Das DFG-Netzwerk "Zeitgeschichte der Türkei" veranstaltet vom 22. bis 24. Juni 2023 in Essen seinen dritten Workshop zur Sozialgeschichte. Das Programm wird in Kürze an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht. Bei Fragen zur Anmeldung zum Workshop (externe Gäste) wenden Sie sich per Mail an Prof. Dr. Berna Pekesen berna.pekesen@uni-due.de

Violence in Turkey (1950s-2000s): Performances, Perpetrators, Victims  

The DFG-Network for Contemporary History of Turkey held its second workshop in May, 26-28, 2022 in Essen. For a conference review by Büşra Arı see:


Fixing the State of Art – Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Contemporary History of Turkey

The DFG- Network for Contemporary History on Turkey held its first workshop on 19th and 20th November 2020. Further meetings will be held in 2021 and 2022. For a conference review by Caner Tekin see:


Lecture/ Webinar: Making Sense of Turkey´s Cold War

Friday 26 March 2021

Time 13:30 – 19:00

Location Online

Turkey’s Cold War history has received only limited attention from scholars. Most studies focus on conventional questions of either diplomacy or governance, sidelining the history of cultural developments, social movements, and transnational dynamics. Addressing these gaps in the literature, this webinar will feature new and original research on how to make sense of Turkey’s “Cold War experience” during the 1950s–’80s.

This webinar is organized by Alp Yenen (Leiden University) and Jan-Markus Vömel (University of Konstanz).

Presentations by Nadav Solomonovich (University of Haifa), Hüseyin Çiçek (University of Vienna), Çimen Günay-Erkol (Özyeğin University), Sevil Çakır Kılınçoğlu (University of Göttingen), Zeynep Bursa-Millet (CETOBaC/EHESS Paris), Cangül Örnek (Maltepe University), and Eldad Ben Aharon (Leiden University).

This webinar is connected with Leiden University´s Turkish Studies, DFG- Research Network on Contemporary History of Turkey, and Turkey Studies Network in the Low Countries

For further information see:



DFG-Netzwerk „Zeitgeschichte der Türkei“

Hier finden Sie unser Workshop-Programm (aktualisiert).