CRC 1430 WorkshopsPrevious Workshops


30. ‑ 31.03.2022 Good Scientific Practice for (post)doctoral researchers
Valentina Vasilov, Graduate Centre Plus, UDE
19. ‑ 20.10.2022 Leadership and supervision in academia: multiple perspectives for grater effectiveness
Dr. Matteo Garavoglia, impulse plus, Qualitätsnetzwerk Training in Wissenschaft
20.12.2022 Solving Conflicts in the Lab
Dr. Imke Lode, ProSciencia
22. ‑ 24.03.2023 Editing, Processing and Analysis of Scientific Images
Dr. Jan Brocher, BioVoxxel
22.05.2023 Poster Design and Presentation
Dr. Anne Wolfes, ProSciencia

Navigating Academic Careers -Influence and Empowerment for Female Scientists
Dr. Tanja Hentschel, University of Amsterdam

16.11.2023 Keeping Your Talk Fresh – Storytelling Techniques for scientific presentations
Guido Molina, impulse plus, Qualitätsnetzwerk Training in Wissenschaft
29. ‑ 30.11.2023 Introduction to R