hui Zhu and Stefan Grimme from the University of Bonn), this paper shows the first example of a catenane-catalyst for asymmetric organocatalysis. Congratulations, Raja and Hui!

16 Abstract

​​Mai 2017

Within the Global Young Faculty, Jochen and other young scientists interviewed 20 professors from 16 countries around the world. Their personal views on university teaching, together with background information about the respective countries, have now been collected in a book! If you are interested in a copy, please contact Jochen directly!

I Love To Share Knowledge

​​​April 2017

Frescilia´s , Raja´s and Maike´s paper about covalently linked bisphosphates has been accepted as a full paper in Chemistry - A European Journal! You can find it here. Congratulations!

15 Toc

March 2017

Dennis joins the group as a Master student. He will work on modified catenane-systems. Welcome, Dennis!


March 2017

Raja has presented our work at the RSC twitter poster event. Watch the poster and the wonderful cartoon abstract by Errant Science here!

Errantscience Cartoon Abstract

​​​February 2017

As a member of the Global Young Faculty, Jochen has participated in the project "Lust auf Wissenschaft". This project aims at enhancing the visibility of science in the Ruhr-area with the help of paintings and drawings in the public space. Check it out here!


February 2017

The group presents the current research at the SupraChem 2017 in Aachen and Martha wins a prize for her poster on molecular capsules. Congratulations, Martha!


January 2017

The group has received additional funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-Sachbeihilfe)!


December 2016

We enjoy some mulled wine at the Christmas market in Essen. Thanks to everyone for their hard work in 2016!



November 2016

Fabian joins the group as a PhD-student! He will work on DNA-templated catalyst systems in collaboration with the Brunschweiger-group in Dortmund. Welcome, Fabian!


October 2017

Following this year´s Nobel prize, David Leigh´s group in Manchester set up a map of groups working on Catenanes, Rotaxanes and Molecular Machines (and kindly included our group). Check it our here!


September 2016

The Niemeyer group visits the EuCheMS conference in Sevilla! Frescilia and Martha present their work on posters, Raja and Jochen show some recent results in their talks. And everyone meets this year´s Nobel Laureate Ben Feringa!

Niemeyerlab Euchems

July 2016

Frescilia has won a travel grant for the EuCheMS conference in sevilla. Congratulations, Frescilia!


July 7th 2016

Jochen´s Minireview on "Interlocked molecules for catalysis" was published in Nachrichten aus der Chemie!


July 4th 2016

Together with the Giese, Voskuhl and Hirschhäuser groups, we spent a sunny day on the river Ruhr for some canoeing! Please find two pictures below! 



May 23rd 2016

Jasmine joins the group as a visiting student from UBC Vancouver. She obtained a RISE-fellowship from the DAAD to fund her stay. Welcome, Jasmine!


April 2016

Jochen receives a startup grant from the Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)! This funding scheme supports promising young researchers from the "ruhr-area" at an early stage of their career.


March 31st 2016

Frescilia obtains additional funding for her PhD from the Professor Werdelmann-Foundation.Congratulations, Frescilia!


March 2016

On a trip to beautiful Japan, Jochen visits the annual CSJ meeting and presents the group´s work at the universities of Nagoya and Tokyo!

Japan 2016


March 29th 2016

The very first publication of the Niemeyer group has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications! This paper describes Raja´s work on the synthesis of a chiral [2]catenane and its application for host-guest binding! Congratulations, Raja!   

13 Abstract

February 1st 2016

Martha joins the group! After finishing her Master in Bath (UK) she will work towards her PhD in our group, funded by a PhD-fellowship from Evonik Industries! Welcome, Martha!


January 2016

Looking for a challenging Bachelor-, Vertiefungs- or Master-project? Check out our posters with new topics for 2016! You can find them on S07 S04, opposite the elevators!


September 8th 2015

We have a new group member! After a first postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute in Mühlheim, Raja joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!


July 29th 2015

Jochen was selected as a member of the Global Young Faculty 4! This joint initiative consists of young researchers from Essen, Bochum and Dortmund and promotes the scientific exchange between the members.


July 27th 2015

Maike joins the group for her Bachelor thesis. She will be working on the synthesis of new catenane-systems. Welcome, Maike!


July 1st 2015

Yagmur joins the group as an Erasmus student! She is currently a chemistry student in Istanbul (Turkey) and will be working on the synthesis of substituted guanidines. Welcome and good luck! 


June 28th 2015

Jochen attended the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting. He presented the current projects in a short talk in the Master Class hosted by Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn


April 20th 2015

We have a new group member! Simon has joined for his Bachelor-thesis. He will be working on the synthesis of interlocked organocatalysts. Good luck, Simon!


Feburary 11th 2015

Jochen´s paper about the synthesis and reactivity of iminoborylene-complexes was accepted in Dalton Transactions (see here). These results from Jochen´s postdoctoral work will be featured on the cover of Dalton Transactions!


January 5th 2015

Frescilia joins the group as the very first PhD student! Welcome and good luck!


December 10th 2014

Jochen receives a "Startup Grant" from the University of Duisburg-Essen! This internal program supports excellent young researchers at an early stage of their career. 


June 30th 2014

The first reactions are running! After some organizational work at the beginning, the research can finally start!


June 2nd 2014

First day at work! The Niemeyer Group officially starts!

Jochen has obtained a Liebig-Stipendium of the German Chemical Fund (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie).

The research group will be associated to the group of Prof. Carsten Schmuck - meaning it can be found on the fourth floor of the chemistry building S07 at the Campus Essen.