Antons, S., Yip., S.W., Lacadie, C.M., Dadashkarimi, J., Scheinost, D., Brand, M., & Potenza, M.N. (in press). Connectome-based prediction of craving in gambling disorder and cocaine use disorder, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.
Brailovskaia, J., Balcerowska, J. M., Precht, L.-M., & Margraf, J. (2023). Positive mental health mediates the association between insomnia symptoms and addictive social media use in Germany and Poland. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, Artikel 107676.
Brailovskaia, J., & Margraf, J. (2023). Less sense of control, more anxiety, and addictive social media use: Cohort trends in German university freshmen between 2019 and 2021. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 4, Article 100088.
Brailovskaia, J., & Margraf, J. (2023). Physical activity mediates the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic smartphone use (PSU) in Germany. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 12, Artikel 100505.
Precht, L.-M., Mertens, F., Brickau, D. S., Kramm, R. J., Margraf, J., Stirnberg, J., & Brailovskaia, J. (2023). Engaging in physical activity instead of (over)using the smartphone: An experimental investigation of lifestyle interventions to prevent problematic smartphone use and to promote mental health. Journal of Public Health. Online-Vorveröffentlichung.
Antons, S., Engel, J., Briken, P., Krüger, T. H. C., Brand, M., & Stark, R. (2022). Treatments and interventions for compulsive sexual behavior disorder with a focus on problematic pornography use: A preregistered systematic review. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 11(3), 643-666.
Brailovskaia, J., Delveaux, J., John, J., Wicker, V., Noveski, A., Kim, S., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2023). Finding the "sweet spot" of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being and healthy lifestyle?! An experimental intervention study. Journal of experimental psychology. Applied, 29(1), 149–161.
Brailovskaia, J., & Margraf, J. (2022). Addictive social media use during Covid-19 outbreak: Validation of the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) and investigation of protective factors in nine countries. Current Psychology. Online-Vorveröffentlichung.
Brailovskaia, J., Meier-Faust, J., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2022). A two-week gaming-abstinence reduces Internet Gaming Disorder and improves mental health: an experimental longitudinal intervention study. Computers in Human Behavior, 134, Artikel 107334.
Brailovskaia, J., Swarlik, V. J., Grethe, G. A., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2022). Experimental longitudinal evidence for causal role of social media use and physical activity in Covid-19 burden and mental health. Journal of Public Health. Advance online publication.
Brandtner, A., Antons, S., King, D. L., Potenza, M. N., Tang, Y. Y., Blycker, G. R., . . . Liebherr, M. (2022). A preregistered, systematic review considering mindfulness-based interventions and neurofeedback for targeting affective and cognitive processes in behavioral addictions. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29(4), 379-392.
Brandtner, A., Antons, S., Liebherr, M., & Brand, M. (2022). How different gaming genres can be described by required skills and motives for playing. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 25(9), 613-619.
Wegmann, E., Antons, S., & Brand, M. (2022). The experience of gratification and compensation in addictive behaviors: How can these experiences be measured systematically within and across disorders due to addictive behaviors? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 117, Artikel 152336.
Antons, S., Brailovskaia, J., Heyder, A., & Liebherr, M. (2021). Affective and cognitive mechanisms of functional media use in children and adolescents: Implications for practitioners, educators, and parents. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021276246
Available from:
Antons, S., & Brand, M. (2021). Diagnostic and classification considerations related to compulsive sexual behavior disorder and problematic pornography use. Current Addiction Reports, 8(3), 452-457.
Brailovskaia, J., Stirnberg, J., Rozgonjuk, D., Margraf, J., & Elhai, J. D. (2021). From low sense of control to problematic smartphone use severity during Covid-19 outbreak: The mediating role of fear of missing out and the moderating role of repetitive negative thinking. PloS one, 16(12), Artikel e0261023.
Antons, S., & Brand, M. (2020). Inhibitory control and problematic internet-pornography use – The important balancing role of the insula. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(1), 58-70.
Antons, S., Brand, M., & Potenza, M. N. (2020). Neurobiology of cue-reactivity, craving, and inhibitory control in non-substance addictive behaviors. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 415, Artikel 116952.
Antons, S., Müller, S. M., Liebherr, M., & Brand, M. (2020). Gaming disorder: How to translate behavioral neuroscience into public health advances. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 7, 267-277.
Brailovskaia, J., Ströse, F., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2020). Less facebook use – More well-being and a healthier lifestyle? An experimental intervention study. Computers in Human Behavior, 108, Artikel 106332.
Heyder, A., Südkamp, A., & Steinmayr, R. (2020). How are teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion related to the social-emotional school experiences of students with and without special educational needs? Learning and Individual Differences, 77, Artikel 101776.
Heyder, A., Weidinger, A. F., Cimpian, A., & Steinmayr, R. (2020). Teachers’ belief that math requires innate ability predicts lower intrinsic motivation among low-achieving students. Learning and Instruction, 65, Artikel 101220.
Liebherr, M., Schubert, P., Antons, S., Montag, C., Brand, M. (2020). Smartphones and attention, curse or blessing? A review on the effects of smartphone usage on attention, inhibition, and working memory. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 1, Artikel 100005.
Antons, S. & Brand, M. (2019). Das I-PACE Modell zur Beschreibung der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von internetbezogenen Störungen und anderen Verhaltenssüchten. Suchttherapie, 20(4), 185-191.
Heyder, A. & Brunner, M. (2018). Teachers’ aptitude beliefs as a predictor of helplessness in low-achieving students: Commonalities and differences between academic domains. Learning and Individual Differences, 62, 118-127.
Steinmayr, R., Heyder, A., Naumburg, C., Michels, J., & Wirthwein, L. (2018). School-related and individual predictors of subjective well-Being and academic achievement. Frontiers in psychology, 9, Artikel 2631.
Kongressbeiträge im Zusammenhang mit Netzwerk
Antons, S., Brailovskaia, J., Heyder, A., & Liebherr, M. (2022, 7.-9. September). Funktionale Nutzung von sozialen Netzwerkseiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Überblick [Kongressbeitrag]. Deutscher Suchtkongress 2022, München, Deutschland.
Brailovskaia, J. (2022, 7.-9. September). Verbessert eine kontrollierte Veränderung der Smartphone-Nutzung die psychische Gesundheit und den Lebensstil?! Eine experimentelle längsschnittliche Intervention [Kongressbeitrag]. Deutscher Suchtkongress 2022, München, Deutschland.
Brailovskaia, J. (2021, 13.-15. Oktober) Führt eine kontrollierte Reduktion der Facebook-Nutzungszeit zur Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheit und einem gesünderen Lebensstil? Eine experimentelle längsschnittliche Untersuchung [Kongressbeitrag]. Deutscher Suchtkongress 2021, online, Deutschland.