Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl

Porträtbild von Prof. Dr. Isabell van Ackeren. Kleidung und Hintergrund in hellblauen Farbtönen gehalten.

Full Professor of Education System and School Development Research (W3)

Research Group on Educational Research (AG Bildungsforschung; Lead) Institute for Educational Science, Faculty of Educational Sciences

University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE)
Universitätsstr. 2
45141 Essen
Germany Phone +49 2011832233 (-2234)

Main Areas of Research

  • Research on the Structure, Governance and Reform of Education Systems (focus on school systems)
  • School Development Research (context-sensitive: schools serving disadvantaged communities; evidence-informed; network-based; in the digital context)
  • Science-Practice-Collaboration
  • Teacher Professionalization (Research and Development)

Focuses in Teaching

  • Lectures, lecture series and seminars
  • E-Learning, Hybrid and Blended Learning Concepts
  • Topics, among others

⇒ School in historical perspective

⇒ Structure of School Systems (national and international)

⇒ Governance and Reform of School Systems

⇒ Current Trends in School Development (e.g. schools in challenging circumstances)

Qualifications and Career

04/2009–present Full Professor (W3) of Education System and School Development Research, University of Duisburg-Essen
2012 Offer Head of Centre for Teacher Education / Professorship (W3) Educational Research and School Development Research, University of Cologne (declined)
04/2007–03/2009 Professor (W2) of Education Research, University of Mainz
04/2006–03/2009 Scientific Assistant, University of Duisburg-Essen
04/2004–03/2006 Interim Professorship for School Pedagogy at Duisburg-Essen
10/2003–03/2004 Scientific Assistant, University of Duisburg-Essen
01/2000–09/2003 Research Fellow, University of Essen
6/2003 Dr. phil., supervisors: Klaus Klemm, Wilfried Bos, Subject: “Evaluation, Feedback and School Development. Central Tests, Examinations and Inspections in England, France and the Netherlands”, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (summa cum laude; awarded by the university)
1997 Scholarship of the EU-Programme SOCRATES / ERASMUS; Educatieve Faculteit Amsterdam;Teaching at the Katholieke Schoolengemeenschap Hoofdorp (German as a foreign language)
10/1994–12/1999 State Exam: Education Science, German Studies, Biology, University of Essen, Germany (awarded by the university)


Scientific Engagement

Engagement in the Science System

2021–2023 Member of the Local Organising Committee of the GEBF (Society for Empirical Educational Research, Germany) Conference “Education between uncertainty and evidence” 2023 at University of Duisburg-Essen
since 05/2021 Appointed Member of the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (KMK)
08/2014–03/2022 Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching, University of Duisburg-Essen
05/2017–12/2022 Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors: German Institute for Adult Education (DIE; Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning)
2014–2021 Member of the Advisory Board: Gutenberg Teaching Council (GTC), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
since 2020 Member of the Structure and Evaluation Commission of the Campus School Dresden
since 2019 Member of the Advisory Board for the NRW State Competence Centre for Individual Advancement (lif NRW)
2015– 2016, 2019 Jury Member of the Ars Legendi Award for Excellent University Teaching "Diversity-Sensitive Teaching and Learning" (2015), "Digital Teaching and Learning" (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany and the German Rectors' Conference) and "Teaching as a Scientific Activity" (2019, Donors' Association)
2018 Member and Moderator of the Expert Group on Digitisation in Teacher Education by Invitation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
2017–2018 Appointed Member of the Commission of Experts on the Future of Higher Education in Rhineland-Palatinate
2017–2018 Member of the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Teacher Education and Digitisation of the Higher Education Forum on Digitisation (as a joint initiative of the Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany with the CHE Centre for Higher Education and the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF)
2016–2018 Member of the Local Organising Committee of the DGfE (German Educational Research Association) Congress “Movements” 2018 at University of Duisburg-Essen
2011–2017 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Chancenspiegel"; lead: Institute for School Development Research at TU Dortmund University, Institute of Educational Science (W. Bos) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (N. Berkemeyer); Bertelsmann Foundation
since 2016 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education Project "Biprofessional" at the Bielefeld School of Education (BiSEd); chair: M. Heinrich / Bielefeld
2015– 2016 Head (together with S. Herzig/University of Cologne and U. Wehrhöfer/Ministry for School and Further Education, NRW) of the Working Group for the State-Wide Evaluation of the “Praxissemester” in Teacher Education
2013–2016 Member of the Jury of the German Society for Educational Science for the Award of the “DGfE-Nachwuchspreis” 2014 and 2016 (Award for Excellent Work by Young Educational Scientists)
2015 Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB) on behalf of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK)
2003–2015 Member of the DFG-Research Group and Graduate School “Teaching and Learning Science” (FOR 511; GRK 902)
2011–2014 Member of the Board of the Centre for Teacher Education at UDE
2011–2014 Deputy Head of the Office of the State Examination Office for First State Examinations for Teachers at Schools, Essen Office, for the University of Duisburg-Essen (appointed by the Ministry for Schools and Further Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia)
2011–2014 Spokesperson of the Project "Identities and Role Identification" in the University-Wide Project "Educational Equity in Focus" (Quality Pact for Teaching, BMBF)
10/2010–8/2014 Dean of Study Affairs, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen
2009–2012 Member of the Scientific Consortium Ruhr Education Report (2009 and 2011/12)
2007–2009 Collegial Director of the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Mainz
2008–2009 Member of the Local Organising Committee of the DGfE (German Educational Research Association) Congress "Education in Democracy" 2010 in Mainz
2007–2009 Spokesperson of the Centre for Educational and Higher Educational Research, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Scientific Journals and Series

