Together with the Chair of Theoretical Computer Science we run a research colloquium to communicate about current work.


Date Speaker Topic

28.01.2025 14:15

Florian Wittbold


21.01.2025 14:15

Patrick Ritzenfeld


14.01.2025 14:15

Barbara König


07.01.2025 14:15

Karla Messing


17.12.2024 14:15

Janis Voigtländer

(Eine Taxonomie zur) Verbalisierung von Programmieraufgaben

10.12.2024 14:15

Marcellus Siegburg

Deep or Shallow? - Choosing the Right Embedding for Modelling in Alloy

03.12.2024 14:15

Oliver Westphal

Intent Preserving Generation of Diverse and Idiomatic (Code-)Artifacts

26.11.2024 14:15

Lara Stoltenow

Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for Generalized Graph Transformation Systems

19.11.2024 14:30

Sebastian Gurke

Approximating Fixed Points of Approximated Functions

30.01.2024 16:00

Rebecca Bernemann

The effect of 'Study with me' videos on perceived learning

23.01.2024 14:30

Florian Wittbold

Approximating Fixed Points of Approximated Functions - Teil 2

16.01.2024 14:30

Sebastian Gurke

Approximating Fixed Points of Approximated Functions - Teil 1

09.01.2024 14:30

Janis Voigtländer

Modellierung mit Alloy

19.12.2023 14:30

Karla Messing Finding Distinguishing Formulae based on a Galois Connection

12.12.2023 14:30

Lara Stoltenow

Erfüllbarkeit von verallgemeinerten Graphbedinungen mit SAT-Solvern

05.12.2023 14:30

Marcellus Siegburg Fair prüfen mit dem Autotool

21.11.2023 14:30

Oliver Westphal Categorical Concepts in Everyday Haskell - Part II: Monads

07.11.2023 14:30

Barbara König Well-structured graph transformation systems

07.02.2023 14:30

Lara Stoltenow Erfüllbarkeit von verallgemeinerten Graphbedingungen

31.01.2023 14:30

Florian Wittbold

A brief introduction to Machine learning

24.01.2023 14:30

Marcellus Siegburg Kompetenzorientiert Prüfen: Modellierung

17.01.2023 14:30

Frédéric de Longueville

Einführung in die Theorie partieller Differentialgleichungen - Teil 2

10.01.2023 14:30

Oliver Westphal Containers, Effects & Traversals - Categorical Concepts in Everyday Haskell

20.12.2022 14:30

Sebastian Gurke A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Infinitary Languages

13.12.2022 16:00

Rebecca Bernemann Detecting Social Bots on Twitter

06.12.2022 14:30

Richard Eggert A Lattice-Theoretical View of Strategy Iteration

29.11.2022 14:30

Karla Messing Hennessy-Milner Theorems via Galois Connections - Probabilistic Setting

22.11.2022 14:30

Okan Özkan Resilience of Graph Transformation Systems: Modeling Adverse Conditions and Infinite-state Verification

