Call for papers
Submission closed
We invite you to submit contributions to ICEHL 19. The conference will accommodate full papers in general sessions and themed workshops.
Presentation format
Papers of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.
A total of four workshops can be scheduled (one per day).
Submission of abstracts
Abstracts for general session papers can be submitted from 1 June to 15 December 2015 through the abstract submission facility EasyAbs.
Abstracts should not exceed 400 words (exclusive of references) and should clearly state research questions, approach, method, data and results. Abstracts should also list three to five keywords. Abstracts can be submitted as a *.doc (preferred) or *.txt document. If your abstract contains special characters, please also send a pdf version to
Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out by 15 February 2016.
Submission of workshop proposals
Proposals for workshops are due 15 October 2015. The address for submission is
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given by 1 November 2015. After a workshop proposal has been accepted, the convenors will be requested to invite their participants to submit their abstracts through the abstract submission facility EasyAbs by 15 December 2015. These abstracts will be evaluated individually by the Scientific Committee and the convenors.
Workshop proposals should contain:
- a 1000-word description of the topic (including the research questions to be addressed) and
- a (provisional) list of workshop participants and 400-word abstracts of their papers.
ICEHL19 workshops have to be compatible with the main conference schedule. This means that the format of the workshops must be organized around 30 minute presentations (20 min. + 10 min. discussion). Workshops ideally contain 8 to 10 papers.
Further details can be discussed with the ICEHL19 organizing committee.