Member of the editorial board of “Die Deutsche Schule” – Open Access-Journal for Educational Science, Educational Policy and Educational Practice” (2003–2020); 08/2012 – 12/2020 Chair of the Editorial Board
Co-Editor of “Tertium Comparationis” – Journal for International and Intercultural Comparative Educational Science
Advisory Board of the Journal “Pädagogische Führung” (Pedagogical Leadership – Journal for School Leadership and School Counseling)
Co-Editor of the series “Schulentwicklungsforschung” (School Development Research) at Springer VS (together with H. Altrichter, B. Asbrand, M. Emmerich, T. Feldhoff, K. Maag Merki, F. Radisch)

Further Engagement

since 04/2022 Member of the Advisory Board of the Academies of Education & Talent, the Federal and State Talent Promotion Centre "Bildung & Begabung”
2014–2022 Member of the Steering Committee and Steering Group of RuhrFutur (education initiative for the metropolis Ruhr; State NRW, municipalities and educational institutions)
2015–2019 Member of the Board of Trustees of the JeKits Foundation NRW (JeKits – For Every Child Instruments, Dancing, Singing)
2015–2019 Member of the Advisory Board of the Pedagogical State Institute Rhineland-Palatinate
2010–2017 Member of the Board of Trustees and the Federal Jury of the "Strong School" Competition of the Hertie Foundation
since 2014 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Wübben Foundation for Education (Deputy Chair)
2008–2009 Member of the Advisory Board of the Agency for Quality Assurance, Evaluation and School Autonomy (AQS) Rhineland-Palatinate

Reviewer Activities (Selection)

Journals Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE), Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (ZfPäd), Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), Tertium Comparationis (TC), Pädagogische Psychologie, Diagnostica, among others
Research funding German Research Foundation (DFG) Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)

Funded Research Projects (DFG, BMBF, State Ministries, Foundations)