15.11.2022 16:00

Janis Voigtländer

Mutating Sample Solutions to Improve Prolog Exercise Tasks and Their Test Suites

08.11.2022 16:00

Barbara König


03.08.2022 14:00

Oliver Westphal Input Generation for Testing Interactive Haskell Programs

19.07.2022 16:00

Sebastian Gurke

Hennessy-Milner Theorems via Galois Connections - Quantitative Case

05.07.2022 16:00

Barbara König

1001 Bisimulation Games

21.06.2022 16:00

Marcellus Siegburg

A Report on Automatic Generation of Petri Net Exercise and Exam Task Instances

14.06.2022 16:00

Frédéric de Longueville

Einführung in die Theorie partieller Differentialgleichungen

31.05.2022 16:00

Karla Messing

Hennessy-Milner Theorems via Galois Connections - Qualitative Case

24.05.2022 16:00

Florian Wittbold

Decision Support for Stochastic Petri Nets

17.05.2022 16:00

Lara Stoltenow

Checking Satisfiability of Generalized Graph Conditions

10.05.2022 16:00

Rebecca Bernemann

Probabilistic Transition Systems with Hidden State and Unobservable Transitions

26.04.2022 16:00

Janis Voigtländer

Multi-level conceptual models

12.04.2022 15:00

Richard Eggert

Generalized Strategy Iteration

18.05.2021 14:00

Richard Eggert

Reduktionen von Spielen

25.03.2021 14:10

Liang Wong

A Tool for Solving and Playing Energy Games

25.03.2021 13:30

Ming Zhang

A Tool for Network Flows with Minimal Costs

16.03.2021 14:00

Barbara König

Coalgebraic Behavioural Metrics

11.03.2021 14:00

Richard Eggert

Fixpoint Theory - Upside Down

19.11.2020 14:00

Rebecca Bernemann

Uncertainty Reasoning for Probabilistic Petri Nets via Bayesian Networks

10.09.2020 14:00

Oliver Westphal

Implementing, and Keeping in Check, a DSL Used in E-Learning

08.09.2020 14:30 Christina Mika-Michalski

Explaining Non-Bisimilarity in a Coalgebraic Approach

03.09.2020 14:00 Oliver Westphal

A Framework for Generating Diverse Haskell-IO Exercise Tasks

24.06.2020 14:00 Lara Stoltenow

Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

22.06.2020 14:00 Lara Stoltenow

A Flexible and Easy-to-Use Library for the Rapid Development of Graph Tools in Java

19.05.2020 14:00 Janis Voigtländer

Knuth's 0-1-Principle

10.03.2020 14:15 Rebecca Bernemann

Modeling Probabilistic Transitions on Condition/Event Nets using Bayesian Networks

03.03.2020 15:00 Lara Stoltenow Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems
03.03.2020 14:00 Richard Eggert Fixpoint Theory - Upside Down
25.02.2020 14:15 Christina Mika-Michalski

Explaining Non-Bisimilarity in a Coalgebraic Approach: Games and Distinguishing Formulas

11.02.2020 14:00 Marcellus Siegburg

Generating Diverse Exercise Tasks on UML Class and Object Diagrams, Using Formalisations in Alloy

28.01.2020 14:00 Oliver Westphal

Ideas for Automatic Programming-Task Generation Based on Generating Sample Code

14.01.2020 14:00 Marcel Fourné

Side-Channels in Cryptographic Software, the Haskell case

18.12.2019 16:00 Richard Eggert

Fixpoint Theory – Upside Down

10.12.2019 16:00 Katja Poltermann

Lösungsverfahren für Fixpunktgleichungssysteme in den reellen Zahlen

12.11.2019 16:00 Christina Mika-Michalski

An Introduction to Coalgebraic Games

29.10.2019 16:00 Harsh Beohar

The (internal) logic of a topos

02.10.2019 14:00 Marcellus Siegburg

Automatische Bewertung von Haskell-Programmieraufgaben

05.09.2019 14:00 Janis Voigtländer

Category theory concepts appearing in functional programming, part 2

21.08.2019 14:00 Marcel Fourné

Side Channel Attacks and Lazy Evaluation

07.08.2019 14:00 Janis Voigtländer

Category theory concepts appearing in functional programming

  • slides (also for the second part of the talk)
31.07.2019 14:00 Barbara König Introduction to Category Theory, part 2
24.07.2019 14:00 Harsh Beohar tba
17.07.2019 14:00 Barbara König Introduction to Category Theory
10.07.2019 14:00 Ke Wang Exploring Petri net concepts through formalization in Alloy
26.06.2019 14:00 Marcellus Siegburg

A Task Generator for Matching Object Diagrams to Class Diagrams

18.06.2019 09:30 Dennis Nolte Analysis and Abstraction of Graph Transformation Systems via Type Graphs
05.06.2019 14:00 Oliver Westphal

Specifying Teletype Behavior for the Automated Handling of Exercises on Interactive Haskell Programs