M. Sc. Luis Felipe Rico Cortes

Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik M. Sc. Luis Felipe Rico Cortes

Contact Deatils


Carl-Benz Straße 199
47057 Duisburg
Room: NETZ 1.05

Phone: +49-(0)203-379 8108
E-mail: luis.ricocortes [at] uni-due.de

Research Interests


  • Internal Combustion Engine Simulation

  • Combustion of Hydrogen Mixtures

  • Turbulent Reacting Flows

  • Multiphase Flows

  • Compressible Flows



Project Description


Continuing the DFG-Subproject titled "Flame Propagation in Inhomogeneous Mixtures with Direct Injection - Large-Eddy Simulation, Model Validation and Analysis". Next phase involves the integration of hydrogen mixtures as the fuel source. The primary objective of this project is to enhance the comprehension of the cause-effect chain underlying cycle-to-cycle variations in spark-ignited internal combustion engines. This endeavor encompasses the intricate transport phenomena inherent in hydrogen-based combustion systems. The ongoing project extension presents challenges that entail refining and advancing models and methodologies tailored for Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) focusing on hydrogen thermo-instabilities and differential diffusion.