02/2023–06/2026 “Center for Digitization, Networks and Transfer in School Education”, with Universities of Potsdam, Wuppertal, Tübingen, Dortmund, München, Kassel; DIPF/FFM, DIE/Bonn, IPN/Kiel; lead applicant (together with M. Endberg); lead: K. Scheiter & D. Richter (Potsdam); BMBF (01JA23T01K)
01/2021–12/2025 “Schule macht stark”; with Universities Berlin, Bochum, Dortmund, Heidelberg, Köln, Mannheim, Potsdam, Tübingen; DIPF/Frankfurt, DJI/München, IQB/Berlin, IPN/Kiel; lead applicant; lead: K. Maaz (DIPF/Frankfurt a.M.); BMBF (FKZ SMS21010)
01/2020–12/2023 “Communities of Practice for Innovative Teacher Education NRW (Comeln)”; with universities Aachen, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Dortmund, Köln, Münster, Paderborn, Siegen, Wuppertal; lead applicant (responsible until 4/2022 as vice-rector for teaching and learning); BMBF (FKZ 01JA2033 A-L); project leader
01/2016–12/2023 “Professionalization for Diversity” (ProViel I+II); lead applicant (responsible until 4/2022 as vice-rector for teaching and learning); BMBF (FKZ 01JA1910); project leader
09/2018–08/2023 „Training and Support Systems for School Development in the Context of Digitization“; lead; BMBF (FK 01JD1818; BMBF)
5/2020–4/2023 „Development of Classroom Teaching in Secondary Education Digital and Inclusive through Research Learning Communities (UDIN)“; with K. Racherbäumer (Siegen, lead) and Anke Liegmann (UDE, lead); co-lead; BMBF (FKZ 01JD1909A/B)
10/2018–09/2021 „Digital School Development in Networks“; with M. Kerres (UDE); co-lead; BMBF (01JD181)
2014–2019 “Developing Potentials–Strengthening Schools”; with H.G. Holtappels (TU Dortmund); co-lead; Stiftung Mercator
2013–2016 “Language-Sensitive School Development”; lead applicant; Stiftung Mercator
2013–2015 „The Rhineland-Palatinate State Pedagogical Institute between Centralised Control and Decentralised Demand“; with F. Choi, U. Schmidt/Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; co-lead; Ministry of Education, Science, Further Education and Culture of Rhineland-Palatinate
2009–2015 “Conditions and Tasks of Decentralized and Centralized Final Exams in Science Education”; lead; DFG (project 5470327 / FOR 511: “Science Education”; lead: H. Fischer, K. Klemm, D. Leutner, E. Sumfleth / UDE)
2012–2013 „Scientific Monitoring and Evaluation of the School Contest ‚Starke Schule. Deutschlands beste Schulen, die zur Ausbildungsreife führen‘“ (Germany's Best Schools Leading to Apprenticeship Readiness) in Cooperation with the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; lead; Hertie Foundation
2011–2013 „Abitur after 12 or 13 School Years, Scientific Acompanying Research of the Pilot Project in North Rhine-Westphalia“; co-lead (with G. Bellenberg / Ruhr University Bochum); Ministry of School and Further Education North Rhine-Westphalia
2010–2013 „Strategies for Quality Development of Schools in Difficult Circumstances“; co-lead (with K. Racherbäumer / UDE); BMBF (01JG1008)
2010–2013 „Evidence-Based Action in the Multi-Level System of Schools - Conditions, Processes and Effects“ (EviS); co-lead, together wirth M. Clausen; BMBF (lead: O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia / Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
2010–2012 „Scientific Evaluation of the Elements of the Network ‚Strong Schools‘“; co-lead (with U. Schmidt / Mainz); Hertie Foundation
2010–2011 „Ruhr Education Monitoring Report“; lead: W. Bos/Institute for School Development Research (IFS) at the TU Dortmund; co-lead; commissioned by the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR); Mercator Foundation
2009–2011 „External Evaluation of a Grammar School for Gifted Students“; co-lead (with F. Choi, F. Hamburger, U. Schmidt, H. Ulrich / Mainz); Ministry of Education (MBWJK) Rhineland-Palatinate
2009–2010 „Scientific Ealuation of the Educational Science Components of the ‘Studienseminar‘ Programmes in NRW“; lead; Ministry of School and Further Education NRW
2008–2010 „Scientific Monitoring of the Project ‘Starke Schule. Germany's Best Schools Leading to Apprenticeship Entry Maturity‘“; lead; Hertie Stiftung
2009 „Educational Reporting for the Metropolis Ruhr; lead: Institute for School Development Research“, W. Bos / TU Dortmund; co-lead, on behalf of Wirtschaftsförderung metropoleruhr GmbH
2008–2009 „Scientific External Evaluation of the Boarding School Schloss Hansenberg“; co-lead; with H. Ulrich, F. Hamburger, M., U. Schmidt / Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2007–2008 "Strong Schools - Germany's Best Schools Leading to Apprenticeship Entry Maturity"; co-lead; with Centre for Research on Education and Higher Education (ZBH, University Mainz)
2003–2006 „School System and Culture of the Individual School as Context of Science Learning in Secondary Schools“, Research Group 'Science Education' (FOR 511); lead: K. Klemm; scientific assistant; German Research Foundation, DFG
2002–2006 „Project Contest Schools and Enterprises“; lead: K. Klemm / UDE; scientific assistant; Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation
2004–2005 „In-depth Comparison of the Education Systems of Canada and Germany“; lead: German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF; E. Klieme); scientific assistant; Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF
2002–2003 „Comparison of the Educational Systems in Selected Countries: Understanding the Inter-National Variation of PISA-Results; lead: German Institute for International Educational Research, DIPF (E. Klieme); scientific researcher; Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF
2002–2003 „Indicators of the ‚Forum Bildung‘ recommendations within the project ‘Bildung Plus‘“; lead: K. Klemm / UDE; scientific assistant; BMBF
2001–2002 „The Use of Large-Scale Testing for School Development. Experiences in England, France and the Netherlands; lead applicant; Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF

