Orientalism in Colonial Australia: A Transimperial Perspective
Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer
Dr. Syed Kazim Ali Kazmi
Maren Kluß, B.A.
more information on the research group "Ambiguity and Distinction".
Plummer, Patricia: Border Crossings: Ambiguous Identities across Australia, 1770-1901 (work in progress)
Plummer, Patricia and Syed Kazim Ali Kazmi: The Rhetoric of Gender: A Transimperial Perspective (work in progress)
Science Communication
Conference Papers and Talks
"Modernity and Ambiguity: A 21st-Century Perspective on Quong Tart," Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer, International Australian Studies Association, 2025 Biennial Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, 5-7 February (forthcoming)
"Bodies in Pain? Der orientalistische Blick auf Hijras." Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer. Interdisciplinary lecture course "Bilder der Gewalt" (27.06.2024) Link"
"Between the lines? Indiens 'Drittes Geschlecht'". Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer. Interdisciplinary lecture course "Queerness" (26.10.2023) Link
"Cultures in Contact: Travel Literature in the (Post)Colonial World", lecture course, WS 2024/25, Thu 14-16h, Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer
"Queerness: Konzepte und Debatten in der transkulturellen Gegenwart", Interdisciplinary lecture course, WS 2023/24, Thu 16-18; Prof. Dr. Gabriele Genge (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Frank Becker, Prof. Dr. Kader Konuk and Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer) Link
Patricia Plummer and Syed Kazim Ali Kazmi: "Ambiguity and Gender in Anglophone Literature and Culture" (Seminar, WS 2023/24)