Dr. Sebastian Birk


Coordinator of MERLIN

Faculty of Biology
Aquatic Ecology
Universitätsstrasse 5
D-45141 Essen

Room S05T03B12
Phone: +
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I am an environmental scientist holding a doctoral degree in ecology, obtained in 2009 on harmonizing European aquatic bioassessment („WFD intercalibration exercise”).

As an applied ecologist I focus on issues of the water-related science-policy interface at European level. Most recently, I was acting as the coordinator of the European research project MARS (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress) [2014-2018], and the freshwater science manager in the European Topic Centre for Inland, Coastal and Marine waters, in support of the European Environment Agency [ongoing].

My academic interests (keywords): Multiple stressors; Environmental condition / human impact assessment; Ecosystem services; Restoration ecology; Environmental policy assessment and implementation.

My current teaching: Scientific writing and data presentation; Ecology and protection of surface waters; Courses on taxonomic determination; Practical field courses on river and lake ecology.