Supervision of Researchers in Early Career Phases

Achtelik, Inka Elena 2023 Educational Origin and Migration-Specific Selection Processes in the Entrance to University – The Relationship Between Social Identification, Social and Academic Integration and the Intention to Drop out of University
Franziska Sophie Proskawetz 2022 A Qualitative-Reconstructive Study of Teachers' Guiding Orientation when Selecting Students for Scholarship Programmes (Using the Example of the ‘RuhrTalente’ Scholarship Programme)
Stefanie Kötter-Mathes 2019 Performance Assessment in Centralized Examinations. Teachers' Perceptions of Assessment Practice with Special Regard to State Specified Horizons of Expectation
René Breiwe 2019 Conditions for Diversity-Reflective Education in the German School System – A Systematic Analysis of State-Specific School Legislation Under Special Consideration of Difference and Discrimination-Critical Aspects
Jörg Weingarten 2018 How do Prospective Teachers Plan their Lessons? An Empirical Analysis of Written Lesson Plans under Special Consideration of a Competence-Oriented Design of Learning Opportunities
Otto, Stephan 2017 Initiation into School Practice: The Initial Interview between Students and Their Mentors
Demski, Denise 2016 Evidence-Based School Development? Empirical Analysis of a Governance Paradigm with Special Consideration of the the Individual School‘s Culture
Blumentritt, Lena 2015 Changed School Time – Changed Leisure Time? Leisure Time Constructions of Children Using the Example of School Time Reduction at Grammar Schools. (PhD Award of the University of Duisburg-Essen 2016)
Ferchow, Jasmin 2015 Evidence-Based Teacher Education? An Empirical Analysis of the Integration of Science and Research in Teacher Education in North Rhine-Westphalia
Hahn, Jörn 2014 Steering Effects of Central Comparative Tests on Teaching. Test Coaching Using the Example of ‘Lernstand8‘ Assessment
Krüger, Mirko 2014 Task Culture in Central Final Examinations. Exploration and Description of Science Tasks in International Comparison
Klein, Esther Dominique 2012 Statewide Exit Exams as Governance and School Development Instrument. An International Comparative Analysis of State Intentions and School Implementation in Diverging Governance Contexts. (Science Award of the Sparkasse Essen 2014)
Strunck (now Farwick), Susanne 2011 School Development by Competitions. Processes and Effects of Participation in Best Practice School Competitions (PhD Award of the University of Duisburg-Essen 2012)
Kühn, Svenja Mareike 2009 A-Level Tasks in Centralised and Decentralised Examination Procedures. Analyses of the Governance Effect of Administrative Specifications (Award of the University of Duisburg-Essen 2010)


Recent Publications

Springer VS

van-Ackeren-Mindl, I. van, Klemm, K. & Schmid-Kühn, S. (2024). Entstehung, Struktur und Steuerung des deutschen Schulsystems. Eine Einführung. 4., grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Mehr lesen

Proskawetz, F., Kottmann, M., Ackeren-Mindl, I. van, Klein, E. D. (2023). Bedeutung und Stärkung einer ressourcenorientierten Schulkultur von Schulen an sozialräumlich benachteiligten Standorten. Erprobung von Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten im Projekt ‚Schule macht stark' (SchuMaS). In: Matthias Forell et al. (Hrsg.): Schule als Sozialraum im Sozialraum – Theoretische und empirische Erkundungen sozialräumlicher Dimensionen von Schule (S. 107–120). Münster: Waxmann.

Mehr lesen

Academic Distinctions

  • Best Dissertation Award / Educational Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen (2003)
  • Award for "outstanding academic success" by the Rectorate of the University of Essen (1999)